Harpocrates/Harpokrates= Silence, Secrets, Trust and Confidentiality

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Sacred Animal: Eurasian Sparrowhawk

—Trust Talker: Can get people to trust them more with their voice.
—Coms Are Down: Able to silence any type of  communications of those around them.
—Silent Stride: Able to move around soundlessly, no matter what they do, On command.
—Secret Seer: Can see the secrets of others with weaker minds than them. Can be turned off and on at will.
—Confidential Keeper: Able to make bless people keeping a secret to where if an enemy is trying to forcibly make them reveal it, said-enemy will be curse in whatever way the user sees fit
—Trust Thief: Can enchant weapons to make who is injured with them lose trust in themselves slowly the more they are injured with said weapons.
—Silent But Deadly: Able to increase their physical abilities when ever they "silence" their presence. Gets stronger the more it is used.
—Vaporize: Able to burn and melt things like their father.
—Secret Scan: Can see the secrets of any place or object with touch.
—Trust Breaker: Able to cause distrust amongst enemies
—Space Of Silent: can make the area around them within a certain range completely silent.
—Silent Speaker: Able to speak into the minds of other creatures, allowing them to distract and disrupt enemies and/or send secret messages to Allies
—Slash Of Secrets: Able to enchant weapons to make those who are injured with them say what their about do next.
—Trust In Myself: Can enhance their self-trust, allowing them to become immune to mind control
—Egyptian Roots: Able to use Egyptian magic of tho choice since their fathers roots are in Egyptian mythology.
—Silencing The Source: Can summon and control Silencer Slashers, blades that make whatever source of noise they hit stop working completely and reduce it to complete silence.

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