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= Beginnings, Gates, Transitions, Dualites, Time, Change, Doorways, Passages, Endings, Frames

—Frame Forger: Able to alter, change, warp, and control the shape of anything they touch
—Count Clockula: Always knows what time it is from any time zone. Their sense of time allows their brain to process things at a faster speed.
—Access Arranger: Able to redirect, warp, and control entrances, access, and exits. This lets them go any place they've been before through any door they open if they want to, traps others in an entrance-exit loop, and weaponizes entrances and exits by reshaping and controlling the physical structure of them
—Master Key: Has a soul-bonded symbiotic Key that can open any door. However for magical and curse doors, the stronger the curse/magic is, the harder it is to open it and the more strain placed on the user.
—Ninth Gate Of Grand Genes, OPEN!: Able to access their genetic code, letting them alter, restructure, and manipulate their life code to their liking, their primary genetic code letting them revert to its original code whenever they please.
—Rewind: Able to rewind the time of objects to whatever age the user wants. Rewinding the living is more draining and temporary unless the rewinded person changes something in their body's past. (A/N: for example; If someone has a broken arm, the user could rewind it a week, but the rewinded person would have to do something like get a minor injury, shaving, or have an allergic reaction, etc, or the broken arm will come back out of nowhere in the time frame of the week that was rewinded.)
—Proctor Of Passages: Able to create, alter, warp, manipulate, and redirect portals of any kind. This will let them travel to any place they've been to, travel to any place they can visualize, or create interconnected portal networks. The portals can even be in the shape and form of doors.
—Temporal Speedster: able to alter their time in conjunction with the time around them, allowing them to move at a speed close to the speed of light. However, this power's strength is dependent on the user and they're unable to run on water, run up buildings, create tornados, channel and control bodily vibrations, etc.
—Charge: Making the first move makes them stronger.
—Dimensional Domination: They can traverse through nearly any dimension and travel to and from different planes of existence, various universes, and numerous forms of reality. However, they can only go to ones that have adequate biological conditions such as safe oxygen, a non-radioactive environment, adequate gravity, bearable temperatures, etc. When traveling, they can build up their own network of Omni-dimensional doorways, and can sense and tell between the good and bad dimensions and universes.
—Fast Forward: Can see the future of whoever they look into the eyes of if they want. What they see isn't set in stone.
—Change Chancellor: Able to alter and transform the structures and forms of practically any kind of matter or energy, letting them transmute whatever they want with their minds or touch. Mental transmutation is for things they can't physically touch.
—Frame Feeler: Able to gain the complete measurements, dimensions, and layout of any structure they touch.
—Remedy Rewind: Can rewind the body's physical state before an injury. The user can even heal severed limbs
—8 Inner Gates, OPEN!: They can temporarily remove the limiters the brain places on the body and access the full physical power of the human body, enabling them to enhance their physical abilities on command. The more this power is used, the stronger it gets. If they go too far or if their bodies start being unable to handle the strength they're using, their time reversal powers will keep the strain and damage in check and heal all the damage.
—Paladin Of Portals: Able to hold and sharpen portals. This would let them make portal-related traps used to slice other things, with the exact amount of matter cut safely transported to another location of the user's choosing. This means any parts cut are being "held" by the user.
—There's No Place Like Home: Always instinctual knows the way back to their native universe.
—Door Demon: Able to summon doors, gates, passages, and all their parts, even being able to weaponize them. They can be portals if you the user want.
—Chrono-Overdrive: Able to control the time of their body on a cellular level, letting them control the speed of the mind and bodily processes, allowing them to accelerate/decelerate any of their physiological functions and coordination and kick them into overdrive
—Physical Frame: They can control their body's "outer shell" and their body will physiologically modify itself to adjust to the user's desires. However, it's all fake until the user puts in the work to be like that naturally, so the user will feel great physical strain if the ability is overused.
—Personal Passages: Can perceive, create, manipulate, and alter pocket dimensions, primarily their own. In these pocket dimensions, what the user wants happens.
—On My Time: Able to control their own personal time, letting them freeze it, fast forward it, or rewind it, allowing them to control their age, slow down bleeding out, and gain pseudo-superhuman movement.
—Ninth Gate Of The Zone, OPEN!: They can temporarily liberate their minds from any baggage, distractions, or mental limitations on command, allowing them to enter a state of hyper-focus, hyper-cognition, and Hyper intuition where their awareness is enhanced, all 5 (6) senses are slightly increased, and all their powers get a small boost.
