Smoke moonsugar everyday ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

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Issei: listen, all i am saying is that "its raining man" and "let the bodies hit the floor" is the same song but from a different perspective!

(y/n): and i think it was a mistake adding Moonsugar to that soda.

Issei: bruh, why your talking to the chair?


(Y/n): oh sorry i though that was you

he said while turning around and then started to speak to the bed. However Issei in his stoned state somehow believed that he was the bed so he didnt mind that.

(A/N: dont do drugs kinds :v )

---timeskip brought you by Chibi (y/n) and Chibi Issei crying in the corner because they lost their porn magazine full of THICC thighs.---

(A/N: those guys know there is porn on the internet right?)

hmm...he didnt know what happened last night, but it must have been on hell of a ride, as when they sobered up they woke up in the prison cell. they were both charged with destroying public property, assault, public nudity, and they were banned from McDonalds for stealing 2,586 nuggets...

aparently Issei parents also disowned him yesterday.


(y/n): so do we agree that we are never taking Moonsugar again? (translation: lets do that again sometime)

Issei: yup, never again (translation: sure! lets do it again tonight!)

(A/N: seriously....dont do drugs...)


is this addiction? is he addicted? does he care? no?? okay then lets end this conversation here.

after a little call to sirzech, and a lot of brainwashing later they lives went back to normal...or as normal as they could be, after all Issei has a god slaying power in him, is spiritually linked to a dragon, and (y/n) is a dimension traveling sexy looking motherfucker with magic powers after all.

my point is, Issei parents still love Issei, and all the charges were dropped...thank god.

Sirzech: where and how did you two even managed to do THAT with Olive oil? i didnt even know these parts of the body existed!?

asked the devil king in complete bewilderment, as he was now reading the thing they did last night.

he decided to get a copy to satisfie his curiosity. Something that he decided to thank (y/n) and Issei for as this info will surely help him spice up his Sexy time with Grayfia.

(y/n): dude i have no idea, i was to high to use my brain properly.

Sirzech: well, i guess it is a matter for another time. For now i have another mission for you.

oooh! a mission? he had quite a lot of those in his stay here. The demons invading this DxD universe are becoming bolder and bolder, they dont even try to hide anymore. Sirzech and the rest of the devil kings had the worst time of their lives, as they literally needed to send someone to brainwash people every day, so "normal" humans will not know about the supernatural.

the rest of the supernatural world like Fallen angels, Angels, and other factions from other religions probably had the same problem, but it was not his problem to deal with. The only reason why he was taking missions from Sirzech is because he was getting payed for it!

thats right! you heard me!

MORE MONEY!!!!...and also being allowed into the the Gremory library so he can study DxD magic more deeply.

(y/n): cool, where do i go?

Sirzech: kyoto. The Demonic invasion made the leader of the Yokai faction to ask for help.

damn! things are worst then he imagined! didnt Yasaka had a grudge with the Devils in the canon before Issei showed up and used his Plot armor to make everything better? If he remembered correctly she was mad at the devil faction for killing all the nekomatas that resided in the underworld.

her asking for help only shows how much the situation sucks....for them.

Sirzech: since we tried to fix out relationship with the youkai faction me and the other devil kings of course agreed. Even if those other nobles didnt agreed.

he said while whispering the last part but (y/n) was still able to hear it.

Issei: can i come with you?

asked the red dragon emperor as he had a pleading look on his face.

(y/n): sure.

anwsered the young crusader as he saw no problem with Issei going with him.

(y/n): but dont you have school? the mission may take couple of days.

Issei: nah dont worry, i ditched school a while ago.

the response that Issei gave him Shocked (y/n) and made him think that he heard him wrong. Seeing his bro being confused Issei quickly explained what he meant by that.

Issei: i used the hypnotism that you taught me and then used it on my parents. They believe that i go to school everyday even when i stay at home, and after a not showing up in school for days on end they just kicked me out. wow.

---timeskip brought you by the author yelling at the loading screen for being at 99% for 3 hours---

want to know a funny fact about japan? you can almost everywhere by train. and i mean it, almost (or every, im not 100% sure) city in the country.

well i guess its not that big of a deal. its a small country after all.

right now both (y/n) and Issei were lazing around inside the train, (y/n) was playing a spongebob game on his gameboy, and Issei was watching some videos on YT

to be honest they didnt even noticed when they arrived but at least (y/n) managed to finish the stage he was playing at and Issei managed to watch the random YT video to the end.

as they were walking to the meeting point, where they were would meet with a youkai that will bring them to Yasaka, (y/n) decided to ask Issei something he thought a lot lately.

(y/n): hey Issei.

Issei: hmm?

(y/n): you know how the peerage system works right?

hearing him, issei remembered the explanation that (y/n) gave him in one of their lessons.

Issei: yeah.

(y/n): would you like to be my rook?

Issei: kay.

bruh...he didnt even hesitate!!!

well, at least now he knows for sure that Issei is his Bro. Not many people would agree so easily as he did.

giving him a rook Issei didnt even bothered to make ask any question and just shove it into his chest. Just like that it was done, Issei was now his Rook.


after walking to the meeting point and were just waiting for someone to approach them, and they were also releasing some of their magic to make finding them easier for whoever had to meet them here.

???: um excuse me?

...this voice...cold it be?

???: are you-

(y/n): YES!

was the only thing that the young crusader did after looking at Best Loli of DxD kunou and started giving her head pats making Issei facepalm, the guard with Kunou extremely angry, and Kunou herself shocked/embarrassed.

but he didnt cared about any of that...all he cared about is FLUF!

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