Chapter 41

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'Keep your eyes closed Chez.' I giggled as I carefully guided Cheryl out the front door and locking up. 

'Babe, I can't seeeeeee.' Cheryl squealed.

'Well yeah. You do have your eyes closed.'

Cheryl tried to backhand me jokingly but failed miserably. I took hold of both of her hands and walked her to near the surprise. 

'Open your eyes gorgeous.' 

When Cheryl finally opened her bbrown orbs, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. In front of her was a 1950's old style Rolls Royce convertable. The interior was an old brown leather and the steering wheel was wide and thin. The outside of the retro vehicle was a silver with a black soft top roof. The tyres were small but had silver spoke wheels. 

'Don't get too excited. It's only hired but I knew how much you really like the older films and when I saw I could hire this thing, I knew it would be great.'

'Jus' shut up and kiss us yous romantic little sod!' 

After a good old smooch, I opened the passenger door and waited for my very own princess to hop in before closing it and getting into the drivers seat.

We had been driving for about half an hour and nothing was said. 

'Oh shit babe! I forgot me jacket!' 

'You'd forget your head if it wasn't screwed on Chez!' I rolled my eyes before asking 'Are you cold?' 

Cheryl gave out an innocent giggle. 'Not yet babe, but I might be later.'  

'I'm sure I can sort something out for later.' I smiled.

Cheryl stroked my leg as I stopped at some traffic lights. 'Yous alright Nic? Yas seem a bit on edge?' 

'I just hope you like where I'm taking you. It used a lot of my imagination and if you don't enjoy tonight, I'll look like an idiot.' I explained setting off again. 

'Babe, if tonight is spent with yous and only yous, then I'll enjoy every second, no matter where we are. I promise.' 

When we pulled up at the secret place. Cheryl looked confused. 'I know I said I'd enjoy it no matter where we are. But why have we jus' pulled up on some gravel?' 

I didn't say anything, I just sat smirking slightly. 

'Are we gunna get out now or?' Cheryl added. 

'Nope.' I smiled as I wound her seat back to a more comfortable position. 'Just wait a couple of minutes and you'll understand.'

When those couple of minutes had passed. A massive screen that neither of us could see before was lit up and more cars were pulling up. The screen was counting down ten minutes. 

'Here's what we're here for.' I glanced at Cheryl nervously

'Is this what I think it is?'  The geordie questioned.

'Well what do you think it is?' 

'Drive in pictures?' 

'Yep.' I smiled gently and before I knew it the blonde bombshell was all over me kissing every possible area of my face. 

'I love it, love it, love it! I've always wanted to do this!' Cheryl started to go so high pitched, I thought dogs were going to surround the car.

'Shall I go grab us something to eat before the film starts?' I suggested.

'Yeah okay. What film are we seeing?' 

'You'll have to wait and see. You only have eight minutes and thirty four seconds to go.' I winked before leaving the car. 

I ordered two hot dogs covered in ketchup, a big box of popcorn to share and two large cokes. When I got back to the hired Rolls Royce, I saw Cheryl's face light up like a little girl at christmas. The geordie opened the door from the inside forr me as I got in and handed her a hot dog. 

'Yous gunna get us fat!' 

'Chez you could never be fat, but just in case you do, I'd still love you anyway.' I giggled through my straw. 

'Aw! You're way too cute!' 

'And cheesy.' I added. 

Tucking into the hot dog, I found some of the ketchup had dropped onto my hand so I dotted it on the tip of Cheryl's nose.

WHAT THE?' Cheryl tried to be mad before she could see I was near enough wetting myself. In return the geordie got even more ketchup and wiped it across my lips. 

'Eyy now you've got to kiss that off.' I winked. 

'Not a problem.' The geordie said innocently even though I knew she had something else in mind because she was biting her lip seductively. 

'Not here!' I told her sternly pointing in her face. 

'It's rude ta point.' She whispered even more seductively whilst wrapping her hand around my finger and pushed it down. 'At least let us kiss that ketchup off like you told us to?'

Before I could either approve or refuse, her lips were glued to mine and her hands were wrapped around my neck as her warm lips enticed me closer to her. I still couldn't believe that Cheryl Cole was my girlfriend and I couldn't believe that out of  anyone in the whole world, she could want me. I wasn't complaining though. Her lips were always so gentle and her kisses always meant something. 'I pray you don't let go.' I heard her whisper so delicately. 

'I won't be going anywhere baby.' 

Our lips were seperated by an interuption from the big screen. A deep voice played out. 'Sit tight as the film is ready to play. Tonight's special is 'Dirty Dancing'. Enjoy!' 

'Babe, it's me favourite film!'

'I know. It's only playing tonight. That's why it was important that we came tonight.' I grinned.

'Can tonight get much better?' 

I failed to answer that but just smiled. I grabbed a blanket from behind Cheryl's seat. We snuggled down with the blanket over us and my arm wrapped around her shoulders. The blonde rested her head on my shoulder as we shared popcorn and kisses. 

'Babe?' Cheryl gently whispered.

'Hmm?' I answered.

'I'm gettin' a little cold. This is why I shoulda brought me jacket.' 

Without another word, I bolted up straight and unzipped my leather jacket. 'Sit up?'

'Babe no, you'll be freezin'!' 

'Up.. Now?' 

Cheryl did as I instructed as I helped her put the jacket around her shoulders before snuggling back down and enjoying the rest of the film. 

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