Acheron And Algos/Dolor

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Acheron= Underworld River Of Pain. Suffering and Woe
—Regretting It: Able to see all the regrets a person has.
—Darkness Dominator: Can shadow travel and control darkness and shadows since their father is an Underworld God.
—Shadow Of Suffering And Regret: Can summon their shadow as a demon of pain. Or an apparition that appears as the opponent's worst regret.
—Demigod Of the Acheron River: Able to summon the Acid Of Acheron, water from their father River which causes physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, or spiritual pain.

Algos/Dolor= Pain, Grief, Sorrow
—Pain Picker: Can change what kind of physical pain someone else is feeling.
—Sorrow Sight: Able to see what's causing people sorrow and grief.
—Algea/Dolores Channeling: Can summon the power of Algea and Dolores, spirits of pain, sorrow, and grief. This can allow them to kill gods
—Grief Gab: Can infuse sorrow and grief into their voice, making others sad.
—Sorrow Slash: able to infuse sorrow and grief into their weapons. Opponents will feel sad at whatever the user wants temporarily.

—Pain Charge: Causing themselves or other people's pain makes them stronger. Able to use pain to increase any of their physical attributes.
—Suffer For Me: Able to transfer pain of any kind instantaneously by injuring themselves, causing any targets to feel the pain of what the user does to themselves while the user suffers no actual pain or injury at all. Can send to as many creatures as they can sense, see, and are aware of on command and can control what type of pain they send, how how much it hurts, and what type they send. Consumes no power. Sending an actual injury consumes power. 
—Presence Of Pain: Able to make their demigod aura absorb pain from Allies and/or increase in enemies
—Hurt Link: Can link beings physically, causing them to share the pain. It can be useful on allies if applied correctly.
—Pain Transfer: able to transfer the pain of a wound onto another person. The wound is still on the injured person, but now the target will fill whatever pain they're feeling from the wound.
—No Pain, No Gain: Can increase or decrease their pain tolerance.
—Living Opioids: Can take away the pain and heal moderate injuries.
—Pain Professor: able to sense and see any living creature's pain, even hidden pain. Able to see how it happened and how long they've had it.
—At My Mercy: Can increase or decrease the pain others are feeling, the pain they will feel, and what type of pain they're feeling.
—Killer Cut: Injuries from them or weapons they use can hurt more than they should or less than they should whenever they want.
—Indefinite Infliction: Doesn't matter if the creature has no sense of pain or if the creature is considered close to a living creature, their powers will override that, even though it will be less effective.
—Suffer For Me Supremely: Able to send damage to anything they want by doing it to themselves without suffering any actual pain or injury, then blasting red energy out of their eyes, hands, legs, or release it as a shockwave. Any injury they cause themselves, even "death", will happen to whatever the user wants if the blast hits. (Meaning the user can do things like cause an explosion by planting a bomb on their body and aiming where the explosion would happen, Cutting and slicing things just by "Slicing off" their own limbs, causing corrosion on other objects by pouring acid on themselves, burning and melting stuff just by burning themselves, etc.) 

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