Phanes/Metis/Protogonus/Ericapaeus= Procreation, Light, Life, Creation, Goodness

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—DNA Domination: Can alter, commune with, and control DNA in any way they desire, however touch is required.
—Laser Lighter: Able to create, absorb, and manipulate lasers of any kind.
—Virtue Vizer: Able to influence the seven virtues in others
—Apsect Assimilation: Able to absorb any solid matter they're touching and synthesize it's mass, properties, and chemical makeup to change their body into living matter in the shape of their bodies temporarily.
—Photon Progenitor: Able create, absorb, and control light of any kind along with photons, the very particles of electromagnetic forces.
—Astral Agent: Able to astral project.
—Neo Creator: Able to create practically anything, including life, they want out of nothing or manifest and materialize energy and matter in any shape or form psychically. The strain depends on the size of the creation(s). Their only limit is their own imagination and creativity, but Constant Overuse of this power will consume life-force and weaken the user more than normal temporarily. Must have a general grasp on all the material of what their creating and/or materializing is made of or it won't work properly when produce, will put a mental strain on the user, or will drain all their strength when produced.
—Life Lordship: Their Life Line is in their own possession, letting them control and decide their own destiny.
—Procreational Picker: They can design and customize their offspring appearance in the womb, within moral reasoning. (No transracial shit)
—Vizer Of The Vessel: Can control their own bodies while astral projecting as naturally as if they were still in them. Does not use any power at all. No one can control their bodies but them while in this state. However, their physical bodies still get exhausted. Can choose to enhance their bodies while in his statenwith any of the energies at their disposal if they so wish it.
—Ghost Vision: Able to manipulate how their eyes and body processes light, letting them do things like perceive "ghosts" of light, meaning where light has been, letting them see a few minutes into the past, seeing a few minutes into the future by sensing where the "ghosts" of where light will be, and perceive the electromagnetic spectrum.
—Soul Speed: Able to detach part or all of their soul and move it to a different place within their vicinity followed by their body in a split second, giving the user the power to go anywhere their soul could get to in long or short bursts of speed, regardless of whether on not their body could do it or not.
—Positive Prime: Able to absorb, create, and manipulate any kind of positive energy. The potential of this power all depends on the user's understanding of positivity and the energy that comes from it.
—M.E.P.P Gene: From now one After the user, their future bloodline will have access to all their powers and abilities along the experience of those before them, instead of the having all the same abilities on a weaker level like normal.
—Evolution Emperor: Can control and alter their own evolution and can evolve/devolve any apesect, allowing them to manifest/depower various possible powers and abilities on command whenever they desire.
—Astral Guard: Are immune to any mental and physical control when astral projecting
—Limitless Life: Has a powerful soul that imbues endless life force at their disposal, as it is always being generated for the user's wants.
—Geneanologist: Able to see the family tree, history, DNA, and genetic makeup of any bio-creature they touch, including themselves.
—Soul Weapon: Able to summon their soul weapon, a symbiotic weapon that can even slice through dimensions. If the weapon is somehow destroyed, it will go back to the user's soul, but the user will feel immense pain. Their physical abilities become superhuman when their soul weapons are summoned. The weapon gets stronger and gains special powers the stronger the user gets.
—Life Lite: Able to sense and perceive Life, life-force, and souls as light and color. Doesn't work on summoned creatures.
—Gene Guardian: Archives the DNA, powers and abilities associated with them, and history of any living creature they touch, allowing them to mix and match whatever they find, letting them be able to create new creatures.
—Intelligent Virtues: Their 7 virtues all have minds of their own, only talking to them when they've seriously been in trouble. This prevents the user from becoming consumed by "always doing the right thing", letting them engage in the normal mischief any person would partake in and making it easier for them to make the right decision in dire situations.
—Converison King: They can convert their life-force into any energy want, allowing them to generate, perceive, and manipulate their own personal energy in whatever what they can think of.
—Soul Power: Their intent has a big effect on the damage their powers can do and the more their soul is used, the stronger it gets. Any powers that damage the soul of other living things will not permanently damage or kill them unless the user wants it with every fiber of their being.
—Lacerator Of Life: Able to manifest their life line and you it as a whip or to bind others. It cannot not be broken unless the user is killed.
—Virtuous Vision: Can see people's true intentions and wants along with being able to sense their virtues. Allows them to sense other creatures.
—Omni-Infuser: Can infuse any kind of matter, including themselves, with any of the energies they have at their disposal, allowing them to empower and enhance any/all their physical and some mental attributes. The effects depend on that energies were used and what effects they would have.
—Botanical Booster: Able to enhance, commune with, manipulate, and alter any plant-life with their minds.
—Life Leech: Can drain life from any unblocked creatures for their own purposes. Has a 96-hour optional reverse for unintended absorption. Can not use any of the absorbed life force until 48 hours have passed. Will not work on the these who have control over their physiology, body, life-force, or other soul-suckers.
—Paragon Procreation: Their bloodline from here on out will alter itself as procreation goes on, taking the best genetics from outside sources, enhances them, and adding them to the M.E.P.P bloodline.
—Physiology Progenitor: Their DNA is under their complete control. This allows them to manipulate their physiology in any way they can, enabling them to shape-shift, mix and mutate forms of different organism on command, mimic any special abilities and physical attributes of any living creature they've archived, proportionally if said creature is smaller than the user, whether it be a nonhuman, divine, or esoteric creature, create, alter, and manipulate biotech of any kind from themselves.
—Language Of Life: Able to speak the language of any living creature they touch
—Native Primary: Their body and mind has a subconscious templet of what their original body and genetic code  is supposed to look like, meaning their body and genes always know what shape to revert back too in case the user wishes it so
—Mage Of Life: Can use any type of light magic, creation magic, or life magic but it's highly draining.

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