Phlegathon/Pyriphlegethon= Underworld River of Fire And Heat

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—Friend Of Flames: Fire-Proof on the level of hotter-than-lightning, allowing them to swim in Lava/magma, and even drink it, which will make them stronger.
—Ghost Vision: Able to manipulate how their eyes and body processes light, heat, and energy, letting them do things like perceive "ghosts" of light and heat, meaning where light and heat has been, letting them see a few minutes into the past, seeing a few minutes into the future by sensing where the "ghosts" of where light and heat will be, sense, see, and see with any type of heat, including electricity, plasma, and Infrared light and energy, and perceive the electromagnetic spectrum.
—Pyro-Knight: Able to summon and manipulate heat and fire(s). Can manipulate Lava and magma too, but it can not be summoned.
—Checking Your Temperature: Can see peoples temperature as numbers above their head.
—Emperor Of Embers: Able to channel the power of fire and plasma elementals
—Ice Invulnerability: Can withstand blizzards in thin clothes.
—Dark Heat: Able to control peoples bodies using their body heat. Is more difficult to ineffective when used one someone physically stronger than them
—Scorching Slash: can infuse fire and heat into their weapons.
—Maximum Incinerator: Can control the temperature of the fire(s) they summon.
—Flaming Creativity: Can summon chemical fires, fires that burn smoke containing
chemicals or poison of the users choosing.
—Bomberman: Can create flame and fire related traps and bombs.
—Flame Mage: Can use fire magic of any kind. The drain depends on what spells are used and which pantheon the spell is from.
—It's Gonna Blow: Can use all the fire and heat around them and from themselves to create a atomic-bomb like explosion. Will not kill the user, only make them sleep for at least 5 days.
—Darkness Dominator: Able to control and manipulate darkness and shadows, see in the dark, infuse their weapons with Darkness, shadow travel, are more powerful in dark places, and can use darkness and shadow magic of any kind since their father is an Underworld God. Can summon any kind of creatures of darkness and/or fire.
—Fire Can Fix: Able to summon water from their fathers river to heal themselves or other people.
—Symbiotic Searer: Able to summon a prime elemental of Fire, Ash and Smoke, and/or Plasma, a symbiotic elemental born and bonded to the user at birth. Can be summoned to fight, support their powers, or be a spy. The potential power they can have depends the strength of the bond they have with the user. Once summoned, the elemental will take a passive form in the form of an animal they and the user agrees on.
—Demigod Of Phlegathon/Pyriphlegethon River: Can summon and control liquid fire and the Flames Of Punishment/Perseverance. Flames Of Punishment burn opponents' blood based on their wicked deeds and/or heal allies based on how much good they've done.
—Sultan Of Charring Smoke: Able to redirect, create, absorb, and manipulate any kind of smoke, embers, gas and ash in anyway they can think of.
—Omni-Blaze: Able to create, absorb, redirect, and manipulate primordial fire as well as EVERY type of heat and fire of any color along with all their various properties and effects. Magic, mystical, and otherworldly fire included.
–Duality Focus: Able to perceive, create, alter, and control temperature, allowing them to create and control the cold and ice of any kind by regulating the absence of heat. Can be done without needing a medium and once mastered, they will be able to control ice and cold like children of ice gods.
—Pyro-Progenitor: Able to create and control any other aspects of heat and fire they can think of, such as thermochemistry, Volatile force, which is explosive detonation energy, pyric energy, plasma, thermomagnetism, etc
—Scorch Siphon: Their bodies are always constantly generating and absorbing any nearby fire, smoke, ash, and electrical related phenomena for later use. Extreme emotions can speed up generation speed. Has no limit, but the more they build up, the harder it is to control their output of them.
