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"Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland," Sarah  sighed a while later when they pulled up to Barry's house.

"This isn't a good idea, JJ," Brenna warned, she had been here a few times with Rafe and just sitting outside made her stomach uneasy.

"I don't know about this, man," Pope sighed.

When JJ said nothing Pope and Brenna shared a look of worry.

"Dude why are we at Barry's?" John B groaned as JJ put the car in park.

"This'll only take a second," JJ commented, turning off the car and quickly getting out.

"Where you going?" John B called after his best friend.

"Yo soy justicia," JJ replied. Brenna looked over at Kiara and Pope with confused look as they watched JJ enter the home from the now open van door.

"Someone should probably, uh," Brenna started.

"Yeah, I got it," John B nodded opening his door.

Brenna nodded as John B walked away.

"God, I'm so dead," Brenna sighed leaning against the van now while the other four teens waited for JJ and John B.

"Why?" Kiara questioned.

"Freddie added on another week of grounding when he found me sneaking in last night," Brenna sighed, "And uhm according to my calculations I've been getting ice from Heyward's for four hours now"

"Sorry," Kiara sighed, reaching over to
hold her hand.

"All right," JJ announced exiting the house a few minutes later, "So we're looking at five grand each for putting us through that bullshit"

JJ held multiple stacks of cash in his hands. Everyone was standing outside of the van waiting.

"So that's what we're doing now?" Kiara stepped forward, "We're robbing drug dealers?"

"This Barry guy's gonna find out," Sarah voiced her own concerns.

"He's gonna come after us," Brenna added stepping forward, arms crossed over her chest now standing in line with the other two girls.

"Yes, he will," Pope agreed, "This is not the time to start wilin' out"

"How'd you guys like havin' a gun pulled on you?" JJ questioned the whole group, looking at everyone.

"Relax," John B stepped up to JJ.

"He had it right here on you, bro," JJ held his hand to John B's head.

"Look," John B started, "We've gotta go get the gold, okay?"

"Just give me that shit," John B grabbed for the cash, "We're putting it back"

JJ roughly pushed John B back against the side of the van, making Brenna and Sarah slightly jump at the crunching metal.

"Do you feel like a tough guy? Huh?" John B questioned JJ, "What are you gonna do when he comes for us?"

"We punch him in the throat," JJ spat back, the two boys right in each other's faces.

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