Dragon vs Slime

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this is Solitude? holly crap this city looks amazing! he doesnt want to leave, like ever! tall buildings? check! medival-fantasy style? check! diferent magical races? check!! a Dragon flying above the city and killing everyone? che- wait what?

oh...oh shit!

a dragon just started attacking! just as he entered the city!...huh, isnt that a little too convenient? oh well, time to kill that reptile!

the guards were running around like crazy, they tried to use their bows to shoot the dragon, but even if they hit the target it didnt do much...some arrows actually bounced off his scales, either because the area of the body that was hit was too Thick or because they were blunt or damage, he didnt know he doesnt have experience with bows and arrows...actually he doesnt have experience with anything except magic and spear

okay, how to kill that thing? it was flying high in the air so fighting it with a spear is out of the question, unless (y/n) will use the technique of "Scáthach" from "fate grand order" and will use his spear like a fucking missile.

But that was out of the question too, if he throws his spear he will most likely miss it and lose it. well..the answer is simple, right? magic! time to throw some fireball at that oversized reptile!

he doubted that normal fireballs will be enough even if he will use the Explosion, function that they do on contact, that Ozpin teaches him, So he decided to Feed his Aura to the spell making it more destructive.

(y/n): what did i call it again? "maximized magic"? eh, whatever.

guys, you could not believe how hard is to hit a flying dragon! after a minute of missing, (y/n) just decided to shoot his fireballs only when the dragon stopped in mid air or landed on some building. it is worth noting that once again real life and the game are, WORLDS APART! the city was in complete chaos! burned bodies everywhere and the guards are already mostly dead...how in the hell the people of skyrim survived even one day, when the dragon crisis started!?

well but there is a good part, the dragon is almost dead! his scales were cracked, his wings had holes in them, making it harder to fly, and it actually started bleeding! but there was also a bad part...since most of the guards, and soldiers who came to help were already dead...he was noticed by the dragon...

(y/n): goodbye world...i will not miss you!

even though his words gave off the feeling that he is ok with death, his action were different, as (y/n) was running in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

(y/n): secret joestar technique dont fail me now! RUNNNNNN AWAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!

the dragon tried to fly after the young crusader but he failed as his wings were too damaged for that, so it crash landed on the ground and started running after (y/n) with full speed.

(y/n): think! what can i do...wait thats it!

doing a quick 180, (y/n) stretched his arm at in the direction of the dragon and let out a scream.

(y/n): explosion!

his magic rushed trough his body and soon the spell activated! the explosion was...embarrassing...he simply used to much magic when he was shooting fireballs...the explosion was the size of a small petard exploding, the only real effect was the fact that it made the dragon sneeze, and it was a sneeze so powerful that it made (y/n) stumble when running

(y/n): bless you!

Dragong: thank you

after that the dragon returned to trying and kill the young crusader, but he soon found out that (y/n) was nowhere to be found, he looked left...nothing there, he looked right...nothing there...

Dragon: hmm...must have been the wind...

menwhile behind a building, (y/n) was resting and waiting for the dragon to be killed, he had done enough, he helped, he can now rest and wait for people to do the rest of the work, right? of course it is alright! its not like he can help anymore right? nah, its all good, he did enough.

*screams of terror*


yep no problems here...

...ehh, who was he kidding! he is a teenage trying to be hero, of course he will help! he would not sleep tonight if he would not...damn he is so damn cliche...

(y/n): 1 out of 10, my character sucks.

he whispered to himself and got up, he took out the spear out of his treasure bag and readied himself for battle...wait why is the dragon screaming?

walking out from the back of the building he saw that his slime was on top of the dragon and eating the beast alive...damn...


Dragon: *RrRrrOooOOOoOoooAAAaaAaARrRrR* (translation: HELP! he melted my balls! HE MELTED MY BALLS!!!!!!)




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