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The next morning they drove the final stretch to the Limbrey's house.

Kiara was giving them all a history lesson on Limbrey, no one was really paying attention as she talked, their eyes focused on the new surroundings.

"These kooks make our kooks look like pogues," JJ said looking out at the large houses they drove by.

"Are you sure about this, Pope?" Brenna asked, all four looking at the house that Pope stopped in front of.

He just shrugged as he got out of the car.

"Alrighty then," Brenna sighed, slipping out of the car, the four making their way up to the front gates.

"Talk about home security," JJ observed the huge black gates splitting the property from the street, "Are those spikes to keep people out?"

"No," Kiara softly shook her head.

"Slave quarters are over there," Pope gestured to the other side of the property, "These spikes were to keep people in"

Those words sent a chill down Brenna's spine as they pushed through the gates and up to the door.

Pope used the metal door knocker, the sound echoing even outside of the house, "You think that was too much?"

"A wee bit," Brenna scrunched her nose.

"Defiantly echoed," JJ nodded.

Right as Pope went to knock again the door opened, revealing a rough looking man, he looked at all of them, stoping at Pope.

"You must be Pope," he pointed at him.

"Um..." Pope looked at JJ, "Are you Mr. Limbrey?"

"Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday," his voice was deep and jagged, he stood in the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my car broke down on the way up here," Pope rambled in true Pope style.

"Carburetor blew un in the middle of Nowheresville," JJ added, "Sorry about that"

"Yeah she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up"

"We tried to call," Kiara started.

"Theres no number on the invitation, though," Brenna stated.

"She also expected you to come alone"

"I mean, these are my friends, they helped find the Royal Merchant too," Pope defend his actions.

"The instructions were explicit. Your friends can stay outside," the guy ordered.

Brenna wanted to punch this guy in the face.

"We're kind of a package deal, man," JJ tried to persuade him.

"JJ, it's okay, I got this," Pope looked over at the blonde, he turned to the girls, "I'll be good"

Brenna nodded.

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