DxD again.

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a power that people develop after they unlock the power of their souls.

it is said that a person semblance is formed based on their personality. The current Red Dragon emperor semblance is "Pyrokinesis" he has the ability to control all fire be it natural or magical.

Fire represents lots of things and one of them is passion. And lets be honest...Issei is...

Issei: THIGH'S!

...very passionate.

but his passion does not only originate from his perversion, for example, the desire to protect his friends.

that being said...what would be the semblance of someone who lets himself be a monster?

someone who let out his inner demons and allowed them to take control of him when he is the most weak when he is angry, frustrated, confused...sad...

a semblance that kind of person would have...would be truly terrifying dont you think?

[Name: (y/n) Branwen]

[HP: 150]

[MP: 780]

[Aura: 3,000]

[Semblance: /͉̺̖̎̓͘^͍̮̜͔̱̺̟̥͗͞Hͫ̀҉̗̜̲͍̜3̡̙̟͍̼̤̘̝ͪ!̫͙͎̐ͦ͡I̷̥̩̠̬̱̪̩̐_͖̖̞̻͕̤̔͋̚͟-̢̫̭͒̄͋ͪ?ͣ͆͗͏͉̣͍͉ͅ]

---with (y/n)---

(y/n): ... (teleport me)

he said as he took a step back while watching his friends look at him in a mix of fear and ...Anger...


(y/n): ...(Anywhere!)

right he just wanted to get out of there, and thankfully the system teleported his rather quickly. Trough he was feeling relief that he no longer was there...he also felt...


he felt sad, to the point it started to make him physically sick.

he leaned back, only to find nothing behind him and fall flat on his butt. He grabbed his stomach with both of his hands and his breath became iregular.

he didnt know how long he was like this, and to be honest right now he didnt care at all if it was minutes, or hours. All he wanted is for this awful feeling to go away.

right now he really wished he could have {gamer mind}.

(y/n): no.

It wasnt his fault...all of that wouldnt have happened if she would just give up...HOW HARD WAS IT TO SAY "i give up!"!


Grimm and Bandits dont care about you! they will kill you without giving it much thought! Yang and the rest of her team together with team JNPR now will see how it will look if they try to be pacifist in a fight to the death!

even back in the arena when he was fighting Yang she only striked for his non-lethal parts of his body, the only exception being his head, but he could see she was holding back when she did! It changed only when she activated that bullshit semblance/FSSJ power up and was to blinded by rage to care about holding back!

[(y/n) cal-]

whatever the system tried to tell him he didnt listen, it just faded into the background for him, he was to confused and angry to listen. He didnt even notice the fact that he started to growl and changing while his body was surrounded by a black mist-like substance.

soon after (y/n) mind just blanked out and lost control of his body.

that night many people living near the forest heard loud howls of what they would call "the king of the forest"

(A/N: i cringed while writing the "King of the forest" part...)

---timeskip brought you by the Author drinking beer while writing...*wink wink*--

when (y/n) woke up he felt like he was having a hangover, his head was killing him and his body was sore, all over.

Rias: hello (y/n)-sensei how are you feeling?

to her question (y/n) only let out a grunt and slowly opened his eyes. He was laying on one of the couches in the ORK club.

So he was in DxD back again, huh? well at least he didnt pay anything for teleporting here.

turning his head and to look around the room, (y/n) discovered that he was all alone with Rias who was sitting behind her desk.

Rias: Do you want something to Drink?

(y/n): no, but i want to eat...im starving.

Rias: thats surprising considering you eat 5 bears, 10 dears, and 42 wolves.

the young crusader looked at the red head devil and made and looked at her with a face that said "w8 Wut?".

seeing (y/n) confusion, Rias let out a sigh and then explained what she meant.

Rias: i didnt know demons can become werewolves.

oh...did he?

Rias: you surely made quite a mess last night sensei, if not for Issei breaking out of his house and making a mad charge into the forest after he heard your howls, i doubt we would paid much attention to you.

she said as she let out a tired sigh and held her forehead with her left hand.

