Aura powered Dragonborn??...Issei pack your shit we are leaving!

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Asia will be out of the picture for a LONG time (i think?), i have a character arc for her and its a complicated one, i need to perfect it. write it down and make notes to make sure i dont fuck it up

i need to set up her character, and set up the story that she will take place in, the major events that will happen and shape her character even further sometimes even changing it.

lets be honest. we are human, one event can change our perspective on life and ourself in an instant, and Asia together with everyone else in this novel is the same. and i plan to use that...

lets pray i will be able to portray the human nature in a good way...

the character that im going for when we first will see her again, is one that you either will immediately hate, or immediately love and its kind stressing me out...


(y/n): what are you!

Issei: a bad boy...

if Issei would have ears right now, they would be laying flat, thats how depressed he is.

(y/n): why?

Issei: because i didnt listen to sensei...

(y/n): good, and dont you ever think of disobeying me again!

Issei: yes sensei...

(y/n): now put some clothes on and prepare for battle, you will gain some combat experience today.

yup! you guess it! (y/n) was planing on using Issei to do his battles, with the excuse of "teaching" him how real battle to the death looks.

the two walked into the dungeon, which was a dwarf ruin btw, and (y/n) was casually drinking some apple juice while looking at Issei who was fighting with the dwarf's construct who were trying to kill him.

and as expected he sucked at fighting! he pulled some clever moves like using lightning on his fists. sience they were "robots" he thought that too much electricity would overload the constructs. The only problem was the fact that they didnt run on electricity but on souls, thanks to the soul gem inside them.

it was a clever move...but an inefficient one...welp, at least its a proof that Issei is able to use his brain in a fight...and proof that he had a brain at all

seeing as this doesnt work he stopped and tried a different approach, he aimed for the moving gears inside the robot and any other moving part, this was more effective then the last approach.

(y/n): man thank God aura is a thing or you would be dead 100 times over by now

Issei: you dont have to remind sore body is enough...

ah yes...Issei may not suffer from any injuries, but he still feels all the pain of the blow. Aura does have its downsides, but it doesnt mean its bad.

(y/n): i would recommend you to not be too much dependent on your Aura, try to learn how to dodge, you would make uncle piccolo proud if you do.

Issei: who?

(y/n) nevermind, you wouldnt get it. NOW LETS MOVE ONWARDS INTO THE DEEP DUNGEON!

Issei: but we already are in the dungeon...

(y/n): DEEPER!

Issei: thats what she said~

(y/n): ... shut up you perv

---timeskip brought you by the author learning the WHOLE BEN 10 LORE! HOLY SHIT GUYS! ITS SO COMPLEX AND AMAZING!---

(y/n): as a proud member of the human race, and a knight of the one above all, the king of gods, creator of the universe, and so on, i officially ask you to give me your breathing license and log off out of this reality.

Issei: as a proud member of the human race, I the red dragon emperor fully agree with my sensei verdict.

they were disgusted, they were scared for life, the horrific image of what they witnessed are forever burned into their minds and it will stay there unless they wipe up their memory, they both brutally killed the last Falmer and went back to the surface.

what did they saw? sorry not telling...believe me its for your own good.

when they were finally in the surface both of them sat down took a deep breath and slowly exhaled...Issei started crying and (y/n) started to scream his lungs off at the sky like he was trying to ask the universe itself why something like this existed in this world.

(y/n): ...we never speak of this again?

Issei: ...yup...

he said while still crying. As they were both trying to understand the horrors they witnessed they didnt notice someone walking up to them

Dragonborn: heh, first time?

(y/n): WHAT THE FU-


(y/n): when did you came here?

he asked really confused on the dragonborn suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Dragonborn: i was watching you ever since you started slapping that whimp with a rolled up paper.




