Artemis/Diana= Moon, Hunting, Wildlife, Maidens, Archery, childBirth, Nature

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In respect for Gammawolf, I'm going to put a Child of Artemis/Diana chapter. Anyone who wishes to write a child of Artemis/Diana story can feel free to use my page as a reference to what powers they can get. Just make sure to give me credit, I need some more followers.

—Lunar Lord: Able to summon and manipulate ANY type of moonlight, moon energy, or Lunar dust. The potential of the power all depends on the user's creativity. Moonlight burns and freezes.
—Moon Knight: Stronger and more powerful at night under the moon as their bodies are constantly absorbing moonlight for diurnal use.
—Nocturnal Notice: Can see in the dark.
—Soul Archer: Can magically summon a symbiotic bow that's bonded to their very soul. Its arrows along with its power depended on the user's accuracy and strength.
—Fighter Of The Forest: Stronger and more powerful in the forest.
—Crescent Count: Can summon, enchant, alter, and customize crescent-shaped blades made of moonlight, silver, and moon rock on command like all moon-related demigods. Takes nearly no strength and they can control the direction of said blades if thrown.
—Virginal Restoration: Can rewind a person's body to back when they were a virgin
—Cherry Sight: Can see who's a virgin.
—Lunar Lasher: Able to infuse weapons with moonlight, letting them burn or freeze who is injured with said weapons, enchant them with any of the magic they have at their command, bless them to temporarily absorb and weaken their precision and accuracy, alter their gravity, or stun other with bio-electricity
—Knight Of Nature: Able to summon, communicate with, and manipulate any nature-like creature, even magic, mythical, and otherworldly ones.
—Body Of A Hunter: Physical attributes double while hunting their "prey".
—Shifters Supremacy: They have full control over their entire bodies and can manipulate all it's bodily capabilities, such as systematic, autonomous, physiological, or biological capabilities, and any/all physical attributes.
—Orbital Overlord: Can create, perceive, alter, and manipulate orbits and orbital force of any kind, meaning they can control any kind of axis and manipulate any form of rotation or revolution of anything they want realistically, even of themselves. This power gets stronger the more it is
—Moon Mage Of Nature: Able to use any kind or type of moon magic like all moon-related demigods and can also use and manipulate any kind of nature magic.
—A True Hunter's Scope: Dots of silvery light is where the user's shot will land, Basically a magical scope.
—Animal Hunters: Can build up their own loyal hunt, but only full of animals. Can bless a new animal every week and a half. The change the animal goes through are:
-The physical attributes of the animal triple
-The abilities of the animal double
-Can a silvery-based appearance
-Infused with the monster-killing silver the user's mother and her hunt uses
+When one of the "hunters" dies, the user will feel the hunter's death as if they were the one getting killed, but not actually die, will just feel it.
—Mortal Moonlight: Their bodies are always absorbing sunlight during the day at a faster and larger rate than other Sun-related demigods, BUT it can't be used until it's converted into moonlight and energy once the moon rises. As mortal science says that the moonlight is from the sun reflecting light off the moon and onto the earth
—Tracker Vision: Clues and hints to finding their "prey" will be outlined and/or surrounded in a silvery light only they can see. If searching for an object, a silvery line of light only they can see will trail toward the object the user is looking for. Doesn't use any power and is passive.
—Colonel Of Constellations: Can summon any constellations apparitions As avatars to fight for them. Can summon as many as wanted as well as whenever and wherever they want. These avatars have various powers, magic, and abilities related to their origin(s), what they are, and what the user knows.
—Pains of Labor: Can curse opponents to feel the pains of giving birth.
—Animal Artificer: Can create, alter, enchant, customize, and manipulate any kind of magical and mystical creature of their own, realistically speaking.
—Child Check: Can tell when someone is pregnant, how long they're in, and what the gender is.
—Tidal Terrorist: Able to control the sea and water to a certain extent through moonlight or gravity, like all moon-related demigods
—The Lunarfied Elements: Can summon and control Moon-based versions of all the Elements. The effects vary depending on the Element used. Is actually one grand substance split into several elements. Are the most draining of the user's abilities:
•Moon Fire: Silvery fire that burns away targets "control systems". (Doesn't work in the day.)
•Lunar Lightning: Silver electricity that shocks and freezes, able to encase the opponent in Moon Ice. Can also enhance the user's physical attributes and abilities. Conducts to the weakest and weakness of the targets and gives whatever it is hell. Can also conduct through metals, allowing the user to control said metal. Available for Diurnal use.
•Waxing Ice: Ice so cold, all the target feels is them being burned alive. Targets also always feel like they're being stabbed. (Doesn't work during the day)
•Moon Mist: Able to summon and/or become moonlight-infused mist that can be controlled according to the user's wishes. Available for Diurnal use.
•Moon Water: Poisons enemies with any poison the user can think of that is from the forest and heals allies/friends. (Doesn't work during the day)
•Cresent Winds: Can launch small crescent-shaped slashes of moon-infused air that will paralyze the target or enhance the pain the target feels for a few minutes, but it depends on the user's intentions. Available for Diurnal use.
•Moon Stone: Can magically mold into whatever weapon the user wishes. Able to burn, freeze, and poison. Available for Diurnal use.
—Moon Maelstrom: Altogether, these elements can cause a power-draining explosion that can kill immortal beings.
