time to start the REAL training!

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last chap for today


thankfully Ozpin kept his part of the deal and some people delivered the crates of Gravity and Hard Light dust and he packed as much as he could together with some random fire, lightning and ice dust bullets into his new backpack, thats right NEW backpack! he left the old one in Ozpin office when he sold him the Mana crystals...

he put a sign saying that the restaurant will be closed this Friday so the customers will know in advance. and today...today was Friday...

(y/n) was sitting on his beds with the backpack filled with both gravity and hard light crystals, he was holding 600 lien in his hand and used the world travel function again

[where would you like to go?]

(y/n): terraria, front door of the champion that i visited last time

[how long would you like to stay for?]

(y/n): 6 hours

and like that the 600 lien that he was holding disappeared and the familiar feeling of his entire body being pulled toward his stomach was felt once again. with a loud "POP" he was in front of the champion door and he did his best to not loose his launch again...that teleportation method is not very pleasant

when he felt better, (y/n) knocked on the door and immediately he heard someone run at it from he other side. he watched as the poor door was almost ripped off from the frame as the familiar Mythrill armored man stood in front of him

Champion: ITS YOU! i have been waiting the whole day! do you have the Dust i asked for??

(y/n): yup! best quality Gravity&Hard light dust right in here!

he said as he raised his backpack, without even wasting a second the champion invited him into his home and (y/n) took out all the Dust that he was carrying

Champion: can i make some test with it?

(y/n): as long as you make that spear for me then i dont mind

the champion took all the dust and left the living room but this time (y/n) decided to fallow him. soon he entered what he can only describe as "an underground testing room" there were dummies everywhere and "little" work station where the Champion crafted and experimented with different materials, this time Dust

but what caught (y/n) attention was a bookcase holding multiples books

(y/n): are those magic books??

hearing his question the champion stopped his work and looked at where (y/n) was pointing, he then answered his question

Champion: yes, you can look trough them if you want

and with that said he returned to doing whatever he was doing. (y/n) taking the chance to try learn a few spells while waiting for the champion to finish his work, took the first book he open it...

(y/n): wut ze fuq?

he whispered to himself as he saw that the alphabet of this world is a bunch of weird looking runes. he quickly checked the rest of the books but it didnt matter...he didnt know how to read them...with a sign he put them back on the bookcase. he decided to look at the Champion doing his work

the first thing the champion tested was the bullets made from gravity and hard light dust.

the gravity dust bulled completely destroyed the dummy that was hit with it but the side effect was the fact that the recoil made the champion literally fly into a wall making cracks in it

the hard light dust bulled exploded inside the gun and destroyed it from the inside out. all that was left was a bunch of metal and a big lump of hard light.

so in other words the gravity dust bullets is something that can kill both the enemy and the user while the hard light ones are not suited for being ammo

after that the champion crafted Dust-echanted swords. the Gravity Dust-enchanted Sword had a dark glow to it, something similar to how the things that Pyrrha uses her semblance on glows

when the sword was swung the blade seemed to launch itself at the dummy, and cut it in half...

Champion: i barely did anything...

aparently the Gravity Dust-enchanted weapons launch themself at the enemy, which means that they would make insanely good arrows...or spears...no, when fighting a large amount of enemies the Gravity Dust-enchanted weapons may be hard to control...he decides to settle for a normal spear...for now...

well the next was the hard light dust-enchanted-sword and the results were again not very good. all the dust did was creating a cool hard light afterimage of the trajectory of the sword

with both bullets and sword's tested (y/n) thought that it was the end of testing, but he was wrong as he saw the champion take out two staffs, both made of platinum and with Dust as a catalyst.

the Gravity dust staff shoot out mini black holes! I REPEAT!! MINIATURE BLACK HOLES!!!!!!! YOO KNOW THE SAME THING THAT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS THING IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!! they only lasted for 5 seconds but just like a black hole they pulled everything inside them and devour it! jesus talk about having an OP weapon...

the one with the hard light dust was more...normal? it allowed the champion to make hard light copies of weapons just like velvet did and launch them at the enemy. so basically a cheep version of "gates of babylon"

Champion: im buying it all once again...are you sure you want only a spear for this??

(y/n): im going to buy some guns, can you modified them so they shoot dust instead of normal bullets?

Champion: sure! just bring it to me and i will do it! meanwhile i will start making your spear.

(y/n): ok, i will go to the gunsmith then

he exited The champion house and walked straight to the gunsmith shop and entered, what greeted him was something that can be described only with those words..."A ton of Guns!!"

he sold the Dust bullets that he packed together with the dust for the champion and after the gunsmith tested them he told (y/n) that for those he can take any kind of gun he liked, something that brought joy to (y/n) soul when he heard this

at the end he took two "handgun" pistols, they were modeled after the "M1911 Pistol" which is a semi-automatic gun. if he remembered correctly they can be upgraded into the "Phoenix Blaster" with the hellstone bar...maybe he can ask the champion to also upgrade them as a payment? it would be nice

he also wanted to take the Minishark. wich was half-shark and half-gun...yes its weird but its a minigun so its also worth buying.

Gunsmith: I see you're eyeballin' the Minishark.. You really don't want to know how it was made...




yeah it was probably for the best that he didnt knew how that...abomination was made...but he took it none the less! after that returned to the champion and when he entered his "underground tasting room" he saw that the man was holding a pink spear...did...did he use...

Champion: oh your back! just for you i spend extra hours collecting Adamantite to make this, i hope you like it!

he couldnt believe his eyes! Adamantite is one of the first three hard-mode metals you can get in terraria! (if you play with crimson, of course) and it was the hardest one!!

Adamantite got its name from "adamant" which has historically been used to describe exceptionally hard materials such as diamond. Adamant and variations have been used to describe materials with incredible durability in fantasy and mythology, including "adamantine" in Greek mythology and "adamantium" in Marvel Comics. with just that information one could imagine how good this metal is!!!

(y/n): NO WAY! are you serious!!?? dude, your amazing!!

Champion: heh, no problem kid! but are you sure this is all you want??

he asked as he felt somewhat bad for making a simple spear for a large amounts of Dust that (y/n) brought him

(y/n): you can upgrade my guns to "Phoenix Blasters" and modified them to use dust ammo, Oh! the minishark also please!

Champion: okay, bring them here, i will be done with no time

the rest of the stay was spend with (y/n) exploring the rest of the village before his time in terraria ended, and he was teleported back.

he had gun, he had a spear, he had a magic teacher that will come every Sunday to teach him magic, and he had a friend that is able to craft the most dangerous things in the universe if he decides to have and upgrade in his equipment!

okay...time to start the REAL training...

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