Issei whole face turned red, having someone seeing that embarrassing moment was enough to momentarily make him forget about what he saw in blackreach

Dragonborn: is he you M slave or something

(y/n): ew...


if Akeno would hear what Issei said she would be SO wet right now! but knowing her its maybe its for the best that she didnt hear him, there is not telling what she would do if she did hear him

Dragonborn: sure, anyway i came here to give you a bunch of junk.

he said and proceed to pull a bunch of daedric relics out of his ass and dropping them on the floor in front of (y/n)..."junk"? he called those "junk"??? the observe skill was showing (y/n) God-like stats for these items and the dragonborn called them JUNK!?!?

you want to know the funny thing about the relics? well for example, {dawnbreaker} in the game deals only 12 damage, in real life it deal 120! and by the looks of things every combat related item had and extra zero at the end! HOW CAN THIS BE CONSIDERED JUNK!? JUST HOW POWERFUL IS THE DRAGONBORN!?!

Dragonborn: and that would be all...BUT!

he then took out a book...the {oghma infinium}...wait does that mean he just wasted all this time collecting blood in vain??...the young crusader made a mental note to check the timeline next time he visits a new world

Dragonborn: i was not asked to give you this, but i managed to piece out that you want this, since you were collecting all that blood and went into blackreach just to get Falmer i have been thinking, how about a deal...

he does not like the smile the dragonborn was showing him! he was scared out of his mind right now! red alarm! this is not a drill! i repeat! THIS. IS. NOT. A. DRILL!

(y/n): d-deal?

Dragonborn: i heard about that Aura thing you said to your M-slave...

he said as his smile become larger.


yelled out the perverted dragon emperor from behind (y/n) who was still embarrassed at the whole thing

Dragonborn: mind unlocking mine?

the soul of a dragon being put in use as Aura? that would grand immense power! Issei Aura in one million because he i linked to Draig soul as the wielder of the boosted gear! but what number would it be for the dragonborn who absorbs the soul of dragon for breakfast?! the young crusader didnt even want to think about it! the destruction the Dragonborn would be able to cause would be tremendous!

...but he really wanted that book though...

(y/n):, but im reading the book first!

Dragonborn: sure, i can always snap your neck if you decide to break the deal.

the casual tone in which he said those words were what scared (y/n) the most. The Dragonborn tossed him the {oghma infinium} and before he started reading the young crusader used {observe} first.

[{oghma infinium}- a book of forbidden knowledge that allows you to learn everything that is, was, and will be in the universe of "the elder scrolls". Warning! the system has put a limit on how much the host can learn at one time! it is advised for host to use this book only once every month, otherwise it will drive the host insane]

good to know the system got him covered.

without wasting anymore time (y/n) sat down on the ground and opened the creepy looking book...




Dragonborn: so do you two have a sex-dungeon or something?

Issei: for the last time! I AM NOT A M-SLAVE!

---timeskip brought you by chibi (y/n) making cookies for Chibi Ruby---

he felt something...someone waking him up...Where was he?

[careful host, you are still under the influence of {oghma infinium}, take a moment to gather yourself]

what? oh...OH! he was reading the {oghma infinium}! or at least he thought so...honestly (y/n) felt like he was sleeping the whole time...did he really red the book?

trying to stand up he found it difficult as a sharp pain spread trough his body. It felt his muscles were burning...JUST LIKE THAT TIME WITH {dawnbreaker}!

(y/n): did it work!?

he asked confused but also exited, its as he suspected! the book will also give you the ability to fight better!

(y/n): i wonder how good i am with a spear now...

[you would be just slightly bellow a huntsman in training when it comes to fighting with a spear host]

thats honestly a terrifying improvement! this book is too OP!

Dragonborn: and here i thought i would need to wake you up myself! good job on resisting the Book kid!

well its all thanks to the system to be honest...

Dragonborn: now for that Aura thing...

yup! worth it! completly worth it! he may be dooming the people in skyrim but it was worth it! the young crusader put a hand on the Dragonborn chest and started to do the chant while using his Aura to grab the MASSIVE soul of the Dragonborn.

when the chant was completed, the Dragonborn started to shine with all the colors of a rainbow and then...

then this happen



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