Chapter 68

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I had spent the rest of that afternoon at least trying to come up with some ideas. I didn't know too much about The Vamps but I did know that they were a fun group and the fandom that they had were mostly female teenagers. Pretty soon, I had come up with a chorus that I thought would fit them quite well.

Then I heard the front door go. I knew it would be Cheryl. I looked up at the clock and realised she had strolled in two hours later than she said she was going to be. I knew that meetings run later than expected and the traffic in London was a lot worse than what I was used to back in Hull but I couldn't help but feel bad that I didn't even notice the time go by and anything could have happened to her. 

'Babe? I heard Chez shout as I wasn't in the lounge where I usually was when she left me for work. 

'Nic? Baby? Where are you? I'm home.'A now worried Cheryl was shouting across the hall.

I saw the Geordie leave the games room as I opened the office door. Within seconds, the beauty ran into my arms and clung onto my neck. 

'Babe? Are you okay? What's gone on?' I questioned Cheryl as I wrapped my arms around her fragile body. 

'I'm so stressed and I've done something that you're going to hate me for.' I heard Cheryl now lightly sob. 

'Woah, hold on Chez, I could never hate you. Come on, let's get you sat down. 

A minute or two later, we were sat in my office, slouched and cuddled up in a jumbo beanbag. I wiped the tears away from Cheryl's face. I waited for the blonde to feel ready to talk to me. She took one long look at my sympathetic expression upon my face and it wasn't long before she started to spill.

'I told them.' 

'Told who? About what?

'The press.' Cheryl mumbled quietly. 

'You're confusing me babe, I'm worried.. What did you tell them?' 

'I told the press that we were together. I was sick of them pushing me and asking if I was ever going back to Ashley. I know it upsets you when you hear it all the time. But now we're going to get hassled all night and everybody will know by the morning. I'm sorry Nic. I should have spoken to you first, I know.' 

 After Cheryl had spoken softly, more tears spilled from her eyes. My heart felt broken. How could anyone do this to such a perfect woman? She was always torn about what she should do. All I knew was that I would only stick by her more. If only she would get to know that. 

'Cheryl, I'm not mad at all. I wanted people to know but I wasn't ever going to push you. You had to be ready.' I smiled widely as I kissed her head. 

'You promise you're not mad?' 

'I promise I'm not mad. You promise you're ready?' 

'I promise. More than ever.' The lady smiled through her tears. 'What's all this?' She added when she soon saw the evidence that I was working on something new. 

'I had a phone call today off a singer. He wanted me to help him and his band mates write a new song.'

'Who who who?' Cheryl wiped her own tears before I could get chance to. Her eyes now glistened with excitement. I was overwhelmed with how much enthusiasm Cheryl had for my talent and my new career. 

'Why don't you guess?' I giggled. 'You know a guy called me and he is in a band.'

'Luke from 5 Seconds Of Summer?' Chez blurted out and I shook my head, leaving her to guess again. 

'Harry from One Direction.' Again, I shook my head. 

'Don't do this to me, please tell me.' Cheryl now begged. 

'Okay, okay. Brad. Brad from The Vamps.'

'Oh my god! That's crazy Nic. I can't believe it! You're going to become famous overnight!' 

'I know, thanks to you and your blabber mouth, I'll be talk of the town by the morning.' I rolled my eyes sarcastically. 

'Eyy! That's not very nice!' Cheryl frowned before she picked up a ball of paper and threw it at my face. 

'Well that wasn't very nice either.' I tackled Cheryl into the beanbag and tickled her sides until she screamed hysterically and cried with laughter. 

'That's the only type of crying I want to see from you.' I smiled proudly that I could make this woman cry with happiness. 

'I love you.' She whispered as she puckered up to kiss me. 

'I love you too baby.' 

'Now that we have made up, could I possibly hear what you got already?' 

'No no no... not a chance.' I got up off her and started to hide the writing, that I was focused on not so long ago. 

'Aw come on. You know I'm you're biggest fan.' 

After a grouling half an hour and a very cute Cheryl pleading me with all her heart, I reluctantly gave in and we switched from the office to her studio. The blonde sat comfortably as I had got myself the guitar and got into my usual position. 

'I only have the first verse and the chorus...' I mumbled trying to get myself out of the pickle I had got myself into. 

'I don't mind. Jut sing what you have baby? I love hearing your voice.'

Reluctantly. I cleared my throat, struck a few chords and started to sing. 

I hold my hands up high
And throw my glass into the sky.
But when the morning comes,
We'll never see the sun.

And if the walls close in
Then let's just start it all again.
That's when the evening comes
Oh, yeah, the evening comes.

Whoa, oh oh oh oh oh
No we're not going home tonight
Waiting up for the stars to shine
And we'll do it, and we'll do it, and we'll do it again.

Wake up in the morning
With the sunlight in my eyes,
No, my head don't feel so bright,
What the hell happened last night?
Yeah, last night think we were dancing,
Singing all our favorite songs.
Think I might have kissed someone.
And if tomorrow never comes
We had last night.

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