Erebus/Erebeus/Scrotus (Darkness) and Nyx/Nox (Night)

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Nyx/Nox= Primordial Of Night And Shadows
—Sovereign Monarch Of The Stars And Moon: Can generate, absorb, alter, redirect, and manipulate starlight, lunar energy, stardust, lunar dust, stellar energies, and moonlight. Both moonlight and starlight burn and freeze. The user can make solid objects out of starlight and moonlight.
—Knight Of The Night: They're stronger at night under the stars and moon as their bodies are constantly absorbing moonlight, starlight, and cosmic energies for diurnal use and amplifying the energies they've already generated. Has no limit.
—Plasma Pro: Can summon and manipulate plasma, super-heated air/highly ionized gas that is also known as the fourth state of matter.
—Colonel Of Constellations: Can summon any constellations apparitions As avatars to fight for them. Can summon as many as they want as well whenever and wherever they want. These avatars have various powers, magic, and abilities related to their origin(s), what they are, and what the user knows.
—Sovereign Of The Strong: Able to perceive, alter, control, generate, and absorb strong force, the energy responsible for fusion, which powers the sun and stars.
—Shards Of Shade: Can create, alter, redirect, enchant, and manipulate star-shaped blades and blades made of moonlight, silver, and moon rock on command. Takes nearly no strength and they can control the direction of said blades if thrown. The shape of the moon blades summoned will depend of the shape of the moon during its moon cycle with the user being able to choose the shape of their blades on a new moon.
—Charge Chancellor: Can create and manipulate charged particles of any kind, meaning the user is generating and can create and manipulate any electrical and electromagnetic phenomena, Optical phenomena, particle energy, etc.
—The Lunarfied Elements: Can summon and control Moon-based versions of all the Elements. The effects vary depending on the Element used. Is actually one grand substance split into several elements. Are the most draining of the user's abilities:
•Moon Fire: Silvery fire that burns the target's nervous system. (Doesn't work in the day.)
•Lunar Lightning: Silver electricity that shocks and freezes, able to encase the opponent in Moon Ice. Can also enhance the user's physical attributes and abilities. Conducts to the weakest and weakness of the targets and gives whatever it is hell. Can also conduct through metals, allowing the user to control said metal. Available for Diurnal use.
•Waxing Ice: Ice so cold, all the target feels is being burned alive. Targets also always feel like they're being stabbed. (Doesn't work during the day)
•Moon Mist: Able to summon and/or become moonlight-infused mist that can be controlled according to the user's wishes. Available for Diurnal use.
•Moon Water: Poisons enemies with any poison the user can think of that is from the forest and heals allies/friends. (Doesn't work during the day)
•Cresent Winds: Can launch small crescent-shaped slashes of moon-infused air that will paralyze the target or enhance the pain the target feels for a few minutes, but it depends on the user's intentions. Available for Diurnal use.
•Moon Stone: Can magically mold into whatever weapon the user wishes. Able to burn, freeze, and poison. Available for Diurnal use.
—Moon Maelstrom: Altogether, these elements can cause a power-draining explosion that can kill immortal beings.
—Ion Eye: Able to sense, see, and see with ions in every form, which includes any electrical and electromagnetic phenomena, heat, certain forms of energy, and much more.
—Star-Scorch: Able to use create, shape, and manipulate the properties of plasma and every form it takes, like plasma fire, equivalence, pyric energy, volatility, etc.
—Nocturnal Prophet: Can tell the future at night by looking at the stars and has prophetic dreams.
—Shooting Star Velocity: The more they move, the faster they get, like a falling star.
—Mortal Moonlight: Their bodies are always absorbing sunlight during the day at a faster and larger rate than other Sun-related demigods, BUT it can't be used until it's converted into moonlight and energy once the moon rises. As mortal science says the moonlight is from the sun reflecting light off the moon and onto the earth
—Wings Of The Night Sky: Sprouts permanent wings that can shoot spines of any of the elements under their control.
—Perks of being a Star-Gazer: Only needs 1-2 hours of sleep.
—Star Stride: Can teleport through starlight.
—Nocturnal Noctice: Within a certain range, whatever moonlight and starlight shines on, they can see, smell, and hear.
—Star Sniper: Can take any object they CAN throw and can throw it as a shooting star-like projectile.
—Tail Torch: Can summon and control fire and Stardust, is fireproof, and can fly with fire. Like a shooting star.
—Essense Of Falling Star: Able to summon and control what shooting and falling stars are made of; sand, rocks, dust
—Meteorite Impact: Able to make their strikes hit with the strength and power of a crash impact of a shooting star/meteorite. Any damage, no matter what it is, can be COMPLETELY reversed by the user, but only within 48 hours.

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