Beating a bad dog

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he struggled...he tried his absolute best to keep calm and not let his killing intend be showed, he didnt want to scare Asia more then she already is.

Issei: Sensei what happened!? Draig told me he felt strong killing intent!

(y/n): Issei stay here and guard this girl, dont come close to her she was tortured and raped she may be scared of man, also dont Worry about the slime he is my familiar.

with that said the young crusader stormed out of the Inn and started to run in the direction of the temple of Kynareth, one of the 9 divines, the followers of Kynareth that work in the temple are known to be healers, they may heal Asia.

he got some healing spells from skyrim as a reward for saving her but the strongest one are Apprentice level at best! he needs a master level spell or stronger, he will not settle down for anything bellow that!

after 3 minutes of running he kicked open the door and walked inside.

(y/n): i need a Master healer! its an emergency!

some of the priest/priestess wanted to berate him for entering in such a rude fashion, but they held themself when they heard (y/n).

Priest: young one, calm down and tell us what happened.

(y/n): i found a young girl, she was tortured and Raped, her eye is missing and she is heavily injured.

Priest: let us go the-

(y/n): no, she may be scared of man, i would prefer if a priestess would come.

the man nodded and went to call someone, he soon returned with a redguard woman in priest robes and the young crusader walked her back to the Inn. All the way there (y/n) was unpleased on how slow they were walking, but he couldnt do anything, running in robes is not exactly efficient.

when they entered the Inn, (y/n) could hear some people upstairs talking. when they went there (y/n) saw the staff and some other people gathered up in the entrance to his room

(y/n): out of the way! make way for the healer!

the people hearing this all made a way for the redguard woman to go enter his room, with (y/n) walking behind her. when they enter (y/n) could hear the priestess gasp when she saw Asia but he ignored her and turned to Issei who stiffed under his teacher gaze

(y/n): how are they all here?

he asked and jerked his head at the group of people at the entrance of his room.

Issei: h-hey! its you who ordered a breakfast in bed!

what? what does that have to do with anything???...wait...the waitress must have entered the room with his breakfast and then saw Asia...from that point it must of escalated quickly...okay it actually makes sense.

Priestes: by the divines!

her yell of shock brought the attention of both Issei, (y/n) and all the people who were watching from the corridor. The amulet the Priestes was wearing started to shine brightly and Asia was enveloped in a yellow light, and her body started to heal.

the wounds closed and her mere seconds she was completely healed! she didnt even had any scars!

Kynareth: i can heal her body, but only she herself can heal her mind. Im sorry young one i cant do more then this.

the voice was so...Alluring, and Enticing, it came from the direction of the priestess but it didnt come from the priestess herself, but rather from the amulet she was wearing. The one speaking to (y/n) right now was none other then Kynareth herself!

the priest was loss for words, the people in the hallway started to whisper among themself and (y/n) started to thank God that he has his protection that makes other gods help him...

(y/n): i thank you for the help Lady Kynareth, i will make sure to mention this to my Lord...but i have one more request...

Kynareth: continue.

(y/n): would it be possible for this young Girl to seek shelter and heal in your temple in whiterun?

---timeskip brought you by the Author writing a list of different ways of torture for ???----

faster! faster! faster! just keep running! they will be near the dungeon soon...both (y/n) and Issei were in currently running trough the forest in their werewolf form.

remember that dude who gave (y/n) a pouch when they were drinking at the Inn? yeah that was a werewolf that was send to give them the ring of Hircine, after he discovered that he went to the companions and just get this werewolf thing over with.

as soon as it was done, (y/n) took Issei and they left whiterun, when they far enough they transformed and run in the direction of the nearest dungeon connected to "Blackreach"

Good thing (y/n) had the map of skyrim memorized...maybe he spend a little to much time playing videogames in his previous world...

Issei had an absolute blast being a werewolf! he was jumping, climbing trees, howling and doing frontflips/backflips while running with (y/n).

and (y/n) on the other hand felt...weird...he felt guilty, i guess...time in the DxD will flow even when in another world, he completely forgot about that. screw that whole thing with ???, even without it Asia would have died from the fallen angels that captured her in the original story...

after learning about this the hard way, he asked the system to set a timer on every mayor event that will happen in the DxD timeline from no on. right now (y/n) was waiting for the whole Riser fiasco to happen.

soon enough they were there at the destination and (y/n) changed back into a human. having your treasure bag hanging from the waist was not very comfortable so instead when in werewolf form (y/n) wears the treasure bag around his neck like a necklace.

when he changed into human he took out his clothes and put them on, after that he pulled out Issei clothes and looked at the werewolf beside him

(y/n): alright end of the fun, go back into a human.

Issei however was having none of it and growled at the young crusader

(y/n): did you just growl at me?

Issei: *bark*

(y/n): go back into human. NOW!

Issei: *grrr*

(y/n): Issei i swear to God i will smack you with a rolled up newspaper! go back human! last warning boy!

Issei: *huff*

the young crusader reached into the treasure bag and took out a bunch of A4 sized papers, he then rolled them up and started smacking Issei with them.

(y/n): bad dog! bad boy!

Issei: *Whimper*

(y/n): very, very bad doggie!

he said with a strike of each word. soon Issei had no choice but to become a human again, this however didnt stop (y/n) from smacking him


(y/n): i dont care! you bad, you get smack!

meanwhile in the darkness behind a tree a figure was watching...and was very confused by the sight...i mean...he was watching a dude shaping another naked dude with a rolled up paper, who wouldnt be confused??

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