Eleos or Elea/ Clementia= Empathy, Mercy, Compassion, Pity, Clemency.

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—Pity Party: Able to cause temporary pity in others.
—Emotion Enhancement: The user's abilities grow faster with their feelings, especially feelings of purpose. Different emotions will have different effects on their growth but can have a affect on their mental state as well.
—Clemency Creator: Can relieve any curse if they truly deserve it. The curses they can break all depend on the user's power.
—Compassionate Empath: Able to sense and understand emotions and/or see them as color and light on other creatures, allowing them to sense other creatures. Works on any/all living creatures, whether they be human, animal, monster, any kind of divine being, plant, etc. This power gets stronger the more it is used.
—Emotion Dominance: Able to enchant weapons to slowly cause emotional distress build-up in others the more they are injured with said weapons.
—The Empty Mind: Able to free themselves from all their mental limiters and boundaries on command, which lets any/all mental abilities be unrestricted and augmented as much as possible. This would also allow them to temporarily seal their emotions, especially in mercy and compassion, away at will, making them impervious to any type of mental manipulation powers and allowing them to fight in an emotionally unhindered, but stronger physical state. Gets stronger the more it is used
—Feeling Forcer: Can influence the emotions of other creatures with their voice.
—Count Of Clemency: Can see who deserves clemency, pity, or empathy.
—Emotion Overlord: Has more control over their emotions than anyone else (if needed), meaning any emotional manipulation powers will not work on them.
—Merciful Maiming: If the victim deserves it, the user can make their death not feel painful, as it will actually feel peaceful and comforting.
—Aura Of (Un)Stability: Can make their demigod aura cause slight temporary emotional distress in enemies and slight temporary emotional stability in Allies.
—Beast Tamer: Can tame any creature that's under emotional distress, form an empathic connection with them, and "bond" with them, making both the user and the creature(s) stronger and more powerful. Can form as many connections as wanted, but the user will feel the creature's death if the creature dies and vice-versa.
—Emotional Empowerment: Able to use their emotions to boost their physical abilities on command. This power gets stronger the more it is used but is dangerous to use if the user lets their emotions consume them. Can only do one at a time at first and switching is fast. Different emotions have different effects:
Anger and Rage= increase physical strength.
–Fear= Boosts their speed.
–Anxiety= Enhances their reflexes
–Perseverance and Determination= Increases the durability of their bodies.
–Tenacity and Competitiveness= Increases their pain tolerance
–Courage and Bravery= Enhances agility.
–Calm= Increases precision and accuracy.
–Trust and Patience= Speeds up their healing process.
—Emotion Emperor: Once they've mastered their emotions, they can empower any/all physical attributes, enhance their powers, and can even enhance and augment their mental attributes. The more emotional they're feeling, the stronger and more powerful they will become.
—Pitiful Pain: Can summon and control Euphoric Electricity, an energy that overloads targets with whatever emotion the user wants. If it results in death, it will be gentle and comforting.
—Endless Emotions: They have indomitably strong emotions, due to the nature of their demigod powers
—Chrono-Clemency: Able to stop time when others are in danger or is about to do something they will regret.
—Pheromone Finder: Able to see and smell any pheromones and hormones produced by emotions.
—Emotion Overlord: Once they've mastered empathy, they will be able to manipulate the emotions of other creatures, but it is harder to use on those who've mastered their emotions, is mentally stronger than the user, or have an awareness of the user's power. Can not create emotions from nothing. Something must already be there or they will have to pull from themselves and maintain the implanted emotion themselves, which gets harder and harder as time goes on.
—Inciting Illusionist: Able to create and manipulate illusions based on the emotions of others.
—Hormonal Havoc: Can create, emit, and control pheromones and control hormones of any kind, mainly those that cause emotion or are caused by emotion.
—Psychometric Prophet: Able to sense emotional Imprints from the past and possible emotions in the future.
—Emotion Emitter: Can "emit" their emotions on command like an aura but not an aura cause nearly everyone can feel it but no one can see it except other empaths.
—Empathic Thief: Able to siphon emotions from those who are dying, emotional imprints from the past, and those in the present.
—Compassionless Check Out: Able to give an emotionless look to scare others and/or can fill their eyes with dark emotions as much as possible, scaring others
—Bio Feelings: Able to gain full control of their bodies and brains with their emotions by manipulating any/all their own hormones in any way they see fit.
—Mercy Maker: Able to make others show them mercy. Is most effective and longer-lasting through touch, eye contact/looking at them, and vocal commands at the same time. Separate and combinations of two between the 4 with have different time limits.
—Empathic Emperor: Can absorb, generate, and manipulate emotional energy and emotional power of any kind. Is powered by their emotions. Can be used to enhance any/all of their physical attributes. Different emotions have different effects and abilities, different combinations have different effects and bring different new abilities, and some energies are naturally stronger than others due to how the user feels them. The possibilities are within the user's imagination and creativity.
—Compassion Cutter: Able to enchant weapons to make those injured with them be more merciful and show more clemency the more they're injured with them. Or can they can infuse other emotions into them, but they will be slightly less effective.

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