(y/n): wait, how did you know about Issei breaking out of his house and running in my direction?

Rias: ...

(y/n): you were having someone spy on him, didnt you?

his question was meet with a cough and her looking away with a slight blush on her face.

(y/n): okay, nevermind that...what happen afterward?

feeling greatfull that (y/n) didnt dig to deep about the whole stalking thing, Rias cleared her throat and started to tell what happened last night.

Rias: well, after Koneko familiar seen that, and Koneko informed me, we didnt react at first. After Issei entered the forest and reached you, he saw you in your werewolf form feasting on a bunch of dead corpses while in a berserk state because you attacked him the moment he tried to talk to you.

damn, it was that bad? why cant he remember anything? when he tried all he can see is just a bunch of blurred images.

(y/n): why did he even tried to get to me?

Rias: well after he transformed himself, and we teleported there to help him and calm you down, we asked the same thing. And you know what he said? "i dont know, i just felt him, and something being very wrong, so i tried to get to him as soon as possible". he said it must be a "werewolf thing".

damn...That is kinda heart-warming for him to do. He need to buy porn magazine as a way to thank him...a magazine with some THICC thighs in it...MMmmm~ yeah~

wait no!

CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN! not the time!

Rias: after that we brough you here, and let you sleep here. No need to thank me.

she ended the story, while sounding awfully full of herself while saying the last part.

after that (y/n) let out a humm and then closed his eyes to gather his thoughts. He was like that for a minute, and Rias didnt disturb him as she could see he was lost in thought.

(y/n): i just...

he let out a sigh

(y/n): something bad happened and i went out of control. sorry.

since he was in Japan, (y/n) made a small bow toward Rias showing he felt regret for what he did. It just felt right to do it since he was in a Anime world.

The read haired devil just let out another sigh, although lighter this time, and let a small smile be shown on her face.

Rias: dont worry, at least no on was hurt. Except those poor animal that is.

she said, and whispered the last part, but (y/n) still managed to hear it thanks to his vampire sense's

(y/n): well now that this is out of the way, have you broke your engagement? or...?

he needed to know where in the timeline he was, so asking this question was a clever way of learning it.

hearing his question Rias face instantly changed and she showed a cheerful smile on her face. hmm...so i guess the there are good news.

Rias: Sensei! WE WON! Kiba had managed to beat 2 knights and 3 pawns with one strike for every piece!

hoh? so apparently when having his adventure together with guts in the "berserker" world Kiba learned Guts swordsmanship...risk everything into one swing! if you miss, you get hit and get to try again, if you hit then may lord have mercy for whoever is on the receiving side of the blade.

Rias: Koneko was amazing too! she beat up 2 rooks, 1 bishop and the 5 pawns by herself!

ahh, so making her use the {oghma infinium} was a good decision then.

Rias: and Akeno then striked everyone the remaining pieces with lighting while fighting Riser!

wow...seriously? Akeno got a serious powerboost! he honestly didnt thought that having her read the lighting magic book from skyrim would do so much!

Rias: after that we all fought Riser, at first we wanted to make him give up but he was too stubborn...

she said and her face change into a frown when remembering that arrogant piece of shit being full of himself even after being "killed" hundred of times in the span of a hour.

Rias: but after a while his healing got weaker and at some point it stopped working entirely.

her face changed from a frown into a smirk as she now had the image of Riser scared/confused face.

Rias: apparently the Phoenix clan regeneration ability relies on their magic, if they use to much of it, then it stops working.

(y/n): huh, neat. What about Gasper though?

he was a part of her peerage and since he was not sealed in her basement anymore then he should be in the rating game too no?

Rias: oh! he didnt want to fight so he just hang out in the starting are together with your two familiars when the game was happening.

wot? familiars? but he didnt have any- OH SHIT HE LEFT HIS PRINCE SLIME AND SCP-999 HERE!!!!

(y/n) being confused and not sure how to react about the situation he was in, took the easiest way and blamed it on someone else while his confusion changed into anger.

i think its a realistic reaction but what do you think?

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