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"Who are you calling?" Brenna asked, her breaths still heavy, looking over at Pope.

"Kie," he said into the phone, also answering Brenna's question, you could hear the pain in his voice, "We're in trouble"

Brenna only could hear his side of the conversation and a muffled Kiara saying words she couldn't make out, her head pounding from basically just being concussed.

"Rafe, he has the cross," Pope winced, trying to sit up, "I need you to come get us"

Pope put the phone on speaker, dropping his hand to his lap.

"Us? Who's us?" Kiara's voice escaped the phone's speaker.

"Kie, it's me, please come get us," Brenna spoke up, picking up the phone, "Pope's way worse then me, just please"

"This is really bad timing," Kiara sighed.

"Kie, please," Brenna begged.

There was silence for a minute.

"Fine, fine, where are you?"  

"The swamp past Angel Oak. Hurry, please," Brenna rushed out the words.

"On my way," Kiara sighed, hanging up the phone.

"Should we try walking?" Brenna started to stand up.

"Yeah," Pope huffed, slowly starting to get up.

"Come one," Brenna grunted, helping him up. They started to walk towards the end of the road, the sun rising around them, Pope leaning on Brenna for help.

"Wait," Pope pulled his body from hers, the sun now up in the sky.

"Where are you going?" she asked watching him limp away and then fall to the ground.

"Collecting something that's ours," he said digging up the gun JJ had dropped there days ago.

Brenna nodded approvingly before following Pope back towards the end of the street, where Kiara was pulling up.

"Well good morning," Kiara said slightly sarcastically as Brenna slid into the front seat, Pope into the back seat.

Kiara's eyes scanned over both of her friends, the girl covered in mud, nose red from hitting the truck, the boy covered in mud head to toe, holding his probably bruised ribs, and other slowly forming bruises on his face.

"Thank you," Brenna sighed looking over at Kiara.

"Of course," Kiara shrugged driving off.

"What the hell happened?" Kiara asked, glancing over at Brenna who was digging for napkins in the glove box to try to help clean up both Pope and her own injuries.

"You're not going to believe any of it," Pope spoke up from the back seat, "But I think Ren has a career in acting ahead of her," he chuckled. Brenna standing her head in response.

Brenna explained the part of her and Sarah trying to get into the truck and then her ride to the middle of no where.

Pope explained what happened while the girls were gone and how he jumped onto the truck and the whole fight with Rafe.

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