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Brenna started to get on her bike after the never ending school day.

"Ren c'mon," Pope called to her as Kiara, JJ and he walked by, "We'll ride together"

"Uhm," she looked at Kiara for approval.

Kiara shrugged, a look of not caring on her face. JJ and Pope looked between the two, both realizing what was going on.

"I'll just meet y'all there," Brenna said pulling her bike from its resting spot.

"Seriously, Ren just get in," JJ messed with the bill of his hat, he didn't want to deal with anymore drama.

"JJ, drop it, I'll meet you there," Brenna looked over at him as she now sat on her bike. JJ shook his head turning away and heading towards Kiara's car.

The group met back up at the Wreck, Brenna left her bike in front of her own families shop, the Twisted Mango, before heading inside of the Carrera's restaurant.

"Brenna!" Kiara's dad cheered when he saw her.

"Are they here?" she asked, knowing he'd know who she was talking about.

"They just went out back," Kiara's mom smiled.

"Thank you," Brenna said quietly before rushing out the back doors.

"There she is!" JJ smiled, with his arms open to the sky, making Brenna giggle as she made her way over to them, Kiara glaring at JJ with confusion.

"So what's the plan?" Brenna asked setting her bag down and sitting on the wooden bench, crossing her legs, looking over at Pope and Kiara.

"I say we kidnap Rafe," JJ started, standing in front of the other three teens.

Brenna scrunched up her face.

"I'm sorry, what?" Pope looked at the blonde.

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth," JJ explained, using his hands for visuals, Brenna rolled her eyes, "And just wait til he starts squawking"

"You know torture's a war crime?" Kiara shot down his plan.

"It's also just like a really really bad idea," Brenna added.

"Yeah, and how exactly do you plan to clear John B's name from a prison cell?" Pope said as JJ took a seat on the back of the wooden bench beside Brenna.

"All right then what you got Pope?" JJ asked.

"Uhm I could try talking to Rafe, I can record the conversation and hope he spills something?" Brenna offered. The two had history, she knew he'd, hopefully, listen to her.

"That could work," Kiara shrugged, JJ glared over at the curly hair girl.

"We're not sending you to a murder's house alone," JJ shook his head.

"Okay but using a wire could work," Pope started plotting, "All we need is material witness, we saw Wards plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside it! He didn't fly it, if somebody else flew it, they were on the tarmac, they saw Peterkin get murdered," Pope looked around at his friends, everyone listening intently.

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