Polemos/Bellum= Battle And War

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—Prowess Perception: Able to see the strengths, Skills, abilities, weaknesses, powers, and all-around "stats" of whatever or whoever they look at. Gets stronger the more it is used until the user is able to see into the person's past, the possible things they could do in the future, and their secrets.
—Courageous Combo: The more they strike uninterrupted, the stronger and faster their attacks become. Has no enhance limit. Doesn't need to be used against anything for it to work. Can be used whenever the user pleases.
—Natural Born Warrior: Enhanced battle reflexes, hyper-instinctual feel for fighting and war, and an extremely durable body.
—In The Zone: When all seems for the ones in battle they care about, they will enter a focused state where their powers meld with their body, mind, and soul, allowing them to pull from the well of power and strength hidden within them. Can not be mind-controlled in any way while in this state.
—Brawny Body: Their bodies are naturally way more durable and sturdy than any of the demigods from other gods, meaning that petty and average attacks won't work on them most of the time.
—Nature Of A Legendary Warrior: Has an Indomitably strong nature in being and an unbreakable indomitably strong will. This means they have apersonal strength and possess a personal form of invincibility in EVERY aspect, NOTHING can control them, they can accomplish the impossible, can transcend all expectations, and can even gain complete supremacy over their own body, mind, and spirit through sheer force of will.
—Call Of The Courageous: Can summon any courageous animal nearby.
—Battle Boost: Able to enhance their physical abilities when fighting anything.
—Drive Thief: Able to leech courage and bravery from enemies for themselves or Allies.
—Bravery Breaker: Can enchant weapons that will slowly steal bravery from those who are injured by said weapons. The user will get stronger while opponents become afraid.
—Almighty Willpower: Can channel their endless willpower and make themselves stronger and more powerful.
—Strength Surge: Has complete and total dominion over all of their physical attributes and can manipulate them, allowing them to empower/depower any of their physical attributes on command. The results depend on the user's understanding of the bodydc
—Aura Of Prowess: Their demigod Aura can make others feel more confident in what their doing and enemies lose control over their skills.
—Bravery Rush: the more they're injured/the more the odds are against them, the stronger the user and their abilities get.
—War Riser: The more enemies they face, the better they perform in battle.
—Strength Sovereign: Has total dominion over all of their strengths and can manipulate them, whether they be mental, physical, meta-physical, bodily, etc.v
—Battle Beast: When pushed into a corner, All their powers increase tremendously as they go into a crazed frenzy, hunting down the ones who wronged them.
—Chilling Courage: Can summon and control Courage Celsius, and ice that absorbs the battle cravings and courage of those it is used on
—Prowess Pierce: Able to enchant weapons to make others underperform at whatever the user wants the more the user injures them. Will revert to normal when the user unenchants the weapon that was used or exhausts themselves.
—Mahkai Counterpart: Able to summon their Mahkai counterpart, the spirits of battle.
—Strength Stealer: Can steal the strength of others through touch for themselves or to share with allies. Can be counteracted if the target overloads the user with more strength than the user can handle.
—Almighty Adrenaline: The adrenaline they produce is naturally way more powerful than normal because they're demigods and they can manipulate it due to their mastery over themselves in the face of danger and battle. They can alter its properties, change its chemical makeup, manipulate all its effects on the body, and also influence the adrenaline of others. Also able to control and manipulate all personal biochemicals, hormones, and bodily functions related to bravery and courage and physical attributes
—Master Of Morale: They have an indomitable will, and endless willpower, and can control and manipulate the morale of themselves and others, allowing them to increase/decrease the battle prowess, willpower, stamina, grand strength, etc of themselves and any living creature mentally weaker than them. Can only influence and persuade the morale of creatures mentally stronger than them.
—Weaponized Warrior: Can create, alter, customize, enchant, and manipulate any kind of weapon(s) the user can think of out of their own power or nothing with their minds. The amount that can be controlled at once depends on the user. Otherworldly, magical, mystical, and technological are included.
—True Strength: Having True Strength is having it, but knowing when not to use it, and as such, over half of the user's powers and abilities will not work right if the user doesn't take a break to deal with themselves if they need it.

—Bloodlust Surge: Can block any magical emotion manipulation with the bloodlust.
—Strike Of Violence: Can increase the power of their strikes to a superhuman level.
—War Riser: The more enemies they face, the better then perform in battle.
—Battle Charge: Gets a burst of power for every opponent they defeat. Gets stronger when fighting
—Power Of The Fallen: Can summon the skills and abilities of those who have fallen in battle, but only if they have an understanding of them and only one person at a time.
—Weaponized Warrior: Able to create and manipulate any kind of wepons with their minds out of nothing. Gets stronger the more it is used. The amount they can manage depends on the user.
—BloodLust Boost: Able to enhance their physical abilities on command with their bloodlust.
—In The Zone: When all hope seems lost for the ones in battle they care about, they will enter a focused state where their powers meld with their body, mind, and soul, allowing them to pull even deeper from the well of power and strength hidden within them. Can not be mind-controlled in any way while in this state.
—Warzone: Able to xause brawls and fights amongst enemies.
—Natural-Born Warrior: Has a natural sense for all things involved in a fight. Has tougher skin and better battle agility and reflexes than most
—Battle Boost: Able to enhance their physical abilities when fighting anything.
—Warring Combo: The more they strike uninterrupted, the stronger the hits become.
—Battle Beast: When pushed in a corner, All their powers increase tremendously as they go into a crazed frenzy, hunting down the ones who wronged them.
–Mahkai Counterpart: Able to summon their Mahkai counterpart, the spirits of battle.
—Battle Bane: Able to summon and control Vicious Venom, a poison that cause targets to become full of internal wars and/or have visions of super trauma-inducing wars and battles.

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