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"Uh, can you put this on Cameron, Ward?" Rafe asked the waitress as he ordered more drinks for everyone, even Brenna to her surprise.

They had been playing corn hole for who knows how long now, mainly the boys talking, Brenna just there to please her Uncles.

"Hey, bro," Kelce started, "You think you-know-who, they're scronking yet?"

Kelce made a slapping noise with his hands.

Brenna rolled her eyes, "Grow up," she scoffed.

Kelce kept teasing Topper as Brenna walked away from the two, towards Rafe.

"Are you okay?" Brenna asked him, quietly so his friends didn't hear, even though they were too busy in their own conversation to pay attention.

"I'm fine," he tried to play it off.

"How's your wrist?" she asked, arms crossed over her chest.


"Rafe, talk to me, are you okay? Are you back home?" she kept questioning him.

"I said, I'm fine, Brenna," he spat at her before pushing past her.

"This joke's on her. Look who she's with!" Rafe joined the other two teen boys conversation.

Brenna rolled her eyes, her arms still crossed over her chest.

The sound of tires coming to a halt made all four teens turn to look at the front gate.

"Who's that?" Kelce questioned.

"Rafe Cameron!" someone called out from beyond the gate.

"Fuck," Brenna mumbled under her breath, turning away, hoping Barry didn't see her.

"Shit," Rafe mumbled, wiping his hand over his face when he saw Barry.

"Get over here!" Barry called out starting to walk towards the country clubs gate.

Rafe jogged towards Barry, not wanting him to cause a scene.

Brenna stayed trying to hide, now behind Kelce and Topper, who blocked her from the eyesight of Barry, she wanted to hear what they were talking about.

"Are you supposed to be here, sir?" the security guard asked Barry.

"Yeah, I believe so," Barry shrugged, anger in his voice.

Kelce and Topper picked up their pace following Rafe now pass the gates of the country club. Brenna stopped at the guards chair hoping to be hidden behind it.

"Hey, what are you doing, man? You good?" Rafe asked Barry pushing him away from the guard.

"No, I ain't good, man," Barry sighed.

"All right, what," Rafe started before Barry cut him off.

"Why's your family think I'm just some bitch they can shit on?" Barry started, "First your dad kneecaps me in my house"

In Between // OBX (K.C)Where stories live. Discover now