Bronte and Astrape/Fulgora= Lightning and Thunder

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I didn't even know these two were real. I found out cause of PONCAK3 announcement.
Bronte= Thunder
—Thunderclap: Able to create and manipulate shockwaves of any kind. Shockwaves CAN be soundless or loud like thunder.
—Thunder-Proof Ears: has supernatural hearing. Able to manipulate and pinpoint their range of hearing.
—Thunder Tyrant: Can create and manipulate any kind of thunder along with being able to channel and manipulate any kind of sound, musical, vibration, or frequency-related phenomena.
—Soundless Reaper: Able to their demigod aura to absorb all vibrations and sounds within a certain range, creating a space of absolute silence.
—Vibration Vision: Able to see sound and frequencies as color, light, and numbers.
—Booming Thunder: Able to cause thunder out of nothing.
—Malleable Mimicry: Can mimic any person's voice and sounds and/or throws their voice.r
—Sound Sovereign: Has total and complete control over all their bodily vibrations, Can boost their own physical and mental attributes on command by manipulating vibrations and sounds in their bodies accordingly.
—Thundering Torch: able to summon and control Screaming Fire, a flame that can burn or overload opponents with whatever sound the user wants, which either confuses them, knocks them out, drives them (temporarily most of the time) mad, or disrupts something in their body. It all depends on the user.
—Thermal Terrorist: Can control and manipulate temperature, even without a medium
—Thunder Omega: Able to tap into and manipulate any other aspects of sound, vibration, frequencies, Resonance, and dissonance, and music they can think of, allowing them to control things like airwaves, counter-vibration, transonic resonance, seismic energy, etc. Overuse will result in physical and mental strain on the mind and body.
—Bio Static Shockers: Can use and manipulate any of their personal electrical and electromagnetic phenomena and all various effects and properties. Isn't draining unless the user tries to channel and control said phenomena from outwardly sources.

—Omni-Zap: Able to create and manipulate EVERY type of electricity of any color along with all their various properties and effects. Magic, mystical, and otherworldly electricity are included. Can also manipulate any kind of electrical and electromagnetic phenomena.
—EMP: Can cause electrical interference with electronics.
—Lord Of The Lightning Bolt: Can call down lightning strikes.
—Taylor Ridley: Can temporarily scramble their opponents' minds, confusing them. Or able to read minds, but touch is required. (If you read Michael Vey, it's basically the same as Taylor's powers)
—Lightning Levitation: Able to fly by controlling the electricity in their bodies.
—Electrical Amp: After a year of using their powers, they can Create and control any type of electricity, including highly focused electricity that has various uses depending on the user's creativity:
•Cutting and Slicing
•Microwave emission
•Solid Electricity.
+All depends on the user's imagination and understanding of electricity.
—Pain Is From Electricity: Can turn off their ability to feel pain temporarily or take away people's pain temporarily by shutting off the pain receivers, which are powered by electricity, in the brain. Touch is required. (Basically, like Abigail from the Michael Vey series, if you've read it)
—Lightning Liege: Able to increase their physical and mental attributes by manipulating the electricity in their bodies accordingly.
—Liquid Lightning: Able to summon and control Liquid Lightning, electricity in liquid form. This Enigma Element can permanently/temporarily paralyze opponents or put the person's body under the user's control.
—Inner Impulse: They have complete and total control over all the electricity within themselves and they can use it to gain superhuman control and supremacy over their entire bodies.
—Lightning Omega: Able to tap into and manipulate the other aspects of electricity/lightning, like Electrochemistry, capacitance, ions, quintessence force, etc.
—Bio-Resonance: They can create and manipulate bio-thunder and can manipulate any of their personal sonic energy, sound, and bodily vibration phenomena, like motion, frequency, oscillation, etc. Isn't draining unless the user tries to channel and control said phenomena from outwardly and non-living sources.

—Thunder Thrasher/Lightning Lasher: Able to infuse weapons with vibrations or electricity.
—Lightning Leap: Able to teleport through lightning by having lightning bolts strike them, travel through clouds and the air, and place them somewhere else.
—Storm Seer: They have a deeper understanding and insight on storms and EVERYTHING related to them.
—Giga Generator: Their bodies are always constantly generating and absorbing any electrical and sound/vibrational-related phenomena for later use. Extreme emotions can speed up generation speed. Has no limit, but the more electricity and vibrations/ sound they build up, the harder it is to control their output of them.
—Static Shockers: Can control anything that conducts electricity with electromagnetism, influence and interact with technology, and perceive and interact with all waves on the electromagnetic spectrum.
—Storm Symbiosis: Able to summon a prime elemental of Storms, a symbiotic elemental born and bonded to the user at birth. Can be summoned to fight, support their powers, or be a spy. The potential power they can have depends on the strength of the bond they have with the user. Once summoned, the elemental will take a passive form in the form of an animal they and the user agrees on.
—Onyx Whirlpool: Can create, control, customize and alter black holes by creating and controlling a sound over 1,100 DB. This ability gets stronger and easier the more it is used and can be used for various possibilities if the user is creative enough.
—Sight Of The Squall: Able to see with electricity or sound and vibrations, allowing them to see like electric eels and/or bats. Can also perceive any phenomena on the lightning and thunder spectrum. Fusing both will allow the user to perceive reality on a much deeper level than anyone.
—Bio-Breaker: Able to manipulate any bodily capabilities, giving them full and absolute control over their bodies, allowing them to manipulate any bodily capabilities such as any biological capabilities, systematic capabilities, physiological capabilities, any/all physical and mental attributes, and perceive and absorb all/any natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off as well as access and manipulate their own, especially storm-related elements like bio-electricity, neural impulses, bodily vibrations of all kinds, frequencies, rhythm, and much, much, much more. Over output of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely.
Tempest Therian: Able to shape shift into a normal or stronger and more powerful version of, partially channel/shape-shift into, and use and manipulate the powers and abilities of ANY magical, otherworldly, supernatural, and mystical storm-based creatures/monster, like Thunderbirds, The Wild Hunt, Raiju, Kitsune, Garuda, and much, much more.
*Any powers the user has by association of the connection between lightning and thunder (except any bodily and bio-related ones) will either be natural weaker and less draining or more powerful and way more draining than their cousins*

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