—Firestorm Physiology: Has complete and total control over ALL the electricity, fire,  and heat in every form in and around their bodies and can use it to fly or levitate, increase/decrease all/any physical and mental attributes, enhance their powers, and gain permanent supremacy and full control over their bodies, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase that "The body is nothing but a plaything of the mind", enabling them to do things like manipulate bodily capabilities such as any biological capabilities, systematic capabilities, physiological capabilities, any/all physical and mental attributes, and and perceive and absorb all/any natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off as well as access and manipulate their own, especially heat, fire, shadow, smoke and gas related elements like bio-thermal energy, bodily vibrations of all kinds, bio-sonic enegy, rhythm, and much, much, much, more. Over output of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely. This ability is determined and enhanced by the user's understanding of heat, electricity, fire, the science behind it all, and the human body. They even use the darkness and shadows inside their bodies as well to enhance and anplify this ability.
—Smoke Shifter: Able to shift and transform into a huge cloud of any kind of smoke, ash, and mist. This would allow them to become intangible to any physical attacks, get through any non-air-tight obstacles, and travel long distances.
—Fiery Will: They have a tenacious will that burns anyone trying to control them against their will.
—Dragon Of The West: Since electricity is another form of heat, they can create, control, perceive, absorb, and redirect electricity and lightning. With enough practice, they will evolve and be able to redirect, absorb, perceive, create, and manipulate electromagnetism.
—Bio-Burn: Able to channel and manipulate their personal thermal energy and all its effects and properties. Can be used to any thermodynamic based capability they can think of.
—Scorch-Shifter: Able to shape shift into a normal or stronger and more powerful version of, partially channel/shape-shift into, and use and manipulate the powers and abilities of ANY magical, otherworldly, supernatural, and mystical smoke, ash, mist, soot, or fire-based creatures/monster, like fire giants, dragons, phoenixes, Hellhounds, demons, and much, much more.
—Ash Dash: Once they've mastered smoke-shifting, they can use it to enhance and amplify their combat skills, mobility, and agility. This would allow them to fly, 'dash', and even wall crawl with enough concentration. While doing this, they can reach a new height of movement and create a new style mobility, speed, and ability.
—Electrical Evolution: After an average of two years of using their electrical powers, they will be able to create and control highly focused electricity that has various uses depending on the user's creativity:
•Cutting and Slicing
•Microwave emission
•Solid Electricity.
•Interacting with electromagnetic waves of any kind.
+All depends on the user's imagination and understanding of electricity and lightning. After mastering this power, they will be able  redirect, absorb, perceive, create and manipulate EVERY type of electricity of any color along with all their various properties and affects. Magic, mystical, and otherworldly electricity are included.
—Everburn: Fire and heat is such a natural part of them that any fire or heat they produce will never go out unless they want it to. It may not even hurt others and they can playful use their powers on friends without hurting anyone.
—Sorcercer Of Smoke: Able to use any smoke, ash, soot, and mist related magic.
—Static Shockers: Can control anything that conducts electricity with electromagnetism, influence and interact with technology, gain even more control of their bodies, and perceive all waves on the electromagnetic spectrum and beyond, etc. Overuse of this ability will result in physical and mental strain.
—Flare Flight: Able to fly using fire which is way faster but harder to control and they can't really carry any one unless their fireproof
—Essence Of The Flame: Their bodies multiply and produce their own oxygen for emergency situations, meaning their can travel, survive, and navigate through outer space and all other oxygen deprive areas. This also means that any gas based attacks that cause internal damage of any kind through inhalation have little to no effect on them.
—Pyro-Paladin/Cryo-Chancellor: Able to create and emit either heat and light from their bodies  like an over that can go past more than three thousand Kelvins or cold and ice that can reach nearly absolute zero.
—First Fire: Able to channel power from Prime Fire, the first fire that was ever given to humans by their father. Only fire gods, their demigod kids, and flame mages can summon and control this fire. It can out-burn any other fire and requires no oxygen, but oxygen can be used to enhance it. Nothing but the user can put it out. Is able to permanently burn primordial-level entities.

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