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Brenna didn't sleep that night, maybe an hour total. She spent the night trying to figure out what the group could be hiding from, the island was only so big. She was hoping they'd all be okay. Hoping that Kiara would be okay.

The next morning Brenna dragged herself out of bed and trotted down the stairs to get breakfast. 

"Good morning, Renna!" Jessie cheered from behind his computer.

"Morning," she replied pulling out some frozen waffles from the freezer, and popping them in the toaster, then turning to face her uncle.

"How was last night? Make any friends?" Jessie asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, Kie introduced me to her friends, might go hang out with them today if you guys don't need me at the shop," Brenna said without any actual plan to hang out with them but she needed to check on them and make sure everything was okay.

"Oh my gosh! Yes go! Freddie should be fine for a day, I'll get someone to cover," Jessie said with excitement over the fact that his niece was actually going to hang out with teens and that she didn't just want to hang out at home all day. 

Brenna laughed at her Uncle's excitement and turned back to her waffles when they popped out of the toaster.

The girl grabbed her waffles and a small bottle of orange juice from the fridge, before heading back up the stairs to get ready.

Brenna took a quick shower, throwing on a random oversized t-shirt, throwing on some distressed jean shorts and sliding on her light pink sneakers. 

After fixing her hair into a low ponytail and removing the left over mascara from last night, replacing it with new mascara the brown haired girl was ready to go find the pogues.

"I'm taking the jeep! I'll be back," Brenna called, grabbing the car keys before exiting the house and entering the garage, letting the large metal door slid open.

"Don't forget! Be at the Cameron's at 1! Look presentable!" Jessie called after the girl, who made a quick mental note to not loose track of time.

The girl turned on the car and backed out of the garage. Where to? she thought to herself, John B's? It was the only place she could think of to check. So that's where she headed.

A quick fifteen minutes later Brenna pulled up to the house that look totally opposite from her own, it was dark, warn down and defiantly a little beat up from the hurricane.

John B's van was parked out front along with Kiara's car, so they're here somewhere, Brenna concluded.

The girl put the car in park and hopped out. She took a couple steps toward the house and didn't hear anything for a minute.

"Kooks versus pogues! They always, always win!" JJ's voice boomed from the side of the house.

Brenna tip toed around the house, listening in to the conversation.

"Look, it's okay!" Kiara said.

"No, it's not okay!" JJ raised his voice, causing Brenna to flinch as she listened in.

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