(1k word)ADVENTURES OF Y/N PETS! - the pets meet their Rival!

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Writing the pets full tittle is troublesome when they are speaking, so here is some short nicknames I gave them! This is how it's going to look when one of them speaks

The suspicious eye- 👁️

Goat from goat simulator- big G

Prince slime- Bubbles

Eater of worms- gluttony

the suspicious eye, slime Prince, and the Goat from Goat simulator were standing in a triangle formation, and inside that triangle was (y/n) and the eater of worms, his new pet.

(y/n): ......(dont be intimidated.....DONT BE INTIMIDATED!!)

Without saying any coment or letting out any kind of noise, the young crusader sliced his hand and let his black blood fall onto the eater of worms many mouths.

its purple body become black, his big eye, together with many small eyes along his body shined a bright red, and his body became bigger. previously he was the size of a adult man, but now he is the double of that.

all the pets that surounded the duo let out a noise, but  only they themselfs could understand that.

Suspicious Eye/ Prince Slime/ Goat: ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!

if (y/n) would be able to understand them, he would be highly horrified, but since he doesnt he is only confused.

After that little "ceremony" was completed, they waited, as they wanted to see if their father would bless Big G with his blood.

But after a quick inspection of the eater of worms, he nodded his head and left.

Big G: ...father why don't you love me?

👁️: ey, don't worry man, I'm sure father will bless you sooner or later.

Bubbles: blessing or not, you are still our brother. But for now let's celebrate the arrival of our new brother-

Gluttony: I'm a woman!

Bubbles: my apologies! Let's celebrate the arrival of our new sister! LETS CRUSADE IN THE NAME OF OUR FATHER!

👁️/Big G/ Gluttony: VIVA LE PADRE!

With a loud cheer they had been engulfed by a black sphere of magic and teleported to another universe. Who teleported them? Nobody knows ...at least you don't *looks at readers with a smug face*

"Press X to punch the narrator in the face"

Wait wha- *combo +∞*

---timeskip brought you by chibi prince slime awkwardly flirting with SCP 999---

Hell is...a free for all survival game set on impossible difficulty.

Well at least the first ring of hell is.

There is no plant life, and there is no animals, it's always raining, and all the buildings are destroyed, with holes in it and no furniture.

Since there is no food, sinners need to cannibalize other residents of hell. In other words "you look like a snack" doesn't sound like a good thing in here.

It never stops raining, and let me tell you... getting a cold while in hell is a bad idea, so seek shelter.

The rainwater is full of disease, you better boil it before drinking otherwise you are dead.

The first ring is a city. The city of the damned. All types of buildings are in here. If a man build it, it's here...with holes, and fungus on the walls...

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