Boreas/Aquilon or Aquilo= North Wind and Winter.

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Sacred Animal: Horse
—Winter Enhancement: Are strongest in the winter and cold places.
—Arctic-Shifter: Can shape-shift into and/or use the abilities of any Arctic-based animal
—Icy Wind Master: can summon and control icy winds. Able to freeze people and things with these winds.
—Blizzard Booster: Can summon blizzards and snowstorms.
—Inner Ice: Can summon ice from within themselves in places of heat.
—Cryo-Knight: Able to summon and control ice, snow, and frost to some extent.
—Northern Aerial Emulator: Able to transform into an icy-blue and purple mist that freezes whatever they touch on command. Are way faster in this form and almost invincible.
—Sub-Zero: Can control the temperature of the Ice they summon to some extent.
—Chilling Creativity: Can create icy mist-made objects like weapons, sculptures, and golems.
—Wings Of The North: Has wings that can shot spines of ice and blow icy winds when the flap them.
—Ice Breather: Can breathe a icy-blue misty smoke that freeze whatever it hits.
—Celsius Cut: Able to infuse ice in weapons that slowly freeze opponents over time the more they are injured with said-weapon.
—Winter Warrior: Can practically live in blizzards without much clothing. Able to swim in and drink liquid nitrogen, which makes them stronger.
—Like The Wind: Can run and move extremely fast, like the wind.
—Checking Your Temperature: Can see the peoples temperatures as numbers.
—Tortoise Breath: able to summon and control Mist Of The Black Turtle. This Black smokey mist freezes whatever it hits and depending on the user's intentions, can shock or poison the target in the incased in it. Can pass through solid matter. (Based on the four cardinal spirits: Azure Dragon of the East, Red Phoenix of the South, White Tiger of the West, and Black Tortoise of the North)

(A/N: From now on, I will do gods from other pantheons. I also take requests)

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