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The six teens spent the whole ride home updating each other on their missed adventures, John B and Sarah talking about their adventures in the Bahamas,  JJ, Brenna, Kiara and Pope ranting about the things going on in the OBX.

More than anything they were all just happy to be back together, teasing each other, smiling, laughing.

It was finally night fall and John B was at the wheel, everyone else asleep besides Brenna.

"So what really happened?" he asked, glancing over at her as she sat on the floor beside him, looking out at the water, knees to her chest.

"Hm?" she looked up at him over her shoulder.

"You and Kie, what's up?"

"She hates me," Brenna sighed, turning back to the water, resting her chin on her knee.

"That's so not true"

"It's just," she sighed, twisting herself around to see her brother better, looking up at him, "I shut down after you guys...ya know died, I didn't talk to any of them"

She paused, looking down.

"I tried to apologize but she didn't want to fix it and then the other night she tried to make a move but now I don't know if it's what I want anymore," Brenna rambled, standing up.

"Please tell me you're not thinking about Rafe again?"

"Hell no! I'm not that stupid!" she laughed, she paused, "Anymore"

"Good," he chuckled.

"Just please don't ever, ever, ever die on me again!" she stood beside him.

"I won't," he wrapped his arm around her, giving her a squeeze, "Get some sleep"

She nodded, walking off to the back, finding a spot between Sarah and Pope on the floor to get some shut eye.

The next morning, they found a random dock to stop at.

"Anybody else starving? We need to grab some sort of breakfast," JJ said sleepily.

"I think theres an IHOP up stream," Brenna teased, pointing ahead of them, earning a small laugh from Sarah and John B.

"We'll go find food," Sarah said as Pope helped the three girls off the boat.

After wondering for a while, Kiara held up a watermelon, "Jackpot!"

"Now we gotta break that shit open," Brenna smiled.

The girls found some random piece of metal to help wack the melon open before they all sat around on an old bench eating, Brenna in front of the girls in the grass.

"Okay, so you really got married?" Kiara furrowed her brows at Sarah.

"You've got to be joking," Brenna reached for another piece of watermelon from Sarah's lap.

"It wasn't exactly legal, but," Sarah titled her head and pushed her shoulders up, smiling, "Yeah"

"So you're my sister in law," Brenna winked, popping a piece of watermelon in her mouth, making both girls giggle.

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