hunting Demons with the boys.

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at the second Q&A some of you wanted a discord Chanel...well...

here you go!! Im not the admin in that chat group, my friend is. Im mostly available on the weekends because of work. My nick is "emilio2001"

well now that this is done, lets start the chap.


the fluf....THE FLUF!!!

Kunou didnt even had her ears and tail's out! how is it possible that the fluff powerlevel is so high!? its...ITS!

ITS OVER 9000!!

While this was happening Issei just looked at (y/n) with a deadpan expression, and the body guard of kunou had some smoke coming out of her ear's from anger.

Bodyguard: how dare you touch the princess lik-

before he can finish the air suddenly got heavy, the bodyguard could feel cold sweat on his back as it was getting heavier to breather for him. (y/n) raised his left arm and pointed with his index finger at him, for a moment there was deafening silence but eventually the young crusader spoke.

(y/n): shut up.

the bodyguard could feel the silver eyes of (y/n) staring into his soul, as the 3 tomoe showed up in the Iris and started to rotate around the pupil.

there were 3 more second of silence and just before the Bodyguard was about to pass out from fear, (y/n) eyes changed back to normal and he started to fluff Kunou again.

---timeskip brought you by Chibi (y/n) cuddling chibi Kunou like a teddy bear.---

Kunou: awawawawawawawaaaaa...

was the only thing Kunou said as she was getting all the affection and Love (not that kind of "love" you pervs) from (y/n) who was doing sweet mofu mofu to her ears.

Issei had the same deadpan expression as before and Was looking nervously at Yasaka who was watching the whole thing happening with mixture of bewilderment, and anger.

She was asking for backup, for almost 3 week, and when sirzech finally sends one, the people who come are molesting her daughter?! asking the devil faction for help was a mistake...

decidet that she had enough of this, Yasaka cleared her throat and successfully managed to catch (y/n) attention.

Yasaka: may i know what are you doing to my daughter?

she asked deadly calm but ready to kill the boy in front of her.

(y/n): giving her all my love, and affection, because she is the most precious thing in this world, her smile can cure cancer, bring world peace, destroy all evil and make everybody stop being depressed. Her fluff had managed to bring ease to my soul and gave me a state of Nirvana and now i refuse to let her go until im satisfied. Her soul is like the light in the dark and im 100% positive she is the new messiah of this world.

replied the young crusader as his eyes locked with Yasaka and had a hard look in them, his voice deep and cold.

Issei only nodded his head sagely, he may not give head pats to kunou every second, but he can still appreciate the cuteness of this little youkai.

The mother of the now even more embarrassed princess on the other hand immediately stopped feeling all anger, and her eyes showed surprise that soon changed into happiness.

Yasaka: i know, right!?

she finally found someone!

she finally found a person that see's Kunou true power! everyone until then just saw her as an innocent kid and when Yasaka tried to explain it to them, they all just thought that it was a mother loving her child. But! this boy right here! he saw the true Kunou! the light in the dark that will bring the wold to a better place!

Yasaka didnt even notice when she got closer to her daughter and joined (y/n) in giving headpats and mofu mofu to Kunou making the girl lose all hope to get out of this situation any time soon.

The red dragon emperor seeing this decided to quietly leave the room and return another time when those two will be done with...whatever they are doing.

[sometimes i regret i dont have a body]

it seems his system is jealous.

<my daughters were also very fluffy...>

said the queen of Grimm as her voice was nostalgic. She missed those little brats running around, and what she missed the most was their hugs and fluffy hair that she used to run her fingers trough when one of them would fall asleep on her lap in the garden at spring.

she smiled at the memory, however it was soon changed into a frown that was fallowed by a scoff. Her grip tighten and nearly shattered a wine glass she was holding, her eyes were full of rage and due to her Grimm DNA she let out a growl, as she momentarily allowed the anger to get a hold on her.

when she looked back into (y/n) mind, she saw him still petting The "Kunou" girl. Hearing the soft giggle that (y/n) let out when giving headpats to kunou made her eyes soften, her grip on the wine glass lessen, and a gentle smile once again returned on her face.

< (y/n)? >

she said griping (y/n) attention.

<who is Ozpin to you?>

Ozpin? well to be honest all the interaction with him are mostly the magic classe's. Actually...its the only interactions he has with the man, the only exception being that time he came to save Amber.

(y/n): *Headpats intensifies* (a teacher.)

he replied mentally. Hearing him the Grimm Queen nod her head. Not that he could see it or know it, but hearing nothing back he brough his attention back to kunou and Saw that Yasaka started to fluff her Tails.

the Mofu Mofu (the not perverted version) continued for an hour after that

---timeskip brought you by Issei playing strip poker with Youkai ladies while waiting for (y/n) and Yasaka to end the mofu mofu session with kunou. PS: he was winning.---

after getting Issei back into the room, the duo and Yasaka finally started talking business.

(y/n): well let me introduce ourself's. My name is (y/n), and this is Issei

said the Crusader as he pointed at Issei when he said the last part. Issei bowed his head slightly and Yasaka returned the gesture with her own little bow.

Yasaka: its nice to meet you two. My name is Yasaka, the leader of the Youkai faction.

she introduced herself. (y/n) of course already knew about her from the anime, But for Issei it was new info.

Yasaka: as you were probably told, you were send here to help with the recent demon attack's

they both nod their head hearing that.

Yasaka: it started relatively small, just a couple of humans getting caught in their trap's, but it started to get more serious the more time has passed. And now...they dont even bother to hide anymore, there are new videos almost everyday about "strange things" happening in Kyoto.

she explained with a calm voice and schooled face, but you could see the tired look in her eyes.

Yasaka: fortunately the all those kind of Videos are deleted by Azazel, who somehow managed to "hack the internet" as he say's it.

DAMN! (y/n) knew Azazel was smart, but to hack the whole Internet!? WHAT A MADLAD!

Yasaka: apparently these kind of Videos are from all around the world.

she tried not to, but she released a tired sigh.

Yasaka: there is no denying that the Youkai faction is Smaller than any other's, so eventually we were forced to ask for help...

the Duo looked at each other, they grinned and then looked at Yasaka.

(y/n)/Issei: lets do this.

time to go on some Demon hunting with his boy Issei!

Abel: im in.

correction! Time to go on some demon hunting with the boy's!...

hold up.


Yasaka: w-who!?

half yelled the nine tail Mil- *cough* lady as she stared in shock at the newcomer.

(y/n): hi Abel, mind telling me how you are able to cross dimensions?

hearing his question Abel just shrug his shoulder and then looked at (y/n) in the eye's with a firm look.

Abel: its time for our battle.

he said calmly and coldly.

Abel: meet me outside in 1 hour.

after saying that he walked away, probably to prepare their fighting ground. Yasaka could just dumbly stare at the newcomer while her cheeks had a little pink on them.

There was no denying it that Adam was a handsome man, and odly enough the tattoo's all over his body made him even more attractive. This combined with the fact that Adam wears only a short cloth around his Waist makes a deadly combo for all the thot's who faint with a nosebleed after glancing at him.

(y/n): Issei...

the young crusader said gravely as he stared at his friend.

Issei: y-yeah?

(y/n): make sure to bring nice flowers at my funeral...

he said while holding back some tears as he felt his inevitable demise coming fuck him in a way he was never been fucked before, not even by those damned furries in his nightmare.

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