i dont need to hurt you...(another short chap...sorry)

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well, just yesterday (y/n) got a set of devil pieces...well actually they are not "devil pieces" because they are not filled with devil magic, instead they are empty, just like he asked.

from what Sirzech said all he needs to do is to put some of his own energy into it, and BAM he has his own Peerage pieces...yes this is the best name he could think of, dont judge.

true he has Devil DNA from his system but... he didnt really want to use it. Its not because he was a crusader, and cant be a devil by default, after all {the nail} was given to him by God, and {the nail} changed him into a demon after all.

its just that being a Devil seems so...


There are so many different and unique bloodlines! Devils just seems so boring! hell even the Heavenly dragon DNA is more interesting! hmm...maybe he should give that Devil DNA to someone else?

ah, yes i forgot to tell you guys but the DNA he gets from the system, is some sort of liquid in a glass container, literally anyone can use it, not only him

while he was pondering what to do with his Devil DNA he suddenly felt something tugging his leg and when he looked down he saw none other then his pet slime.


(y/n): ...hey buddy want to have a drink?

*literally 1 sec later*

(y/n): you are the second cutest thing i ever saw in my life

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(y/n): you are the second cutest thing i ever saw in my life...with the first being Ruby

after that (y/n) pet slime started to bounce around and soon he started flying, in less then 1 minute The young crusader couldnt see him anymore as he flew beyond the horizon

well...okay then?

anyway, after that was done (y/n) took the box of his Peerage pieces...oh god he needs to think of a new name for these...well going back into the tracks, after he held the box of his Peerage pieces he started to put his magic into them and soon they were all shining a light blue light, with Golden particles floating inside them.

(y/n): okay now i have my own...Crusader pieces? ehh...okay i seriously need to think of a good name...well anyway who is going to be in my team?

the king is for him, thats obvious.

Ruby as Queen if they somehow end up together, thas for sure.

Abel from the SCP universe as his Knight, because he is fucking badass

Archer Emiya as his second knight, because he needs a better life, and he is also a badass

but thats all the people he had in mind for now...well for now lets just settle for these two, he will think on other members later.

[sixth Mission: DIO jr. is in trouble!]

[description: save Gasper]

[Reward: {Vampire mask (from JoJo)}, {time stop (1 sec)}, {you get the permission to shout "MUDA!" after each punch}]

[penalty: {you will get your Ass f*cked}]

(y/n): okay seriously what is that Penalty?!

[that would be "Anal rape" host.]

said the system responding to his host question, in hopes to clear the young crusader non-existent confusion.

---Gasper POV---

Gasper: no, no, no, if i cant see you then you cant hurt me!

cried the young vampire as he hid inside his coffin from the "monster" inside his room. In response the "monster" let out a giggle, soon however it changed into a laugh.

It took a moment for the "monster" to stop, but when he did...there was nothing but silence...Gasper soon saw the wood of the coffin above him bend a little...she...that "monster" was leaning on his coffin.

???: oh sweet child...

said a soft and gentle female voice.

???: I dont need to hurt you, to make you fear me...

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