Lyssa/Ira or Furor= Anger, Maddness, Rage, Fury, Rabies, Crazed Frenzy

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—Rabies Reaper: Able to infuse weapons with rabies.
—Duke Of Darkness: Grandma is Nyx/Nox (and Grandpa is Erebus/Erebos/Scotus sometimes), meaning their mom is a dark goddess, who also happens to be an underworld deity, which means they're able to shadow travel, control darkness and shadows, see in the dark, infuse their weapons with Darkness, are more powerful in dark places, and can use darkness and shadow magic of any kind.
—Seething Seer: able to sense what makes people mad the most.
—Madness Maimer: Can infuse weapons with anger. Those injured by these weapons will become angry at whatever the user wants temporarily. Or they can steal rage from who ever they injure, slowing them down.
—Rage Riser: Can use rage to increase their physical abilities.
—Anger Management: Has complete and total control over their own anger and all it's sub emotions. Able to calm the anger of others temporarily.
—Seething Sustenance: Can make their demigod aura absorb rage from those around them.
—Tunnel Vision: Can fill their mind with rage temporarily at whatever they're aiming at, going into a little crazed frenzy. This means they can't be mind-controlled by any mind-meddling powers.
—Inner Fury: able to use their rage to access the hidden well of strength and power they have within themselves.
—Rage Rhetoric: Can cause madness/Rage in others to the point of a crazed frenzy with their voice.
—Mania Master: able to summon mania spirits to do their bidding and/or use their powers.
—Fire Of Fury: Able to summon and control Furious Fire, a flame that needs no oxygen, only the user's rage, and anger. This fire not only hurts opponents, but it also enhances the user's physical attributes on the user's command. Whoever is hit with this flame is burned depending on how much anger they're feeling or how much rage the user is feeling.
—Righteous Rage: If the user's anger is justified, their powers get a little boost
—Nocturnal Knight: Can communicate with and control any/all nocturnal creatures, shape shift into them fully, partially, or as a huge swarm that can be used for regeneration, use the physical attributes and special abilities/adaptions of any/all nocturnal creatures, use any nocturnal magic, and are stronger and more powerful at night since their mother is a daughter of Nyx/Nox.
—Frenzy Of Fury: When backed into a corner, they'll go into a crazed frenzy in which they're gunning for the people responsible. All their powers are enhanced. Only a romantic loved one can guide them. Can not be summoned on command unless the user
—Adrenaline Of Anger: The adrenaline they produce is naturally way more powerful than normal because they're demigods and they can manipulate it due to their mastery over their anger. They can alter its properties, change its chemical makeup, manipulate all its effects on the body, and also influence the adrenaline of others. Also able to control and manipulate all personal biochemicals, hormones, and bodily functions related to anger and rage.
—Rage Of The Benevolent: They are one of the kindest people you will ever meet, as the worst and most dark kind of rage comes from the person with the kindest of hearts, and the more compassionate and kind someone is, the more malevolent and powerful their rage can be.
—Serenity Seething: Able to use their powers and able channel all of their anger, rage, and fury while remaining completely calm.
—Rage Of A Reaper: They have indomitable strong rage. This means they can accomplish the impossible and transcend most expectations in multiple situations through sheer rage alone.
—Intelligent Fury: Their Feelings of rage and the emotions under it have a mind of their own and submit to the user, giving the user total control over their anger. Their hatred will not do anything without the user's command unless the user's life is endangered, meaning They can have normal relationships with others without their powers messing it up. In fact, the user could use help from their hatred to improve themselves and their lives.
—Reaper Of Rage: Able to completely absorb the rage of other creatures. Can be used to make themselves stronger, more powerful, or both. If the creatures die while under absorption, the user will permanently keep 10% of rage from each creature they absorbed it from.

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