Ozpin is scary ;-;

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a ride on a bullhead is surprisingly cheap...but oh well i guess its normal in a world where they are used as much as a train, or a bus. right now (y/n) was heading to beacon and while sitting inside the bullhead he was trying to figure out how he should start the conversation...

after some time he finally decided to just go with the flow and put on some headphones, so he could listen to some music, he thank god that he reincarnated him with his things from earth. (y/n) didnt want to imagine how he would live without "Linking Park" in his life! dont him wrong, he listened to some music from remnant but nothing as good as "AC/DC", "Sabaton", or even some soundtrack from games in his old world, HAVE YOU HEARD THE SOUNDTRACK OF DOOM ETERNAL??? ITS SIMPLY GOD-LIKE!!!!

right now he was listening to "hell on earth" one of the soundtracks from the said game and he was getting into it!

he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and when he looked up he saw that it was the pilot of the bullhead, he took the headphones off and the pilot simply said

Pilot: we landed.

(y/n): oh. thanks!

he put the headphones on again and exited the flying vehicle not forgetting to bring his backpack where all the mana crystals were

he traveled trough the school grounds right to the direction of the tower because he remembered that Ozpin Office was there. as he reached an elevator that will probably bring him to the headmaster office he pushed the button but to his surprise hear a voice coming trough a little speaker above the button

Ozpin: yes, who is it?

it was the voice of the headmaster...so he is the one that sends the elevator down?? okay, weird but okay...

(y/n): hello, my name is (y/n) and i came to...uh, how should i say this...to give you back something you lost long ago.

there was silence after that, and (y/n) wanted to say something more but he was interrupted when he heard a loud BZZZZ and soon the elevator door opened. he stepped inside it and when the doors closed he felt the elevator go up, the whole journey to the headmaster office took at least 30 seconds which was a LOT! how high is this tower??

when he heard a BING! the door opened and revealed Ozpin office where he was siting behind his desk on that Dick shaped chair of his...seriously, he cant be the only one that thinks the chair looks like a dick right??

well never mind that...(y/n) walked up to his desk and started the conversation

(y/n): hello, as i said before my name is (y/n), just (y/n)...i came here to give you back something more precious then every Lien on this planet.

hearing this the headmaster raised an eyebrow and took a sip of his coffe. he then placed the mug with the coffe on his desk and looked at (y/n) with an unreadable face

Ozpin: and what wold that me Mr.(y/n)?

taking off his backpack and reaching into it he grabbed the first mana crystal that he felt and tossed it to Ozpin, who caught it with ease. however Ozpin grabbed the crystals with a little too much force which resulted in crushing the crystal and absorbing its power

when he felt the power rush trough his arm and into his magic core, he was...stunned...he felt it. the power of 3 fallen starts, the power of fragments, of a massive celestial body fusing with his magic and restoring it...only a part of his magic but, still...

Ozpin: ...Would like some coffe?

(y/n): yes please.

he said while sitting down on the chair in front of Ozpin desk, he looked as the headmaster reached under his desk and brought up a hot mug of coffe, much to (y/n) confusion. does he hold a bunch of hot mugs of coffe under his desk??

the headmaster passed the mug to (y/n) who took it and took a sip of the coffe and was disappointed as he discovered that it was the cheep mix that one could buy in any kind of store, but drank it nonetheless since it would be rude to decline it now

Ozpin: would you be kind enough to explain what that was?

the look that Ozpin was giving (y/n) was something terrifying

(y/n): m-mana crystals, they are an item that expands your magic reserves.

no matter how he tried to mask it, his shaking voice was a clear sign that (y/n) felt a little intimidated by this thousand years old wizard.

Ozpin: where did you get it.

it was not a question...it was a command. the headmaster didnt thought about how benefits the mana crystals could bring...the first thing that came to his mind when he heard (y/n) explanation was how much of a threat the mana crystals can cause, would they fall in the wrong hands.

when Ozpin was waiting for an answer, (y/n) brain was working as fast as it could. he didnt want to reveal his ability to travel trough different dimensions, that was too big of a secret to reveal...maybe in the future when he would have the power and be able to protect himself from anybody that would come after him...but not now.

looking back at the headmaster (y/n) knew that the man in front of him will easily pick up any lie...you are bound to have some skill when you live for as long as him...he needs to play this smart...

(y/n): i made a deal with a friend.

Ozpin: and what is the name of that "friend" of yours?

(y/n): ...i dont know, we parted ways before he could introduce himself, you see i made a deal with him in exchange for those crystals.

Ozpin: what kind of deal?

(y/n): some good quality dust.

hearing (y/n) Ozpin narrowed his eyes, Dust? such powerful items as those Mana crystals were given to him in exchange for Dust?? it was unbelivable but he didnt saw any signs of the boy lying.

Ozpin: would it be possible for me to meet this person?

(y/n): no.

(y/n) declined almost immediately after Ozpin was done talking making the headmaster frown but he still kept his eyes on (y/n)...

Ozpin: how much for the whole bag?

asked the headmaster as he stopped glaring at (y/n) and leaned back into his chair and grabbed his mug of coffe

(y/n): ...(oh my f*cking god, it worked! i swear one more second of him glaring at me and i would start to cry! ;-; )

okay now he needed to think of the value...he didnt have any idea on how much magic would cost...f*ck it lets just put and insane number

(y/n): 10,000,000,000 Lien.

Ozpin: only that?

(y/n): (thats still to low???) i want also a crate of gravity dust and hard light dust.

and then an idea came to (y/n)! Ozpin was a wizard right?? a legendary wizard to be exact...he could use him!

(y/n): and i want you to teach me magic...

who could be a better teacher then a legendary wizard himself?? if Ozpin will accept then he will have an expert to explain how magic works for him! and it will also put Ozpin at ease because as his teacher he will be near him and will have better means to observe him!

Ozpin: fine, i accept

(y/n): i have a restaurant in Vale, come to me every Sunday. as for the address, i will send it to you trough my scroll

he said as he took out a "scroll" a more futuristic version of an iPhone that people use here for literally everything. even as keys to their house...

Ozpin and (y/n) exchanged numbers and before (y/n) could enter the elevator and go back home Ozpin spoke up and said

Ozpin: the crate of dust will be there in 2 days, as for the money...i will not be able to pay you the whole number right away so i will do it gradually 10,000 lien i mount, is that acceptable?

(y/n): as long as the crates with dust will come before Friday then, yes.

with that out of the way (y/n) exited the headmaster office got on the first bullhead that was going to vale and let out the air that he didnt even realize he was holding...that talk with Ozpin took a loot from him...

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