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The four waited in the car for a while longer, waiting for the sun to set before making the next move.

"Should I do an accent?" Kiara asked her phone in hand.

"Defiantly disguise your voice," Pope agreed.

"How would you like me to talk?" Kiara asked in a british accent, making Brenna laugh, JJ and Pope both looking at her disapprovingly.

"Not like that," JJ shook his head.

"No," Pope shot down the voice, "Batman"

"Batman," Kiara lowered her voice.

"Stop," Brenna laughed.

"Spot on, let's do it," JJ smiled.

"This isn't gonna end well," Brenna leaned her head against the window as Kiara made the the call.

"Hello," Kiara said trying to keep her voice low, "I can't," she looked at the group.

"Just talk!" Pope whispered.

"Hello?" Gavin's voice boomed through the phone.

"Is Gavin there?" Kiara asked.

"This is Gavin, who's this? Hello?"

"I know what happened on the tarmac"

"Um who's this?"

"It was Rafe Cameron. But you already knew that and you lied about it"

Brenna leaned forward, listening, chewing on her nails.

"Okay who is this?"

"We're gonna prove it"

"You're gonna tell me who this is now"

"You could have saved her Gavin! And you didn't!"

"And you're not getting away with this"

"Listen to me! Who is this?"

Kiara hung up the phone.

"How was that?" Kiara asked.

Pope nodded.

"Yeah I was scared," JJ complimented her.

"All right, we tickled the wire, what's next brainiac?" Brenna asked looking at Pope.

"We wait and listen," Pope shrugged.

"Guys I really gotta get home soon, my uncles are gonna kill me," Brenna warned after they waited a while longer, she had promised Freddie she'd be back at the Twisted Mango hours ago.

"You'll be fine," Kiara rolled her eyes.

Pope and JJ shared a look as Brenna crossed her arms over her chest, sliding down in the seat a bit, staring out the window.

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