well...that was anticlimictic...READERS GET HIM! *Points at author*

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okay, imma be honest. Alex, is weird AF.

[you dont say...]


there was something about him that...made me feel...idk, it just rubbed me the wrong way.

he gives me the exact same vibes, that a quiet kid from school would give me. The "quiet" i will come with a gun tomorrow, not the "quiet" weird kid.

no. wait.

actually, its more like the those two merged together.

But maybe im over-reacting. A summoning used by an eldritch language, That Mr".i will destroy your world by simply existing" uses, probably just gave me a bad first impression.

and even if he is not all good and nice...who am i to judge? I killed my father.

...i killed yang...

[you didnt, she-]

BUT I STILL PLANNED KILLED HER! what the fuck was i thinking!? i had my Zombie and Draugrs RIP the flesh out of her body! And...AND I-...

Issei: (y/n)? are you good? you are...well not crying, but you sure look like you are about to.

was I? My vision is blurry, are those tears? why would i be crying?




why would i not cry?

(y/n): hey Issei? Abel? ...we are friends right?

I asked and wiped away my tears. By the faces they made i must have confused them. Issei looked at me like im the dumbest person on earth and Abel was giving me a deadpan look.1

Issei: nope, we're not friends. WE ARE BROS! BFF's forever!

Abel: we fought side by side, and against each other, from my point of view you are my king, an Battle brother.

What? are you serious? i- omg i cant hold it in, this is.

(y/n): pffhaha...ahahahahahahahahaha! OMG, wha- pff. Are you- haha- are you serious? whats with these answers.

I pointed at Issei

(y/n): Your is cheesy as fuck.

I pointed at Abel

(y/n): and you sounded more like a knight answering his king!

Abel: you are my king.

he answered without any hesitation.

God damn these guys. I love them.

Issei: what made you ask? you okay man?

Am i okay? IDK, maybe? maybe not? I dont know. I seriously dont fucking know! Ever since i entered the DxD world, i just...what did i do?

has anything i done been useful? why did i do everything i did? have i gained something from this? did i have a motive? did i had reason to do the things i did? I just did stuff, for the sole reason of doing it! but that cant be just that!

i did it because...

...oh no.

(y/n): we are finishing the demon hunt here, then I need to go back.

Issei: go back?

(y/n): yeah, go back...SO! wanna go to Starbucks?

hearing me Abel eyes gained a spark in them.

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