—King Of The Keys And Lord Of Locks: Able to create, customize, and control any kind of lock and/or key that when used, can open and/or lock practically anything the user wants from a long distance depending on what they're being used on, how it would work, and what the user wants to happen. The strain of overuse will depend on the distance, how many keys/locks are being used, and what's being locked or opened;
•If it's a spiritual target or concept, there will be a strain on the soul
•If it's a physical target or concept, there will be extreme physical strain on their body
•If it's an emotional target or concept, the user will experience heightened emotional distress
•If it's a mental target or concept, there will be a strain on the mind
They must set what the lock/key is supposed to do, focus its trajectory on its target, it will attach itself to its target, and turn/lock into place. They can only lock and open a certain number of things due to it being over a distance and it's always temporary.
—Pause: Can pause time on command. Can leave whatever or whoever they want unpaused. No one ages while time is paused. All other time powers do not work while time is paused. Takes nearly no effort, unless they try to hold it for longer than they can handle.
—Dual Diviner: Able to navigate with and perceive anything that is a duality. This means that their senses divided down the middle by left and right will each perceive complete opposites, to be more specific, the entire left side of the body, ear, eye, and nostril will perceive one thing while the right side perceives what could be its opposite, and vice-versa. For example:
•left would perceive the cause, and right would perceive the effect
•left perceives truth, right perceives lies
• The right could perceive order while the left perceives chaos.
•right could perceive mass, and left could perceive any kind of energy
To perceive only one thing, the user will need to plug a side of their choosing, such as eye patches, ear plugs, nose plugs, etc.
—Transition Tracker: Able to perceive the future or past transitions of any area, letting them "watch" history or the future. This is more precise than psychometry, as the user can see any missing details.
—Progenitor Of Portals: Their portals can be made from any material, from wood to ice, obsidian to lightning, or fire to paper, and can be modified and enchanted to alter and change whatever's through them, but that takes a lot of strength and can control the movement of what passes through them. Elemental enchantment is more draining than a base portal, which is spatial warping.
—Dual Counter: Can gain the power of any opposing force depending on what they face. However, their opponents must be using their powers first and must be within the user's line of sight.
—Tenth Gate Of Potential, OPEN!: Able to access the full potential of the human body, meaning they have way more potential and capacity for growth and learning.
—Omni-Open And Complete Close: Able to open and close practically anything through touch and/or mind within a bedroom radius. This goes far beyond just closed doors and entrances, as they can open and close on a spiritual/physical/mental level and potentialities/opportunities on an abstract level. This also means they can affect what's opened or closed and manipulate what comes through. Takes nearly no strength and whatever is opened or closed is permanent unless the user wants otherwise. If used on themselves, they can gain and lock away various possible powers and abilities.
—Dark Dimensionalist: If the user wanted to cut someone or something with their portals, use elemental effects to lethally hurt them, or lethally alter someone or something, absolute intent is a must.
—Ending Acceleration: Able to perceive everything at an accelerated rate, predict the outcomes of nearly any situation, see the choice needed to be made when faced with a situation, and manipulate their velocity to achieve said choice. This will allow them to move at superhuman speeds while also predicting the probability and movement of objects at accelerated rates. They also mean they can see multiple futures are once.
—Pressurized Portals: Able to compress and pressurize whatever comes through their portals, causing whatever to come out to shoot out like a bullet, arrow, or cannonball depending on how much pressure they use
—Mage Of Dualities: Can use any magic they want but they must always use two dual opposites, meaning they will always have to cast two spells and both must be from opposite elements or concepts.
—Eleventh Gate Of Change, OPEN!: Able to apply the concept of change to themselves and anything they touch, which gives them the ability to use any psionic power but only through tactile means, and since the user is always in physical contact with themselves, they can use this power on themselves and anything they touch. They will be able to teleport themselves and anything they touch, gain full control over their mind, brain, their mental capabilities, their body, and all bodily capabilities, as well as use telepathy and telekinesis on anything they touch. Overuse of tactile telepathy and tactile telekinesis on matter and people, not themselves, will result in fluctuating mental strain related to overuse of power without rest. Head injuries can stunt all tactile psionic abilities temporarily and the more power the user is using, the longer their psyche will need to recover when hit.
—Eye Of Duality: Able to sense the direct opposite or counter of anything they look at, letting them see the direct weakness of any ability they witness.
—The Beginning And The End: Can see the beginning and end of any object or person they touch or any situation they weren't a part of when looking at it.
—Tuner Of Transitions: can control, alter, and customize any of their transitions as well as the transitions of anything they touch, from mortal to immortal, real to fake, rational to irrational, everywhere to nowhere, and so on.
—The Indomitable Lock and Key: Can lock/unlock anything
—Temporal Traveler: Can Teleport through time and space. Able to travel through their timeline with no major consequences. Going beyond that could have catastrophic consequences if they're not careful So their precognition kicks in as it will direct them from messing up the timeline too badly as well as keep them down from merging with the timeline and losing their sense of self and becoming part of the time period their are in. Especially if they bring passengers and the passengers are more susceptible to temporal merging.

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