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The next day Kiara and Brenna lounged in the hammock as the boys waxed their surfboards and messed with other random toys.

Kiara played her ukulele while they swayed, Brenna just watching, a small smile on her face, her fingers mindlessly drawing shapes on Kiara's calf.

"Who the hell is that?" Brenna looked out towards where a honking noise came from, slowly getting out the hammock, Kiara following her.

"Y'all hear that?" JJ called to the girls, both nodded walking towards them. They all walked towards the now rapid honking.

"You've got to be kidding!" Brenna smiled seeing the brown van pulling up in front of them.

"Are you serious?" Kiara giggled seeing the van with John B at the wheel.

"Guess who's out the clink!" John B cheered getting out of the car.

"No freakin way!" Pope shook his head.

Brenna skipping past her friends, meeting her brother half way, wrapping her arms around him, the other three joining the hug.

"We missed you," Brenna said into him shoulder.

"I missed you guys too," John B smiled, the group separating.

"How'd you do it? You bust out?" JJ asked.

"They uh they dropped the charges," John B shrugged, still a little confused himself.

"They dropped the charges?" Pope repeated, the dots connecting in his brain.

"So you're telling me I did all that work for nothing?" JJ complained.

"Oh the most elaborate escape plan of all time?" Pope scrunched his face at JJ.

"Foolproof," Kiara did air quotes around the word.

"The totally legal plan?" Brenna mocked, looking over at the blonde.

"It would of worked, if," JJ started.

"Stop," Brenna said quietly, putting her hand on the blonde's shoulder shaking her head.

"Where's Sarah?" John B asked softly, everyone looking at him without answers, "No, no no. Where...where's Sarah?"

He looked right at Brenna.

"She went to go meet with Wheezie last night, she didn't come back," Brenna sighed.

"We we're gonna go find her today though," Brenna added try to find the silver lining.

"What the hell happened to your face?" he noticed the scratches on her cheek.

"Barry and some bricks," she shrugged as if it was nothing.

"I told you two to not let her do anything stupid!" he looked at Pope and Kiara.

"Hey! I tired to stop her! She's your sister!" Kiara held her hands up in defense.

"You told them to watch me?" Brenna teased him, poking his shoulder, "Someone's talking this big brother role pretty seriously"

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