Anaideia= Ruthlessness, Shamelessness, and Unforgivingness

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—Ruthless Riser: Can make their body more durable and impervious to injury whenever they're in touch with their own ruthless emotions. This power Gets stronger and more powerful the more it is used
—Shameless Seer: Able to sense ANY tactic or object that will allow them to win, NO MATTER WHAT it is.
The Empty Mind: Able to free themselves from all their mental limiters and boundaries on command, which lets any/all mental abilities be unrestricted and augmented as much as possible. This would also allow them to temporarily seal their emotions away at will, making them impervious to any type of mental manipulation powers and allowing them to fight in a emotionally unhindered, but stronger physical state. Is stronger than Eleos or Elea/Clementia kids. Can pick what emotion(s) to seal away. This power Gets stronger and more powerful the more it it used.
—Ruthlessness Robbery: Can drain cold-hearted feelings of others for themselves or their allies, making the targets doubt themselves constantly and slow down while overthinking.
—Outer Of The Unforgivable: Can see who are criminals and the unforgivable crimes they've committed.
—Merciless Manipulator: Able to sense whatever they need to manipulate other creatures.
—Count Of Curses: Able to create, absorb, shape, and manipulate curses of any kind or type, enabling then to do things like Curse people in whatever way they see fit. Is more powerful, effective, and easier to use if the target has done an unforgivable crime. Undeserving targets will only be curse temporarily.
—Beast Tamer: Can tame any creature of an ruthless, savage, shameless, and primal nature, also able to form an empathic connection with them, and "bond" with them, making both the user and the creature(s) stronger and more powerful the stronger the bond gets. Can form as many connections as wanted, but the user will feel the creature's death if the creature dies and vice-versa.
—Slash Of Shamelessness: Can enchant weapons with Shamelessness and Ruthlessness and so those who are injured by said weapons will become temporarily detach from their all their emotions and/or and slowly become out of touch with their morals and beliefs temporarily.
—Rightful Ruthlessness: If justified, their powers will be stronger and easier to use.
—Ferocious Fighter: The more they fight and/or the odds are against them, the more unpredictable, powerful, ruthless, and stronger they become.
—Primal Poacher: Is Able to empower themselves by absorbing the savage and ruthless primal instincts of wild beasts and monsters. This will enhance the users powers. Can be permanent or temporary, as its permanent if said creatures are dead and temporary if said creatures are alive. Different instincts have different power boosts and minor back lashes.
—You Deserve It: Can enhance curses of any kind. Will not work on curses stronger than them.
—Spotter Of The Shameless: Can sense cold-hearted and/or manipulative people.
—Shameless Shifter: Can use any of the physical attributes of any creature of a wild, savage, ruthless, and primal nature they've killed along with being able to shape shift into them. Able to enhance any/all their physical attributes on command with the permanent foreign instincts they've absorbed. Will feel certain minor urges relating to The original creature of the instincts they're using.
—Vicious Visions: Able make illusions and give vision of what they will do to get what they want.
—Aero-Apathy: Able to summon and control Merciless Mist, a vapor that will do practically ANYTHING to reach it's target. Can only be used on whatever the user can see and sense.
—Ruler Of The Ruthless: Able to control and manipulate monstes mentally weaker then them through smell, touch, presence, and their voice.
—Emotion Emitter: Can "emit" their emotions on command like an aura but not an aura cause nearly everyone can feel it but no one can see it except other empaths.
—Mercy Maker: Able to make others show them mercy. Is most effective and longer-lasting through touch, eye contact/looking at them, and vocal commands at the same time. Separate and combinations of two between the 4 will  have different time limits.
—Ruthless Ravenger: the more they strike uninterrupted, the more powerful and stronger their attacks become.
—Compassionless Check Out: Able to give an emotionless look to scare others and/or can fill their eyes with dark emotions as much as possible, scaring others
—Ruthless Reaper: Able to absorb, store, enhance, and weaponized the spirits of monsters and wild beasts
—Emotion Overlord: Has more control over their emotions than anyone else (if needed), meaning any emotional manipulation powers will not work on them
—Unmaking the Unforgiving: Can relieve any curse if they truly deserve it. The curses they can break all depend on the user's power.
—Ruthless Instincts: Always instinctually knows who deserves their ruthless savagery.

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