more students? how about no- wait is that a quest...sure why not?

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yelled out Issei as both him and (y/n) enters his home.

Ms.Hyoudou: welcome home! how was the trip?

ah, forgot to tell you guys, but Issei told his parents that the school was sending them on a competition as representatives of their school and even used the fact that Sirzech visited them as a "proof" of this.

Issei: AMAZING! we even won the first place!

he said and took out a huge amount of yen from his backpack and told its was the prize they won, the truth is actually different. Both Issei and (y/n) got a nice amount of gold coins and precious minerals, but since neither of them know where to sold those they sold golden/silver jewelry in a pawnshop.

the best part is that neither of them knew if the owner scammed them or not, they just got the highest amount they could and left

seeing all the money in Issei hand and then looking inside Issei backpack, and seeing EVEN MORE money, Issei mom jaw dropped and collapsed.

(y/n): and there she goes.

Issei: MOM!

---timeskip brought you by Chibi (y/n) in werewolf form getting belly rubs by Chibi Ruby---

(y/n): okay, i dont know if my MP is high or low when compared to other mages in my age, but that doesnt mean i should not try to increase it right?

he asked the black slime in front of him as they were both sitting in the same forest where (y/n) was teaching Issei ever since he showed up to this world. In response the prince slime let out a fart noise...the young crusader didnt understand what he said but he guessed it was something like "yes master, increasing your magic power is a very good idea, your wisdom knows no bounds".

ah, before i forget! while (y/n) was talking to his pet slime like a mad man he is, Issei was learning hand to hand combat from the {oghma Infinium} and it looked weird...his eyes looked empty and his face was one that a poker man would be jealous of, when he turned the page his movements were unnatural and robotic...did he acted the same when reading the {oghma Infinium}?

well anyway, going back to the magic there a way of making his magic larger? Leveling up doesnt seem to do anything....

okay, time to think!

the young crusader started to go trough all the characters from games and movies that managed to make themself a god-like being when it comes to magic and the method in which they did it...hmm...

(y/n): the ancient one!

the Ancient one from Marvel was a master magician thanks to her connection to the dark dimension! Not that (y/n) wanted to connect himself to such place, but he was more then happy to make links with other dimensions that would not harm him.

the magic from Marvel that Dr.Strange and The Ancient One are using is called "eldritch magic" to start using it you need to visit Alternate dimensions and make a some sort of spiritual link with them so you can draw power from them.

but doing it can be dangerous....a different universe and a Alternate dimension is not the same thing. A different universe fallows the same rules of physics like the one where he was born in

but a Alternate dimension is a place where the rules of physics as we know dont exist, they can be different or there could be none at all, thats why its dangerous to travel to make links with them.

to make a link with a alternate dimension you need to visit it in your spiritual form and since you dont know what to expect there is a high chance of your soul being destroyed or corrupted when exposed to it.

thats why you need someone to guide your soul to the dimension that are "safe" to visit...that time when we see Dr.Strange traveling to alternative dimensions in the film, all those places were selected by the Ancient One who was controlling where his soul was traveling to, thats why he didnt suffer any damages.

(A/N: thats what i understood from the explanation the MCU wiki and uncle Google gave me, i dont know if its accurate but im going with it)

(y/n): wait...i do know a dimension that is...arguably safe.

Oblivion! the Oblivion from skyrim is an alternate dimension, its similar to the the type of world that he lives in and some parts of it has similar rules of physics to the one he lives in. plus the Dragonborn and a couple of other people in the elder scrolls series traveled to Oblivion without any backlash...well mostly, and someone never exposed their soul to Oblivion...sooo.....

(y/n): yeah, fuck it lets do it!

but how? he needs to learn how to enter his Astral form. And after he learn how to use the Astral form he need to enter the Oblivion dimension, and then make a link with does he do that?...ughh, he will need to do some research...

Sirzech: hello there!

said the red headed devil king that casually appeared beside (y/n)

(y/n): ah, General kenobi!

Sirzech: who?

(y/n): dont mind that its a reference from a movie, anyway what brings you here?

there is no way Sirzech would just drop in to say hi and hang out, his job simply wouldnt let him to do that, so there must be a motive for him to be here.

Sirzech: i need a favor, would you like me to put it into pretty words, or be blunt?

(y/n): be blunt please.

Sirzech: teach my sister and her peerage please.

(y/n): no.

Sirzech: you can ask for anything in return.

(y/n): hmm...

being able to ask for ANYTHING from a devil king doesnt seem like a bad deal...but he was still not sure if its enough...teaching a spoiled brat can be a pain in the ass that (y/n) was hoping to never experience...but a favor from a Lucifer?? ughh its hard to decide...

[fourth mission: more students!]

[description: accept Rias and her peerage as your students! they will be useful for one... and a good ally when the battle with ??? will start...]

[reward: {Gremory destruction element}, {devil DNA}, {a favor from Sirzech}]

[failure: Sirzech doesnt like you]

damn look at those rewards!! the destruction element of the Gremorys's and Devil DNA!!?? (y/n) absolutely loves this system! it gives him the best rewards!!

...wait...arent the rewards he gets always connected with the individual that he either helps or kills?

the first one was the fallen angel, and the reward was the light spear they are able to do.

the second was helping Issei train and he got Heavenly Dragon DNA...was it because Issei is the host of Draig?

the third was helping Asia and she is a healer, and as a reward he got healing spells.

and now he gets a reward from the Gremory bloodline and Devil DNA if he helps the Gremory, which are Devils?? the rewards are based on the people who he is helping or to keep it in mind.

(y/n): deal!

as he said that the young crusader felt a large amount of knowledge fill his was the knowledge on how to use the destruction element...wait he already got the rewards?? isnt he supposed to train Rias and her group first?? no, wait...the description said that all he needs to do was accepting them as his students...

(y/n): ...(SYSTEM I LOVE YOU!)


did- ...did his system just said "blush"??

Sirzech: im glad to hear it! when would you be able to start teaching them?

(y/n): you can sent them right now if you want, i will be training here with the pervert all day.

replied the young crusader with a shrug

Sirzech: here?

the devil king then looked around and make a ugly face...what was he expecting? they dont have a fucking mansion in the woods like the one they used in the anime, he was not fucking rich like them!...well he is but he prefers to spend that money on skill and items from his multiverse shop

Sirzech: how about i lead you a mansion in the woods, its the property of the Gremory household and it will serve you as a training place.

(y/n): sure

hey, if he was offering it then he may as well take the offer.

Sirzech: great, my sister and her peerage will come to the Hyoudou residence tomorrow morning to pick you guys up.

(y/n): I will make sure to tell this to Mr, and Ms Hyoudou

Sirzech: great, now if you excuse me i think its my time to go, i still have papers to fill and a wife to fuck...i think i will do it on the desk this time

(y/n): and your telling me this why?

asked the young crusader clearly disgusted by Sirzech giving too much info about his today plans...Seriously! what is wrong with the people in this world! is Sex all the can think about!?

Sirzech: i said that outloud? oh...pretend i didnt then.

he said and teleported to what (y/n) guess was his office...

Draig: hey (y/n), not to make you scared or anything but i started to feel that my partner has started to...i dont even know how to describe this, but it feels like he is starting to loose himself.

alarmed by what Draig said (y/n) acted quick and kicked the powerful Relic in Issei hand to prevent his student loosing his mind.

(y/n): good thing you told me otherwise it could end pretty badly.

he said as he watched Issei eyes start becoming normal again and slowly "waking up" from the state that the book put him in.

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