did somebody order a new chapter!?

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Readers: there is no way he will post another chapter so soon right?



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That one weird guy: *unzips pants*

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That one weird guy: *unzips pants*


---God (y/n) POV---


You guys even realize how much more waifus I got ever since author stoped uploading the story with me!? Many.

Author: weren't we pretending that you were the author of all the books?

Yeah, but you became to lazy and I don't want to be blamed for not uploading the chaps.

Author: I had stuff to do.

Yeah, no.



Wait, what was I doing before you guys got here?

Satan: scolding me?

God: ah yes, that. ACKHEM! What the fuck dude! You just come and mark one of my crusaders as your new Gate!?

Satan: oh come on! He is the perfect candidate! Plus it's not like it will not be beneficial for him!

God: well, yeah it's a huge powerboost. BUT! you seem to forget that having the entire essence of hell flowing through you is kinda corrupting!

Satan: and that's why we will send him a quest so we can prepare his body! Don't worry, at this stage the gate only began opening, we have all the time in the world!

More like half a year.

Satan: and it's more then enough, that crusader of yours has issues, but he gets things done if needed!


Satan: so. I send a quest that will purge his sins, and you...eee....I'm sure you will come up with something :D

... honestly, this guy is too much.

Lucifer: hey dad! Hey uncle S! You guy want some apple pie?

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