Master of the Moons: Able the summon and manipulate all/any powers and abilities of others moons. Happens when the user changes the color(s) of the moonlight and energy they're using and can change and convert it between different moons on command. Different colors represent different moons. Can be used whenever the user wants. Isn't draining unless the user doesn't understand the moon they're channeling.
—Lunar Leering: Within a certain range, whatever moonlight shines on, they can see, smell, and hear.
—Progenitor Physiology Of A Shifter: Their DNA is under their complete control based on anything on the nature spectrum. This allows them to manipulate their physiology in any way they can:
Shape-shift into a stronger and more powerful, silver-version of any animal-like creature. Once mastered, their eyes are the only thing that will be silver.
Manipulate and use the special abilities, adaptions, and physical attributes of any animal or creepy-crawly-like creatures on command. The user must have shapeshifted into the Desired creature before hand, then they can channel it.
Gain proportional attributes and special abilities if the creature used is smaller than the user. (arachnids, fish, squirrels, frogs, birds, insects, crabs, etc. Basically any smaller animal-based creatures)
Can go even further and shape shift into into any kind of dinosaur, as well as use any of their powers, appendages, and attributes.
Turn into a huge swarm of any creature as big as or the size of their head. As long as one survives, even if the rest are wiped out, the user will survive
—Gravity Guardian: has complete and total control over their center of gravity and can sense and perceive any gravity-related phenomena as light and color.
—Precision Prime: Can manipulate their accuracy and precision, as well as influence the accuracy and precision of anyone or thing mentally weaker than them.
—Therian Tuning: Can see, hear, and smell anything the creatures under their control can.
—Lunar Link: Able to summon and channel a prime elemental of Night, a symbiotic elemental born and bonded to the user at birth that absorbs and magnifies whatever nightly elements within the user's domain. Can be used to fight, support their powers, be a spy, etc. The potential power they can have depends on the strength of the bond they have with the user. Once the elemental is summoned, they take on a passive form in the form of an animal they can agree on and can even reside inside the user's body.
—Sensory Sultan: They have superhuman senses that are under their control as well as are able to use to sensory abilities of any creature in the wildlife kingdom. Marine, aerial, all "creepy crawlies", and dinosaurs included.
—Gene Guardian: Can "commune" with the DNA of themselves and any other living creatures.
—Lunar Breathing: Their bodies multiply and  produce their own oxygen for emergency situations, meaning their can travel, survive, and navigate through outer space and all other oxygen deprive areas. This also means that any gas based attacks that cause internal damage of any kind through inhalation have little to no effect on them.
—Archer Almighty: Can create, customize, alter, enchant, and manipulate any kind of bow(s), arrows, and any kind of firearm the user can think of out of nothing and/or their own power with their minds. The amount that can be controlled at once depends on the user. Magical, mystical, and otherworldy firearms are included.
—Constellation Channeller: Able to channels and gain the power of any constellations for themselves or others. Their means the can gain a tremendous myriad of possible powers, magic, and abilities relating to a constellation origin(s), what they are, and what the user knows. When granting others abilities, they unlock all powers and abilities of any constellations the target was "born under".
—Crescent Chimera: Able to use the shape shift into, partially channel/shape-shift into, and use and manipulate the powers and abilities of any supernatural/esoteric/mystical/magical/otherworldly creatures, "creepy-crawlies", or beasts on command, especially lunar-based creatures.
—Bio Breaker: Able to manipulate, absorb, perceive, and generate static electricity and bio-electricity of any kind for whatever purposes they can think of as well as perceive and absorb all natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off as well as access and manipulate their own, like bio-fields, bodily vibrations of all kinds, bio-energy, rhythm, and much, much, much more. Over output and reckless use of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely.
—Body Of The Omni-Morpher: Can manipulate biomass however they want and can the use properties, attributes, and powers of other creatures their level or weaker in any way they want
—Focuser Of the Forest: Is able to mimic and control any elements of the forest however they wants
—Ultimate Packer Of Heat: Can create, customize, alter, enchant, and manipulate any kind of firearm the user can think of out of nothing and/or their own power with their minds. The amount that can be controlled at once depends on the user. Magical, mystical, otherworldly, and technological included.
—Physiology Propulsion: Their sensory abilities allows them to control the speed of the mind and bodily processes, allowing them to accelerate/decelerate any of their physiological functions, coordination, and all/any parts of their brain/minds,, kicking them into overdrive.
—Appropriate Adaptions: They subconsciously manipulate and alter their physiology to use their own versions of nature powers that are deemed disgusting, all-around inappropriate, or unreliable unless naked.
(A/N: Examples:
•instead of stingers of bees growing from behind them and killing them if used, they can shoot stingers from anywhere on their bodies.
•instead of breaking and exuding their bones for defense and offense like the wolverine frog, they can control and manipulate their bones in anyway they wish without any pain or discomfort.
•Instead of spraying stink like a skunk, they can create, alter, control and manipulate hormones of any kind, including ones that cause them to repel others)

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