Apollo= Archery, The Sun, Art, Music, Prophecy, Truth, Poetry, Healing, Plagues

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Sacred Animals: Crows and Ravens, Foxes, and Swans

—Solar Sovereign: Able to summon and manipulate sunlight and any type of solar energy. The potential of this power depends on the user's creativity and understanding of the sun and all its components, substances, and parts
—Sun Soldier: Stronger and more powerful under the sun
—(Un)Healer: Able to heal allies and nullify opponents ability to heal.
—Sound Sultan: Able to manipulate and control sound and vibrations. Any sound they can hear can be under their control.
—Disease Dealer: Able to temporarily curse others with disease. Can Permanently cure someone of a disease physical or mental, but they must experience said disease for a year and they can take on multiple diseases at once
—Sun Sponge: Absorbs sunlight during the day for later use.
—Soul Archer: Can magically summon a symbiotic bow that's bonded to their very soul. It's arrows along with it's power depended on the user's accuracy and strength.

—Apollon Attack: Able to infuse weapons with
-Sunlight: burns
-Sound: makes blades sharper and blunt force weapons stonger
-Plagues: Temporarily infects others with a sickness of the user's choosing
-Poetry Prattle: Curses others to speak nothing but the truth.
-Tattle-tell: Curses other to speak their mind and only tell the truth

—Ears Of Eternity: Has superhuman hearing and can control their range and pin-point sounds.
—Battle Foresight/Precognition: Can see a few minutes or seconds into the future whenever they want.
—Diurnal Gaze: Can not be blinded by any kind of light.
—Plasma Private: Can summon and control fire and plasma to some extent.
—Snipeless: Able to curse others and lower their accuracy.
—Truth Tracker: Can detect lies and deceit, but is mostly ineffective against Hermes/Mercury children.
—Doctor's Intuition: Can see all the wounds of a person, especially the hidden one, and will automatically know what medical attention they need
—Spirit Light: Can summon and control Spirit Light, a light that is powered by sunlight and the user's soul. It burns the target's spirit. Worst if the targets are liars and/or wicked. Does not actually kill or shorten the lifespan of the target unless they deserve it, just burns their spirit.
—Solar Stride: Can teleport through sunlight, like shadow-travel
—Microwave: Can create light and heat in their bodies, making their skin glow and become hot to the touch, nearly as hot as the sun. They also can use this ability to burn out all possible poisons.
—Seer Of The Sun: Within a certain range, they can see and hear anything sunlight is landing on.
—Archer Almighty: Can create and manipulate any kind of bow(s) and arrows the user can think of out nothing and/or their own power with their minds. The amount that can be controlled at once depends on the user.
—Prophecy Propulsion: Able to perceive everything at a accelrated rate, predict the outcomes to nearly any situations, see the choice needed to be made when faced with a situation, and manipulate their own velocity to achieve said-choice. This will allow them to move at super inhuman speeds while also predicting the probability and movement of objects at accelerated rates. They also means they can see multiple futures are once. This power gets stronger the more it is used.
—Solar Shears: Abke ro create, alter, enchant, and redirect sun shapes shaped blades. Can either explode on impact or other effects based on what the user can think of creatively with their power set.
—Onyx Void: Can create, control, customize and alter black holes by creating and controlling a sound/sounds over 1,100 DB. This ability gets stronger and easier the more it is used and can be used for various possibilities if the user is creative enough.

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