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Back at the chateau that night, Kiara and Brenna laid on the old couch on the patio, the boys and Sarah inside, Brenna laying on top of Kiara, who's fingers traced lines up and down the brunette's arm.

Brenna's mind was racing from the days events but she tried to focus on Kiara's heart beat playing in her ear, and the water in the distance but the worried thoughts kept fighting their way forward.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this," Brenna said, not wanting to look at Kiara.

"Do what?" Kiara asked worried, she stopped moving her hand, she had started to relay on Brenna so much, she was almost like her life support at this point, she couldn't loose her again.

"Hey," Brenna said softly, almost reading her girlfriend's mind, moving to see Kiara's face, "The treasure hunt, I could do this all day long," she gave her a soft smile, which Kiara returned.

"I wish we could just go do something and not worry about a psycho coming to kill us or my brother being in jail," Brenna sat up, straddling Kiara's lap so she could still see her, Kiara let her hands rest on Brenna's thighs

"Like I want to just lay here and kiss you for hours without being worried about anything, I want to just sit here and get high with you, I want to spend hours surfing with you, I want us to go on an actual fucking date!" Brenna kept ranting.

"How about this?" Kiara sat up on her elbows, looking right at Brenna, "Once this is all over the first thing we'll do is get dressed up, take the ferry to the mainland and go to a really fancy dinner"

Brenna smiled at the thought of them both dressed up, in her mind Kiara was in a sage green pant suit while she wore a long white silk slip dress, the two of them holding hands across the dinner table while they talked about who knows what.

"Are you suggesting we...we embrace our kook lives?" Brenna dramatically put her hand to her chest, "I think we might need a doctor"

Kiara rolled her eyes at her with a smile.

"Promise?" Brenna asked, looking down at Kiara with a smile.

"Promise," Kiara held up her pinkie, Brenna wrapped her pinkie around hers, the two shared a quick kiss over their hands to seal the deal.

Brenna started to pull away before Kiara pulled her back down to her, kissing her again but with more lust this time, she was trying to distract her own mind and Brenna's.

"I'm gonna testify under oath, I was there," Sarah shrugged, leaning against the wood railing of the patio the next morning, "I just need to get a hold of my sister"

"Sister?" JJ said skeptically.

"Ren, do you have your phone?" she looked over at the girl laying on the old couch across from her, "Wheezie is the only other person that knows Rafe wasn't home that day"

Brenna slipped her phone out of the pocket of her jeans, holding it out for Sarah as she walked over to grab it.

"Wheezie?" JJ questioned.

"I don't know what else to do," Sarah sighed, "I got us into this mess, I'm gonna do my best get us out," she walked away to go talk to her sister.

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