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The next day Brenna got up for school, got ready, leaving an note for Sarah:

i'm at school, help yourself to anything in the kitchen, text me if you need anything
- ren
don't forget about the bonfire

The school day flew by, just your typical school day, expect for the part where Kiara scared the shit out of Brenna after third period.

She pulled her by the arm into a janitors closet, making the brunette squeal as the door shut behind her.

"Jesus Kie!" Brenna pushed her chest, "You scared me!"

"Sorry," Kiara smiled, "I just wanted to get you alone"

"Yeah, real hot," Brenna looked around the room, "A janitors closet"

"Shut up," Kiara smirked, her hand on Brenna's cheek, thumb rubbing her skin as she kissed her, the other hand on her hip, pulling her close, Brenna couldn't help but melt into her.

"Kie, class," Brenna mumbled between kisses.

"I have a free period"

"I don't!"


"Kie," Brenna put her hands on Kiara's neck, lightly pushing her back, "It's geometry, I'm already failing it and its only week two"

"Fine," Kiara sighed, letting her arms drop from Brenna's face, "Go," she gestured to the door.

"Love you," Brenna smiled, kissing her cheek before hurrying out of the janitors closet to class.

After school Brenna headed back to her place, finding Sarah sitting in her bedroom still.

"Hey, did you do anything while I was gone?" Brenna's words fading out as she set her bag down looking around the room, "Woah"

Her eyes scanned over the floor, you could actually see the floor, there was only one box left in the corner.

All of her clothes were hung up in her closet or folded into drawers, her book shelf was full of books and nicknacs now, the room looked like a room, not a storage unit.

"Sorry, I just thought I'd help, it was a nice distraction too, I swear I didn't dig either," Sarah rambled, pushing herself off the floor.

"No, Sarah, oh my gosh, thank you!" Brenna hugged the blonde.

"I needed the distraction," Sarah smiled hugging her back.

"So the the bonfire?" Brenna asked hesitantly, hands on her shoulders as she leaned back so she could see her.

"I'll go," Sarah nodded.

"Feel free to raid my closet," Brenna smiled stepping away to do homework for a while before getting ready for the bonfire.

She kept on the same mom jeans and burnt orange long sleeve shirt she had worn to school, her tennis shoes on her feet.

"Ready?" Brenna peaking into the open bathroom door where Sarah was brushing her hair.

"Yeah," she set down the brush.

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