True Aura & Atlas is in danger

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yeah, yeah i know, i am late.

but as i said, i dont like to write something forcefully.

and now! now im ready! i feel the need to write! i got my favorite bear (desperados), my favorite music on (i dont share my music...but i can give you a hint..."violence"), and i got my drug-


well looks like i need to write this chap before the police breaks my door.

enjoy your chap ;)

Ps: from the earlier chapter i learned that a lot of you love {yamato} from DMC, and honestly i cant blame you....that is one badass sword.


well, it took a minute or two but the flames around Amber eventually died out, meaning that she was healed. Seeing this (y/n) took the ring from Amber and put it on himself again.

Ozpin: i cant thank you enough for what you did.

(y/n): nah, dont worry just doing the right thing! (this, and boredom...oh and MP, speaking of which how much do i have now?

[it was raised by 100MP]

holly cow, THAT is considered a "little" boost in MP? not gonna lie, it kinda wants to make (y/n) go and hunt his Aunt for another MP boost.

Ozpin: while you are still here, could i ask for a favor?

he bets 100$ that he will ask for some mana crystals, for Amber. It makes sense, she has lost half of her magic, and (y/n) had the means to get it back.

(y/n): let me guess "mana crystals"?

Ozpin: this and something else.

well he was half right. But what more would Ozpin want?...hmmm...joining beacon? nah not that, by this point Ozpin should know that (y/n) is an ally, and he already has a way to look after him with their magic lessons...well what Ozpin doesnt know is that at the restaurant there is a clone and not the real (y/n), but thats not a issue since after clones disappear they transfer all the knowledge.

Ozpin: when we checked her condition apparently a huge amount of Aura was lost, i am worried that this may cause a problem

oh, so Ozpin was worried that Amber had a wounded soul? well from what the system said earlier loosing Aura was good for her...the only problem is that he forgot to ask why.

(y/n): that should not be a problem, in fact it will help her. (hey system please explain why loosing Aura would help her?)

[to awaken "true Aura" you first need to erase the "shell" so the power of true Aura could be free to get out of your body.]

so thats why! ok, so the "shell" prevents the "true Aura" from getting out, in other need to get rid of your "Shell" to harness the power of "True Aura"! thats why the system said that her having Aura ripped away from her will help her in the long run!

Glynda: how could having your soul ripped off, would help you!?

screamed the witch of beacon as she took out Amber from the chamber and used her telekineses to carry her.

the Maiden herself was sleeping so it she could not walk for herself, but to be honest she would probably be too weak to do it herself

(y/n): remember the "groundbreaking news about Aura" i mentioned when Ozpin asked how i was doing? well...prepare yourself because it will sweep you from your feet!

Ozpin who was planning to ask about the discovery that (y/n) made looked at the young crusader and listened very carefully, he didnt want to miss anything (y/n) said.

(y/n): what we call "Aura" is not aura at all! its just a shell that surrounds the "true Aura"! if we manage to get rid of the "shell" and use "true Aura" then we will have the power twice as powerful as the "aura/shell" we are using now!!!

hearing this Glynda and Ozpin had different reactions. Glynda first was stunned but then she made a face full of doubt, not fully believing what (y/n) said to be true.

Ozpin however believed (y/n) the moment the words entered his ears. The young crusader already proved to his a couple of times that he can do Weird thing, Like making the twin gods give him their bloodline, and having a ring of a powerful legendary bird...honestly at this point, doubting what (y/n) says would be simply idiotic.

Ozpin: i see...and how do you unlock this "True Aura"?

Glynda: Ozpin! you couldnt possibly believe what he said to be true, right?

Ozpin: perhaps...

(y/n): wow, didnt expect this level of trust from you Oz, im kinda moved.

said the young crusader as he faked tears and placed a hand on his chest, making Ozpin roll his eyes.

Ozpin: so about the "true Aura" thing.

(y/n): ah, see, im working on a meditation method that can help awaken it, the only problem is that i loose all sense of time, so i can accidentally starve myself to death.

Explained (y/n) making Ozpin take a sip of coffe and let out a hum, trying to find a solution to the problem.

Ozpin: if you stay here i can ask someone to come and "wake you up" every couple of hours so you can eat and go to the toilet.

to be honest its not a bad offer...he just gets to stay here and meditate all day, until someone wakes him up and gives him free food.

(y/n): you son of a bitch im in!

said the young crusader while snapping his finger and making finger guns with both the of his hands.

---time skip brought you by Chibi (y/n) playing Heroes III with Chibi Malinka from helltaker--- (A/N: i still blame you for making me love the game and fandom btw)

meditating is kind of scary...3 weaks...3 WEAKS! had flew by like seconds! honestly if (y/n) had to be honest the time between him meditating and being waken up by someone felt like 2 seconds at best, and not hours!

that does make him wonder though...would he truly starve to death if someone would not wake him up from meditation?...

(y/n): note to self, never meditate alone...

well, good thing news is. HE UNLOCKED HIS TRUE AURA! *insert confetti cannons sounds*

the meditation that he used was simple, it focused on making (y/n) "reach" into his soul, and when he could feel it all he needed to do was to channel his Shell out of his body.

the whole "reach your soul" part was surprisingly quick, but the "channel the Shell out of your body is what took the longest. Probably around 85% of the whole process.

and he got to was worth it! when the "shell" would give you +10 to STR and SPD, +20 to END and 100 to DEF....true aura doubled that amount! God damn! to be honest he is kinda scared to unlock his "spirit", would the stat boost double again if he did!? and not only that, when he will unlock his spirit he will be able to use Fucking HAKI!

its also worth mentioning that when he activates his "true Aura", instead of a force field surrounding his body, there is a flame-like light that sticks very close to his body...Which was bad ass because his Aura was black.

(a/n: i dont remember if i said what color (y/n) aura was but even if, im changing it right now...lets be honest, we are all weebs and gamers, our soul is so black that even Lucifer would be scared...)

well now all he needs to do is write the method from the meditation book into a paper, give it to Ozpin and take credit for it!

it took 1 hour to write everything to the last detail on how to do it right, but when he was done (y/n) immediately teleported to Ozpin office, and fortunately Glynda didnt bind him this time.

(y/n): i have done it! i awaken "true Aura"!

the Headmaster gave (y/n) a look that said "well that was fast", while Glynda was bewildered that (y/n) babbling about their "aura" being just a "shell" of the soul was actually true.

Ozpin: good. how do you unlock it?

(y/n) said nothing and just put the notes on his desk, the method of meditation was written in there.

Ozpin: you want me to send the money into your scroll or to your restaurant in cash?

(y/n): i will get payed for this?

Ozpin: you just discovered something that will without a doubt help humanity, to be honest i wouldnt be surprised if you will be mentioned as a legendary figure in a couple of years.

(y/n): how much money would i make?

Ozpin: around twice as much as the Schnee company.



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