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"Ren!" Kiara ran into the Twisted Mango the next morning, breathing heavy from running down the street from Heyward's shop.

"Is everything okay?" Brenna asked rushing up to her from the table she had just cleaned.

"JJ," Kiara said between breaths, trying to catch it, "Arrested"

"What! Why?" Brenna questioned, reaching over the counter to grab a water for the girl in front of her.

"He and Pope sunk Topper's boat," she explained starting to breath normally again.


"I don't know, haven't gotten all the details, but J took the fall for Pope"

"Do we need to go save him? I can write a check," Brenna offered, handing her the water bottle.

"There's nothing we can do right now," Kiara shrugged, thanking her for the water before twisting off the cap and drinking some.

"Oh my god," Brenna shook her head, connecting the dots, this is what the fight was about.

"It's JJ, he'll be fine," Kiara said, more so to reassure herself.

Brenna sighed.

"Just wanted to update you, but I'll see you later," Kiara hugged the girl.

Hours later Brenna stood in front of her mirror, smoothing down the bright shiny orange silk material of her dress over her stomach.

"Ugh," Brenna groaned to herself as she turned around to grab the gold shell necklace from her desk, she needed her mother more than anything right now.

Dealing with this treasure hunt, having feelings for two people, who were total opposites in every sense of the word, and just life as a teenager was too much for her to take.

"Need help?" a deep voice rang from the doorway, as Brenna tried to clip the necklace around her neck, standing the mirror.

"Not from you, Rafe," Brenna rolled her eyes.

"Hey, come on, tonight's supposed to be fun!" Rafe smiled, entering the girls room.

"Okay, but it would be more fun for me if you would respect my wishes and didn't come around," Brenna sassed, finally hooking the necklace together, fixing how it was laying on her chest.

"Sorry, father's orders, he thinks it'll be good if we show up together," Rafe shrugged.

"I'm not a toy you get to just toss around, Rafe," she turned to face the boy, hands on her hips.

She took note of the baby blue suit he was wearing and the way his hair was slicked back perfectly. She had to admit he cleaned up well.

"Hey, I would of left you alone if it was up to me"

"Oh by the way, thanks for the bruises," Brenna chuckled, walking pass the boy to grab her small cream colored heels from beside her bed, sitting on the edge to slide them on.


With confidence, the girl stood back up, pulling her dress up past her hips, showcasing the large bruises on the side of her torso, perfectly framed by the lace of her underwear and the edges of the dress.

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