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The next day Brenna made her way to John B's house, excited to hear about what the pogues had found the night before.

She found the group spread out on the boy's dock messing with something in the water.

"Hello!" Brenna cheered walking down the dock, finding JJ and Pope staring a screen.

"What we got here?" she asked squatting down next to Pope.

"An ROV to help us find the wreck," Pope explained, focused on the screen.

"A what?" Brenna questioned the brainiac.

"Don't get him started," JJ begged, having already heard it explained six times.

John B, who still floated in the water, and JJ started talking about a plan of what to do with the money once they got it, as Kiara pulled herself up the latter and onto the dock.

"Hey," Brenna smiled handing her a towel that had been draped over the wooden structure.

"Why was Rafe Cameron's car at your house today?" Kiara asked bluntly as she dried herself off.

"Not sure, probably business with my Uncles," Brenna shrugged, she wasn't going to tell her they slept together last night and that he'd spent the night or that they had done the deed just a few hours ago, even though the marks under her shirt gave it away.

"Gross," Kiara gagged.

"I've got a lawyer we could use," Brenna offered, joining the boy's conversation, turning away from Kie.

"Why the hell do you have a lawyer?" Pope questioned.

"She's a kook," JJ shrugged, Brenna glared at the blonde boy.

"So I can not be found when I kill you," Brenna joked.

The group all separated for the afternoon after plotting up ideas, all having their own jobs to attend to.


"Hi, what can I-," Brenna stopped mid sentence looking up, "Rafe?"

"Surprised to see me?" the boy said cockily.

"Yeah because this isn't a five star restaurant," Brenna leaned forward on the counter.

"Well, I wanted you to come join us at the club?"

"Can't you see I'm working?"

"Brenna! Go with the boy! I've got it covered here," Freddie said a few feet away as he stocked up the cups. Brenna swung her head towards her Uncle.


"Come here," Freddie pulled the girl into the back.

"Go hang out with him, it'll help make a good impression on Ward and the community for us, we need this," Freddie begged.

"What about what I want to do?" the girl stood with her hands on her hips.

"And you want to stay here and work all day?" her uncle mocked her actions.

"No, I want to go surfing not play dress up with a bunch of snobs," Brenna groaned.

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