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"You good?" Brenna asked JJ quietly as he drove away from the Cameron's.

"Was gonna ask you the same thing," JJ chuckled quietly.

"I'm good," she gave him a side hug before turning to sit with Kiara.

"Hey," she said quietly.

"Hi," Kiara gave her a weak smile.

"You know he's just stressed, he didn't mean it," Brenna said.

"Still hurts," Kiara hugged her legs closer to her.

"I know," Brenna sighed.

JJ dropped off Pope before taking the girls and himself back to the chateau where the three stayed the night.

"Shit, is that clock right?" Brenna asked, half asleep on the couch, pointing at the one hanging on the wall of the chateau.

"Who knows," Kiara shrugged, rolling back over.

"I gotta run back home, I'll be back in a few hours," Brenna said getting up, placing a kiss on Kiara's forehead before rushing out of the house.

Brenna made her way back across the island, in her car which had still been out front of the chateau.

"Wheezie?" Brenna called out her open window, the short brunette stoped walking and waved at the teen.

"You want a ride?" Brenna offered.

"Sure," Wheezie shrugged.

"Hop in kid," Brenna unlocked her car doors as Wheezie made her way around the car.

"What were you up to?" Brenna asked once the younger girl got in the car.

"Had to bring my brother something"

"Where's he staying?" Brenna asked genuinely curious, as she drove towards the Cameron's.

"Shouldn't you know?" Wheezie furrowed her brows.

"Why would I know?"

"Are you guys like dating?"

"Not anymore," Brenna shook her head.

"Oh, well he's at the Glisson's, they're out for the summer so he's crashing there," Wheezie spilled more then she should of.

"He seem okay?" Brenna asked.

"Who knows, it's Rafe, is he ever okay?" Wheezie rolled her eyes.

"You got me on that one," Brenna nodded, finally pulling up to the younger girls house.

"Thanks for the ride," Wheezie said as she hopped out of the car.

"Any time! Tell Sarah to come find me later?" Brenna asked.

Wheezie just nodded.

Brenna drove back to her house to shower and quickly headed to work, hoping her Uncles wouldn't realize she was an hour late.

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