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"So here's the plan. We need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark's letter," John B said to the group who all were grouped together.

"Okay, like, what kind of water? Like, pond water?" Pope asked.

"Bong water?" JJ questioned. Kiara and Pope looked at the blonde with looks that just said 'why'.

Brenna hit his arm, "No!"

"It just said look for water, okay?" John B shrugged, slightly annoyed.

"That's the shittiest secret message ever," Kiara added to the end of the conversion, obviously still annoyed about the Sarah situation.

"You wanna complain a little more, Kie?" John B questioned the girl, announce woven in his own voice, "Nobody said it was gonna be easy"

Kiara rolled her eyes and started to walk away, gently pulling Brenna with her to go search part of the property.

"Kie?" Brenna whispered.

"Mhm?" Kiara mumbled from in front of the girl.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine"

"You sure?"

Kiara stopped in her tracks turning to look at the girl, "I know you are like friends with Sarah or whatever but she's not a good person, she's a backstabber, I just don't want her part of this"

"But John B said she's not apart of this"

"John B says a lot of things he doesn't mean," Kiara mumbled as she turned back around continuing to search.

After searching their half of the property the girls met the boys half way, where John B had found a door that went under the house.

"Yeah, this seems smart," Brenna sighed following everyone under the house.

JJ started singing some made up song about there being blood and heads everywhere.

"This is really not the time, JJ," Brenna groaned a few steps behind him, a flashlight in hand as she scanned a random part of the basement.

"See any water?" Kiara asked the group while all five spread out in search of water.

"Another dead end?" Kiara questions, swatting away a bug.

"Shit," Brenna hit her arm as a bug bit her.

"There's not even water on the pipes," JJ wiped the pipes, not a drop of water touching his skin.

"There's no water here," Pope sighed.

"Not a drop," Brenna sighed coming out of a corner of the basement, walking towards the center where the other four stood.

"Know why we didn't find it?" Kiara started with a tone of announce, looking right at John B, "Bad karma"

"Oh, God. Here we go," John B rolled his eyes, pushing his hair out his face.

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