Abel the son of Adam the first man

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im half drunk, so basically its the best time to start writing! xD

helltaker its a pacifist Doom run! change my mind!


(y/n): so, how is he?

asked the young crusader as he watched Gaper sitting on a couch sofa in the main room of ORC, shaken and scared by whatever happened in his room, when Rias and the rest tried to ask him he would just stay silent or start crying.

Rias: traumatized...VERY traumatized.

(y/n): psychological trauma hmm...i may be able to help with that.

Rias: w-what?

(y/n): but i need to go and grab Kiba first...well i say, that your training is complete, so i may as well go now.

after he said that he gave a mental com ant to his system to teleport him to the SCP universe right to Abel chamber. And with just that, PUFF he was gone.

Rias: w-what? but, how?! he didnt summon a teleportation circle!

---meanwhile in the SCP universe---

hmm...no alarms? well in that case he may as well take the Cube and start fighting his way out of this facility.

okay, maybe i should give some info about Abel from the SCP universe...

so...there is this cube right? and inside that cube there is Abel, once he gets out of that cube he is free to do whatever he wants, and when he dies he returns to the cube and regenerate.

the regeneration time can take from 6 hours to 25 years depending on how much damage he received. the fun fact is that this Cube is confirmed to be 10,000 years old, which is weird because humanity is 200,000 years old and Abel was supposed to be one of the first humans to exist, so either this Abel is a fake one, or Abel was sealed in this cube at some point in his life.

was he cursed? who knows, its just another mystery of the SCP universe...

just a (y/n) was about to put the cube in his pocket space using {requip magic} but it suddenly started to shake and open...hmm...weird, its almost too much plot convenient....its almost like some sort of all powerful deity has decided that Abel should awake right here and right NOW!

(A/N: *cough*)

the young crusader took a couple of steps back and watched as the door of the cube opened and a figure stepped out of it. A slim, Semitic man over twenty-five years old, he had dark hair and grey eyes and 1,96 meters tall, with muscular body.

(A/N: fun fact im as tall as Abel. ALSO im putting a picture below showing how Abel looks)

 ALSO im putting a picture below showing how Abel looks)

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(A/N: i like the pony tail...idk why but Abel is ROCKING the pony tail)

the most disturbing part was the fact that he was wearing a short cloth around his waist instead of pants...

(y/n): first of you should put pants on, second i want you to join my team.

Abel: ...

(y/n): i offer lots of chocolate bars, lots of adventures, many mythological beast to slay, and lots of worthy opponents for you some of them could even be gods.

some of you may not know this but Abel was an EXTREME battle junkie, a proof of that statement was the fact that he was exited as all hell when he was send to battle SPC-682, which is the most OP monster in the history of ever.

So offering Abel lots of EPIC battles was sure a good way to make him consider (y/n) offer...

Abel: i shall not serve someone who is weak, prove yourself first

said the man as he inspected (y/n) with a cold, calculated gaze and summoned a sword made of dark matter...oh, did i forgot to mention? Abel is able to summon swords that are made of non-reflective material, one popular theory is that they are made of dark matter, and a quick {observe} confirmed that theory...

[Dark matter blade- its a blade made out of dark matter, believe me you DONT want to be hit by that...]

(y/n): you want us to fight?

Abel: you dont stand a chance against me.

he wasnt even angry, (y/n) knew that what Abel said was true, and the fact that Abel was able to put on a fight against 682 is more then enough proof

(A/N: type "Abel vs the hard to destroy reptile" on Youtube an it should come up)

Abel: i shall travel with you for now, if i deem you a good warrior i shall take your offer.

not gonna lie, that cold, bone chilling, soul freezing voice that Abel had, made (y/n) feel a chill run down his spine...he started to mentally pray to whoever was listening so he would not fuck this up and make Abel see that he is worthy for him to fallow

(y/n): great! ok, first let me take that cube and we can go.

after that (y/n) used his {requip magic} and put the large black box into his pocket dimension. After seeing his "prison" disappear, Abel raised a Eyebrow but didnt thought much of it.

Abel: now that its done lets get out of here.

and with one swift moment he slashed the sword of dark matter cutting trough the reinforced metal door that was meant to "contain" him and the cube that made Abel "respawn" every time he died.

soon enough from the other side a cry of pain could be heard, apparently Abel just cut down a guard standing on the other side. Honestly (y/n) wanted to teleport back to the DxD and then back to the SCP and then kidnap SCP-999 also know as "the tickle monster".

SCP-999 is able to cure depression and mental trauma by just being near the person suffering from it! he was also planning to use the tickle monster to cure Casca (also known as Guts waifu) from all the trauma that the eclipse caused.

he promised to cure her mind but...(y/n) had no idea how to do that...so he will just teleport to the point in the timeline where Schierke, and Farnese do it for him. After that he will just show up with SCP-999 and use him to make Casca not being scared of Guts, GENIUS PLAN!

okay but focusing on the present here...right now Abel and (y/n) were escaping the "Area 25b" where Abel was being held in. the "Area 25b" was 200 meters below sea level, and filled with guards!

Abel was not holding back, slashing and stabbing the guards killing them without batting an eye, (y/n) on the other hand took out his spear and used the butt of his blade to make all the guard pass out, or shooting them with "stupefy" to knock them out.

it was going okay until...

Radio: WARNING! Abel is escaping! a nuclear warhead will be blown up in 1 minute!


(y/n): okay...you may be immortal but im not, so grab my shoulder and dont ask question when we teleport okay?

Abel didnt question (y/n) and did as he asked, after that (y/n) gave a mental command to get them back to the DxD universe

[are you sure? the money you spend will not be given back.]

ehh...well you cant have everything i guess...

after mentally saying "yes" both (y/n) and Abel disappeared from the SCP universe.

---meanwhile in the DxD universe---

Rias: shhh...its okay...its okay.

said Rias as she was petting Gasper who was sitting on her lap still shaken by what he experienced.

(y/n): hey im back.

she heard and turned her head to (y/n), what she didnt expect however was the presence of a tall Semitic man, covered in red tattoos, a good toned body, wearing nothing except a cloth around his waist.

Seeing the tall, dark and handsome man, Rias blushed a dark red and started drooling.

Rias: ...(dont look at his abs, dont look at his abs, dont look at his abs...)

(y/n): introductions are in order i guess.

he said and pointed at Abel

(y/n): this is Abel the son of Adam the first human

after saying that he pointed at Rias

Rias: that red-head is Rias Gremory, a heiress to a powerful devil clan

the word Devil caught Abel atention but he didnt seemed bothered by Rias presence. hmm...interesting...

(y/n): okay, im going to go grab the cure for Gasper state, and then Kiba, and i will come back ok? while i do that show Abel around, if he gets bored make your brother have a spar with him, believe me he can take it.

and with that said (y/n) vanished once again...

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