Eros/Cupid= Love and Desire

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Sacred Animal: Hare

—Torch of Passion: Can can use the Fire Of Desire, a red and pink flame that can burn, pleasure, and make their opponents over emotional in what emotions the user desires. Will be only as half effective if aimed at a summoned entity as it will be put on the caster.
—Sparks of Consent: Whenever a person a child of Cupid/Eros has a crush on starts to reciprocates their feelings, even by just to smallest of sparks, being in the presence of the person will cause the person's feelings to grow, naturally, but faster.
—Charm Channelling: Can charm speak their bodies to be physically stronger and minds mentally stronger.
—Desire Emulation: Their bodies magically adapts and alters itself to fit the owner's desires as they grow, and well as being able to gain any potential power and ability within reason based on their desires and what they truly want
—Charm Chancelor: Can influence and persuade others to convince them to do what the want by pouring their Charm magic into their voice, touch, smell, and appearance. Is slightly weaker than their uncles and aunties
—Love Sight: Can see who other people love, but can't see who's in love with them. Helpful in discovering abusive relationships
—Power of Love: Are more powerful when in a relationship or in love with someone, as they can draw more out of their powers through the love they feel.
—Wings of Desire: able to sprout wings that will allow them to fly. Can also distract and confuse opponents when they stare at them and see their hearts greatest desires
—Pheromone Prime: Can create and control pheromones of any kind. They could enhance or diminish emotions, trap others in illusions of any kind, control minds, "mark" territory, influence any biochemicals and hormones in others living creatures, and enhance the mental and physical abilities of others. Unless physical and mental abilities are being enhanced, the effects are always temporary If the targets are mentally or physically stronger, have certain mental disorders, or are in control over their own body or mind. Otherwise, it can be permanent until receiving sudden mental or physical trauma, which will nullify the effects.
—Mini Cupid: can summon a pink bow that will shoot hate arrows or love arrows. Able to move the bow and shoot with their minds as it is symbiotic to the user, so it will grow in power with the user. Effect depends on the users creativity, as they can also imbue their arrows with other emotions cause by love and hate
—Empath: Can see and perceive the emotions of others.
—Resort Reverse: Can reverse ANYONES last resort power, no matter who, with charm casting.
—Sex Prodigy: Are naturals are sex. They naturally respond to their partners body with them having to ask. Their sex drive is always dependent on their partner.
—Erotic Overload: Acts of love and desire give them BIG long lasting temporary boosts of strength and power.
—Love Lacerator: Can enchant their weapons with attraction, causing those who are cut with them feel a slight temporary attraction to the first thing they see. Is weaker on those they like or those in relationships.
—Desire Determination: Love, lust, and desire motivates them
—Tantric Mage: Able to use nearly any magic that relates to the tantric spectrum.
—Love Blast: Can shoot a blast of energy that can be lethal and is powered by the user's love. Is stronger and far less draining when they draw on their desires, love, lust, and pleasure at the same time. Overuse will result in Charmspeak being temporarily weakened.
—Tantric Prodigy: Has an innate understanding of the tantric world.
—Harbinger Of Hormones: Able to create, perceive, and manipulate hormones any kind, primarily in themselves. This would allow them to control all their biochemicals, Manipulate their own emotions to a degree, control their metabolism, control their entire internal body systems to a degree, etc.
—Desire Emulation: Their bodies magically adapts and alters itself to fit the owner's desires as they grow.
—Wear Of The Warlock: Can control, alter, and enchant any kind of clothing and jewelry.

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