Casca is healed!! :D

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Imagine being the "boyfriend " of girl that cant even look at you, as she begins having a panic attack the moment she see suck...watching Casca scream in terror was truly heartbreaking for Guts, and the worst part is that he cant calm her down, as it only would make it worse.

But just as he was about to go and leave her alone, so she could calm down...

(y/n): SCP-999 i chose you! YEET!

after hearing that he turned around only to see Casca being covered in a weird orange jelly, and everybody around her watching a certain boy who was standing not so far away.

Kiba: (Y/N)-sempai!?

(y/n): missed me?

Guts: YOU!

(y/n): oh shit.

the young crusader watched in horror as The black swordsman walked up to him with a pissed off look on his face...well, to be honest its a miracle that (y/n) didnt shit his pants, to be honest...

Guts: where were you!? You said that you will cure Casca but I-WE needed to fuck off to a fairy land to do it!

screamed the black swordsman as he grabbed (y/n) collar and raised him into the air, so they could be on the same eye level

(y/n): okay listen! i clearly didnt make it in time to heal her mind, i admit! but i am healing her trauma!

the young crusader said and then pointed at Casca who was letting out soft giggles as SCP-999 was tickling her

(y/n): you see that slime thing over there? its a creature that is able to cure depression and mental trauma! all he needs to do is being in physical touch with Casca! just give it some time, and she will be able to talk to you like nothing ever happened, i swear!


Guts: you stay here until she is healed...understand?

(y/n): crystal clear!

after that (y/n) fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes and Guts walked away to be a edge lord somewhere else, much to (y/n) relief.

(y/n): oh thank god...

Kiba: (y/n)-sempai where were you!? Is Rias okay? did she win the rating game? why didnt you came sooner?

the barrage of questions were send by none other then Kiba, also know as "the Prince of kuoh academy" and when (y/n) saw him...damn! Kiba is packing some heat! like seriously! you could grind cheese on those muscles!

(y/n): i was training the rest of the group, Rias is okay, The rating game didnt start because time moves differently in this world, and i didnt came sooner...because time moves differently in this world...

well everything except the last one was true...(y/n) can just say in what place in the timeline he wants to be teleported when it comes to the worlds that he needs to pay, to enter and he abused this fact by making Kiba spend a LOT more time then was necessary in the berserk universe.

Kiba: So there is still time until the fight with Riser?

(y/n): yes.

Kiba: thank goodness, i if i only knew, i wouldnt be so stressed out...

Schierke: e-excuse me...

(y/n): hmm?

The young crusader turned around to see the young mage of Guts group looking at him with a nervous face.

(y/n): what can i do for you little lady?

Schierke: m-m-m-my n-name is S-Schierke, Your highness....

wait, the fuck? what does she mean "highness"? wait...why is every elf nearby bowing?! why is every other supernatural creature nearby bowing?! the fuck is happening?!

[the creatures of the supernatural are able to sense the Bloodline of the twin gods inside you, making them think you are a god yourself, one that is equal to the 4 kings]

what? okay (y/n) knew that a bloodline from a god was OP but, being compared to the 4 kings of

for those who dont know. The 4 kings are the physical manifestation of the 4 elements and they are the most powerful entities in berserk.

(A/N: i honestly dont think that "the Idea of Evil" is as powerful as the 4 kings, fucking fight me)

for fuck sake, the 4 kings are basically the Gods of the berserk universe! and now he viewed as someone on their level! even tough he can probably get trashed by them in less then a second! that why Puck was looking at him in that weird way, the last time he saw him?

(y/n): oh, well in that case, what do you need Schierke?

well...since he is viewed as a god...he may as well keep this up right?

Schiercke: i-i would like to a-apologize for my companion behavior!

oh, damn, (y/n) could visibly see just how much stressed she was when talking to him...well i guess that was normal for someone that thinks is talking with a god...

also, apologize? is she talking about Guts? well its not like it was Guts fault for lashing out...he did kinda break a deal, that was VERY important for Guts...after all this is Casca we are talking about.

(y/n): dont worry Schircke, it was kinda my fault to begin with...

after he said that he stood up and looked around him to all the creatures that were bowing to him

(y/n): please stop bowing, there really is no need for that.

...they stilled bowed...

---timeskip brought you by Chibi (y/n) being prayed to, by the Chibi magicians of the bersek universe---

it took 3 days to completely cure Casca trauma...SCP-999 works miracles but being exposed to him for long periods of time, and too often, can cause someone to start being obsessed with SCP-999 so (y/n) allowed Casca to have her "therapy" only for 10 minutes for 2 times a day.

one in the morning when she wakes up, and one at night before she was going to sleep. and to keep progress on how she was doing, (y/n) would start a conversation and from time to time, played with his words in a way that would make her memories of the eclipse to trigger.

her reactions were visible to the naked eye, but when tried to trigger the memories she was only sad....and after he asked what was wrong, she told him about the eclipse...SHE TOLD HIM ABOUT THE ECLIPSE!

she was not having a panic attack, she was not going crazy, she was just...sad...and crying.

(y/n): sorry, i should have thought of another way to test how you feel...

Casca: n-no, please dont mind me....its just that...

(y/n): you are sad, its normal...

Casca: ...

(y/n): its not something you can change, when thinking of this, you always will be sad, all one can do when faced with this situation is just accept reality.

ah, cant change the past can you...? no one can...

(y/n): i know its easier said then be honest i dont think i would be able to do it myself if something like this would happen to me....but you need to try.

Casca: thank you, i will try and accept this memory, thank you for your wisdom Lord (y/n).

well its not exactly "his" wisdom, anything that sounds even remotely "wise" that (y/n) says, is just a quote that he heard somewhere else or read from a book...but hey that never stopped him for taking credit for it!

(y/n): your welcome.


(y/n): and hey! look at the bright side! you still have Guts!

The young crusader had honestly no idea how people can think that Casca didnt love guts...The gentle smile full of Love that she showed when he mentioned the black swordsman name was enough proof of her feelings toward the man.

Casca: Lord (y/n) you think i am ready to see him?

Hearing her (y/n) let out a smile and signaled her to get up.

(y/n): lets find out, shall we?

it took them 10 minutes to find him, but when it happened....

well...lets just say it went okay.

lets just say it went okay

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yup...she just walked past him and smacked Guts ass...this couldnt possibly get any better...

Casca: my room, now.

oh god, it just got better!


(y/n): well what are you waiting for!? go after her!

hearing (y/n) words, Guts run after Casca while taking off his armor on the way there.

(y/n): i think i just made Berserker more lighthearted then it normally is...good.

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