crushing Kiba pride

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(y/n): this thing is disappointing...

he said as he was holding one of Kiba swords in his hand, it didnt had any weight at was literally as light as a feather...well maybe if this thing was a rapier it would not be so bad but this thing was a double handed sword! it supposed to weight something!

(y/n): why do you make them so light?

Kiba: the heavier ones are difficult to swing.

...oh god they are all a bunch of idiots.

(y/n): well then train until you dont have problems with swinging it!! a sword this size MUST weight at least 1.5 kg! and you are a fucking Devil! your strength is supposed to be superior to humans! how is it possible for you to struggle with 1.5 kg??

Kiba just fell silent and didnt dare to look (y/n) in the eye. Seeing that Rias peerage is way more weak than he originally thought (y/n) decides to take some drastic measures.

(y/n): okay...i will show you something, grab my shoulder.

hearing him Kiba was confused but he did as (y/n) asked and put a hand on his shoulder. After that (y/n) turned to see Koneko and Issei doing some exercises in the distance.

(y/n): HEY ISSEI!

he shouted successfully grabbing Issei attention


and with that they both disappeared leaving a horrified koneko and Issei who had a perverted grin on his face

meanwhile in the "Berserk" universe (y/n) and Kiba were teleported to a forest where the black swordsman was currently fighting Rosine.

they were both invisible as (y/n) bought a invisible barrier for 1.000$, before Kiba could ask where they were he heard the sound of battle and quickly made a sword in his hand.

(y/n): no...just watch and learn.

the fight was the same as in the manga and both spectators were left speechless. (y/n) because he was in "fanboy mode" as he was watching Guts fighting one of his hardest battle before he got the berserker armor. Kiba because he was completely dumbfounded, the battle he was looking at was way beyond his level

(y/n): you see that sword he is using? it weights 99.8KG a the man using it is 100% human.

(A/N: the theory of guts being half Apostle is stupid, just because he has pointy ears means nothing even Griffith had them draw in that style at one point)

(A/N: oh and also...The Dragon slayer is roughly the same height (the size is a bit variable through out the series) The blade most likely weights about 220 pounds or 99.8KG. Although on the wiki, it has been stated that it should be around 400 pounds, and some reddit user calculated it to be around 625 pounds or 283.5KG. but im going with the 99.8KG, guts is an absolute badass but come on even anime/manga has limits)

(y/n): and you a Devil, cant even swing a 1.5kg sword without having some problems with what does that say about you? do you truly think you can protect your king (Rias) when you are so pathetically weak?

oof. im pretty sure Kiba was now trying his best to not start coughing blood from all that damage (y/n) words caused...

(y/n): i mean...look at that guy go! 99.8KG on him, not counting his metal arm, armor and other things he has on him, and he is able to swing it like its a stick! not to mention run, and dodge!

it was clear as day that Kiba right now was very disappointed in himself. he tighten his fist so hard that some blood started to run down trough them, and was gritting his teeth, but as he looked at the black swordsman fighting that...thing, one could see clear admiration in his eyes.

the rest of the battle was spend in silence, both (y/n) and Kiba just watched Guts fighting the monster in the form of the little girl. He allowed himself be stabbed multiple times, lighting himself on fire to burn small demon children on his body that were trying to eat him alive and more.

the whole fight went just like in the manga.

(A/N: sorry but Berserk is something you need to experience for yourself so i will not get into much detail)

(y/n): so...if a human can do all that, then how is it possible that you, a Devil cant?

i think Kiba pride was completely shattered by this point. he was looking down and trying to find any excuse of why he is so weak, but he couldnt think of any...

(y/n): okay, lets go meet Guts I'm a make a deal with him so he will take you as his pupil.

needless to say Guts was not very friendly when they approached him, and apparently since Kiba was a Devil it triggered Guts brand, not bleeding and hurting but more like itching.

after a quick explanation that Guts didnt believed at all until (y/n) started blasting some fireballs and lightning as proof that he is a magician. And after that he made a deal that he will put a seal on Guts brand so it does not attract evil spirits and apostles.

But the thing that made Guts accept the deal was probably (y/n) deal to heal casca...

(y/n): and while at it i can also help her deal with the trauma she may have when she will get her mind back.

Guts: ...

(y/n): and all im asking in return is teach this kid some swordsmanship! what do you say?

Guts: ...fine.

(y/n): great! also Kiba...take your clothes off im going to give you some armor, fighting the types of demons this guy fight cant be done in what you are wearing.

he said as he looked at Kiba who was still in school uniform...wait, why is he in school uniform? they were not going to school for almost a week now and Rias peerage was still wearing those things...

well thank god that normal non-enchanted armor cost cheep, literally 10$ is all it takes to buy one from his system shop.

after he gave Kiba the armor he then bought a tattoo machine for 5$...damn normal things are really cheap in the system shop? after that he started to make a magic circle around Guts brand, the very same magic circle that was showed in the berserk manga, he didnt know if any other would work.

After he was done (y/n) put some magic into the tattoo and then gave Guts 5 lesser healing potion from terraria, one was gulped down in an instant and heal Guts wounds from the battle...hmm with his wounds healed the church of the holy sea will not be a problem for him anymore.

After Kiba was done changing into armor (y/n) took his uniform and put in into the treasure bag.

(y/n): well i guess this is all...i will come back after some time to pick up Kiba and heal your girlfriend until then...see ya!

and with that said (y/n) turned around and walked in the opposite direction that Guts together with Kiba and Puck were going...hmm, wasnt Puck unusually quiet this whole interaction?

he stopped and looked back only to see Puck who was looking at him while sitting on Guts shoulder, with stars in his eyes and clear admiration inside them


well anyway! he needs to spend a whole day here before he is teleported back to DxD...lets go and find a pub to get piss drunk!

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