the silver eyes and black blood

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F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!!!! Ozpin will be here in any moment, and (y/n) still didnt come up with any explanation that does not involve "the gods came to my restaurant, and gave me their bloodline, my food is just THAT good!". and beside lets be honest! what other explanation there would be to suddenly becoming a Silver eyed warrior? and the black veins warrior or whatever those with the G.O.D (god of darkness) bloodline are called! UGHH!!! he really liked his new "power up" but the problem that came with it is a completely different matter!

Ozpin: hello, shall we begin our next lesson? today i want you to come with me so gather your things and lets move

hearing Ozpin voice made (y/n) freeze....f*ck he was already here, what now?....ughh screw it! he wants to have Ozpin on his good side so he may as well tell the truth...well, as they say... YOLO!

(y/n): there is something i want to talk about before we go...

he said having his back facing Ozpin, he could actually feel how much he started to sweat. great....another shower awaits...

Ozpin: and what would you want to talk about, Mr.(y/n)?

asked the headmaster a little curious, hearing the nervous (y/n).

(y/n): this...

declared the young crusader as he turned around and looked with his silver eyes into Ozpins brown ones. Ozpin took a while to notice the difference, and when he did, he didnt hide his shock and made a spit-take drenching (y/n) in a mix of coffe and saliva


exclaimed (y/n) as he glared at Ozpin who had a dumb look on his face

Ozpin: how-

(y/n): let me stop you there...there's more

he then approached Ozpin and showed him the back of his hand

Ozpin: your hand?

aparently Ozpin didnt notice, well time to point it out to him!

(y/n): no the thing in my hand, just under the skin

hearing him Ozpin looked again and saw the black veins. the look of shock, amazement and confusion on Ozpin face was just priceless. he made (y/n) wished he could take a picture.

after he came to his senses the headmaster of beacon academy stretched his arm that was holding his mug to the side, and with one motion he turned it upside down making the coffe fall out of the mug. before (y/n) could ask what he was doing and then berate him that he just dirtied HIS floor, Opzin pushed the empty mug into the young crusader chest and said

Ozpin: vodka.

(y/n): what?

Ozpin: i want vodka





(y/n): you want a WHOLE mug of vodka?! i dont think thats a good idea...

Ozpin: your, right...give me a whole bottle

declared the headmaster and took his mug back only to toss it behind him and making it shatter on the wall. he then proceeded to go on a nearby chair and started to have a very heated conversation with HIMSELF which made him look insane, he crying???

Ozpin: *sob* im too f*cking old for this! *sob* *sob*

seeing Ozpin in such a state was...weird...but seeing the state he was in, (y/n) quickly realized that the headmaster right now indeed needed some alcohol...he walked into the kitchen and asked a random robot to give him  the strongest Russian vodka available and when he got it he walked up to the table where Ozpin was still crying.

he placed the bottle on the table, and watched as not a second later it was downed in one go by the headmaster. seeing this (y/n) was sure that it was probably a new world record thats how fast Ozpin drink it...

Ozpin: okay...mind explaining...THE F*CK!?

(y/n): dont you want a moment to calm down, or-


the calm persona that Ozpin always had was nowhere to be seen, and in its place there was a insane man whose sanity was probably been decreasing through his many reincarnations.

(y/n): the gods gave this to me...


he was not afraid to admit...(y/n) was kinda scared right now....

Ozpin: ok....

wait, what? after that long silence and fierce glare this is all? he expected something...i dont know, more angry? he expected almost anything except a defeated voice saying "OK"! geez, he doesnt even want to know what is happening inside Ozpin head now...

Ozpin: i guess today lesson will be post noted and i will explain your "gifts" that the gods gave you.

oh, cool! he will learn about his new powers! finnaly he will learn what the Silver eyes can do for real, and not some half-ass explanation like "it makes the grimm fear you" or whatever! plus he was also really curious about his new power from the G.O.D! those Black veins looked...interesting...

Ozpin: which do you want to know first?

(y/n): silver eyes

Ozpin: the gift that the God of Light gave you is an element, the light element but thats not all. this "Light" that he gave you is "Holy Light" which is very harmful and dangerous to any creature of darkness, Grimm being one of them.

OOOOOoooooohhhh! so, thats what silver eyes are! finnaly he knew!

Ozpin: you use this element trough your eyes. they are your catalyst to use the Holy Light element inside of you. as for the magic that comes with can blast a large amount of Holy Light from your eyes and, create a weapon made of Holy Light.

he waited for more but Ozpin just remained silent. is this all he can do with his Holy Light? just blast it off trough his eyes and make weapons out of it???

(y/n): thats all?

Ozpin: yes, but Holy Light is something very dangerous, ESPECIALLY when it came from a God of such caliber as the God of Light...

is G.O.L that powerful??...well it took only a simple gesture as squeezing a ball of magic for the G.O.D to wipe out all the humanity around the planet, and he was supposed to be the weaker, F*CK! the gods of RWBY are more overpowered then he initially thought!

take Highschool DxD for example! not counting the dragon gods and trihexia, how long would it take for the strongest god there to kill all the humanity? or better question, could he do that in one attack? and if he could, was it possible for him to do it as casually as the G.O.D did it?

okay if the Holy Light of his is even a fraction of the G.O.L power then he isnt dissatisfied anymore about being able to use only two spells with it!

Ozpin: black blood now...

(y/n): wait, black blood? my blood is black??

Ozpin: yes, did you thought it was only the veins? well anyway, with this power you can create an army. when you voluntarily give someone your own blood for that person or creature to consume...he will become a creature of darkness, if he wasnt one already that is. the ones that accept your blood will become your servants, they will be able to hide inside your shadow and will be able to come out at will, it is also worth mentioning that they will gain a boost in strength. those who you have not accepted but consumed your blood anyways...they will probably die, but if their body is strong enough to handle the power surge they will become nothing but a shell of their former self, you could compare this to "the absence of mind" they would be like a newborn baby when it comes to intellect, not to mention that they will probably be a cripple

HOLY SH*T!! that is OP as all hell! wtf! doesnt that gave him a HUGE advantage over animal, or beast types of enemies? those types of enemies will probably bite him and when doing that they will either die because of his blood or become his soldiers if (y/n) thinks they are worthy of keeping!

(y/n): what about if someone doesnt want to become my soldier but i want them to become one?

Ozpin: you can force them, their consent doesnt matter.

OP! OP AS F*CK! he absolutely LOVED this power! he can let some of his blood out on a random bunch of cloths and just throw them into the mouth of a large beast, like a DRAGON! the possibilities on how to abuse this power are ENDLESS! 

Ozpin: but you need to be near their strength to make them your soldiers

oh...well there goes his plan, about making Alduin his soldier...

Ozpin: well since using the G.O.D power is easy you can figure it out yourself, but i will teach you on how to use the silver eyes.

after that, the rest of the lesson was spend on Ozpin teaching (y/n) how to "Reach" for his Holy Light, the progress in that area was minimal but Ozpin said its normal as (y/n) was only a mortal and he was trying to use a power of a God, after that he said that he is very surprised to see any progress at all since (y/n) just started training.

the lesson took 5 hours and it was 17PM now, Ozpin left not so long ago and (y/n) was now thinking...thinking on who he should try and "recruit" to his army...he needed it to be something that will not kill him in an instant but also something that is powerful and will help him fight...he could only think of one option...A F*CK LOAD OF ZOMBIES!

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